
Lee Jae-myung, the leader of South Korea's largest opposition party, was attacked: A man with a 30-centimeter long knife rushed up

author:Sugar Candy Shengxin Baby 1

Lee Jae-myung, the leader of South Korea's largest opposition party, was attacked: A man with a 30-centimeter knife rushed up and stabbed him in the neck

Lee Jae-myung, the leader of South Korea's largest opposition party, was attacked: A man with a 30-centimeter long knife rushed up

According to the South Korean media "Chosun Ilbo", on the morning of January 2, local time, Lee Jae-myung, the leader of South Korea's largest opposition party, was attacked while attending an event in Busan, South Korea. According to the report, the incident was shocking and also sparked widespread public concern about security issues.

Lee Jae-myung, the leader of South Korea's largest opposition party, was attacked: A man with a 30-centimeter long knife rushed up

At the scene of the event, Lee Jae-myung had just finished answering reporters' questions and was about to leave in the car when a man suddenly rushed over, holding a 30-centimeter-long knife in his hand, and stabbed Lee Jae-myung in the neck. The crowd around them was stunned by this sudden situation and let out a scream of surprise. At this moment, people thought it was a thrilling chase scene in the movie, but in fact, it was a scene that happened in real life.

Lee Jae-myung, the leader of South Korea's largest opposition party, was attacked: A man with a 30-centimeter long knife rushed up

It is understood that the man's tool for committing the crime was a sharp long knife, and he used this weapon to stab Lee Jae-myung in the neck without warning. The people around screamed in horror, and the scene was very chaotic. In the panic of the crowd, Lee Jae-myung fell to the ground on the spot after being stabbed, and his shirt was stained red with blood. The people around him are trying to protect themselves while also trying to help Lee Jae-myung. Fortunately, with the quick response of the police, the suspect has been arrested by the police on the spot.

Lee Jae-myung was then rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment. At the moment, we don't know the extent of Lee's injury, but what is certain is that the incident caused him a lot of psychological and physical stress. We hope that he can recover as soon as possible, and at the same time, we also hope that the police can find out the truth of the incident as soon as possible and give an explanation to the public.

The occurrence of this incident has undoubtedly brought a huge impact to South Korean society. The attack on the leader of the opposition party is not only a threat to personal security, but also a challenge to the political environment. We hope that the South Korean government will strengthen security measures to protect the personal safety of citizens, and at the same time, we hope that the public will remain calm, not believe rumors, and let society settle down.

South Korea is a country with a complex political environment and prominent social contradictions. In recent years, the political situation has been turbulent and social contradictions have become increasingly acute. Against this backdrop, public awareness of safety issues is increasing. And incidents like the attack on Lee Jae-myung have raised public concerns about political and personal safety.

The occurrence of this incident will undoubtedly have a certain impact on the political pattern of South Korea. We hope that the relevant departments will conduct an in-depth investigation into this matter and find out the truth and details of the incident. At the same time, we also appeal to the public to remain rational and calm, and not to be swayed by emotions and bring unnecessary pressure to social stability.


This incident reminds us once again that personal safety is an issue that should be a concern for each of us. We call on the whole society to work together to strengthen security measures and protect the personal safety of citizens. At the same time, we must also remain calm and rational, not be swayed by emotions, and let social stability become our common responsibility and mission.

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