
Two large bags of used clothes were sold for 60 yuan, and I found that the buyer's life was not easy, so I decided to give her away

author:Aunt Bale
Two large bags of used clothes were sold for 60 yuan, and I found that the buyer's life was not easy, so I decided to give her away

My name is Lin Yalin, and one weekend, I was sorting through the old clothes piled up at home, and I suddenly thought that I could sell some of them.

I posted about selling clothes on the Internet, and not long after, I was contacted by a woman named Wang Jiayi, who was interested in my used clothes. We made an appointment to meet at a café.

I packed two large bags of old clothes into a bag and came to the café in a good mood. Wang Jiayi was dressed plainly and looked a little tired. Let's start trading.

"How much are you going to sell these clothes?" asked Wang Jiayi.

"I want to sell it for $80. "I'll be honest.

"80 yuan? It's a bit expensive, I can only pay 60 yuan. Wang Jiayi asked with some embarrassment.

Two large bags of used clothes were sold for 60 yuan, and I found that the buyer's life was not easy, so I decided to give her away

I hesitated, but the old clothes weren't that important to me, and I finally agreed to her price. We exchanged goods and money, and it was time to say goodbye.

However, when we were about to separate, I found that Wang Jiayi only had a few coins left in her hand. A strange feeling welled up in my heart.

"You...... Is life okay?" I asked tentatively.

She was slightly stunned, then forced to smile. "It's okay, thank you for your concern. ”

I saw the exhaustion in her eyes and felt it was my responsibility to do more. I decided to give her these clothes.

"These clothes are for you. I said firmly.

"What? No, no, no, I can't afford to pay that much. She waved her hand anxiously.

Two large bags of used clothes were sold for 60 yuan, and I found that the buyer's life was not easy, so I decided to give her away

"I'm for you. I insisted. "I sense you might need them. Hope it helps. ”

Wang Jiayi's eyes flashed with gratitude and tears. "You...... Would you really like to give it to me?" she asked, trembling.

"Of course. I smiled and nodded.

Wang Jiayi silently took the clothes, and tears welled up in her eyes. After we said goodbye, I left the café.

When I returned home, I did not regret it, on the contrary, I felt an inexplicable satisfaction in my heart.

I thought of Wang Jiayi, and her flattered expression made me feel like I had done the right thing.

A few days later, I received a message from Jiayi Wang.

She wrote: "Dear Lin Yalin, you have no idea how much your kind deeds have helped me. These clothes make me feel warm and comforted, and I want to say thank you to thank you. ”

After reading this message, the corners of my eyes couldn't help but moisten. This incident made me deeply realize that sometimes, a small act of kindness can make a huge difference in someone's life.

Two large bags of used clothes were sold for 60 yuan, and I found that the buyer's life was not easy, so I decided to give her away

Since then, I have become more concerned about the needs of the people around me and try to use my modest strength to help others.

The experience of that day made me realize that warmth and kindness can be transmitted, and that kindness can blossom into beautiful flowers in the hearts of others.

On that spring-breezy afternoon, I hurried through the bustling streets.

Suddenly, a thin man, in ragged clothes, walked towards me. His name is Zhang Hao, and he is a homeless man in this neighborhood.

"Miss, can you give a little?" his voice was hoarse and deep.

I stopped, looked at his tired face, and felt a wave of sympathy in my heart.

Although I have been deceived, I still want to believe in kindness.

"Wait, I can help you. "I took some food and some money out of my bag and handed it to him.

Two large bags of used clothes were sold for 60 yuan, and I found that the buyer's life was not easy, so I decided to give her away

"Thank you, thank you!" he took gratefully.

I smiled and turned to leave, only to feel a force grab my arm.

"Can you give me some money? Zhang Hao's tone suddenly became tough.

I was stunned, and for a moment, a trace of fear welled up in my heart. I tried to explain, "I'm sorry, that's all I can give now." ”

His eyes suddenly became cold, and his tone became aggressive: "Aren't you kind enough to help me? Now even if you don't give me money, at least I can give me more food!"

My mood began to get uneasy and I tried to calm myself. "That's all I can give you, I'm sorry. ”

"You are such a selfish woman!" Zhang Hao's voice became sharper, "Do you think that you can wash away your sins by giving me this little thing?

Two large bags of used clothes were sold for 60 yuan, and I found that the buyer's life was not easy, so I decided to give her away

It was as if my heart had stopped beating, and the scene in front of me began to blur. I couldn't believe he would say that, I just wanted to help him and I was cursed like this.

"I'm sorry. I trembled and said, "I just want to help you." ”

"Help?" he sneered, "you don't deserve to say that! ”

At that moment, I felt a deep sense of loss and despair. I can't understand why my kindness was being treated like this. I hurried away, tears blurring my eyes.

Back home, I was immersed in self-blame and confusion. The words of the homeless man kept echoing in my head. I tried to clear my mind, but the pain in my heart was hard to get rid of.

A few days later, I was walking down the familiar street again. Suddenly, I saw Zhang Hao, who was sitting on the side of the road, holding an old book, looking a little decadent.

Two large bags of used clothes were sold for 60 yuan, and I found that the buyer's life was not easy, so I decided to give her away

"Zhang Hao, you ......" I tried to speak.

He looked up, a little apologetic in his eyes. "I'm sorry, I was too impulsive that day. ”

"No, no need to say sorry. "I was a little surprised.

He was silent for a moment, and then said, "I'm not actually because you don't give enough, but because of my own helplessness and despair. ”

"Do you need help?" I asked cautiously.

He nodded, "Perhaps...... I need a little help. ”

I pulled a chair over and sat next to him, "Tell me and I'll do my best to help you." ”

He began to tell his own story, a story of a man who once had a dream, but ended up on the streets because of accidents and hardships. My heart was filled with compassion and understanding.

Two large bags of used clothes were sold for 60 yuan, and I found that the buyer's life was not easy, so I decided to give her away

"I'm willing to help you get a fresh start. I said to him solemnly.

At that moment, I saw the hope and gratitude that flashed in his eyes. We made a plan together and I did my best to support and help.

Since that day, Zhang Hao and I have become friends. He also gradually regained the courage and purpose of life. This experience made me understand that even with conflicts and twists and turns, kindness and help are still worth persevering and giving.

Sometimes, we need to be more understanding and patient, because kindness is not always rewarded immediately, but it is still a source of warmth and change.

That day, I was walking on a familiar street. Suddenly, my head was dizzy, my surroundings began to blur, and I struggled to find support, but my steps became extremely heavy.

Two large bags of used clothes were sold for 60 yuan, and I found that the buyer's life was not easy, so I decided to give her away

"This ...... I gritted my teeth and persevered, but my feet became more and more unstable, and eventually I couldn't support myself and fell to the ground hard.

Pedestrians on the street looked at me, but no one dared to come forward to help. I was confused, unable to speak, and could only struggle to stand up, but my body would not listen.

At that moment, I heard a familiar voice. "What's wrong, someone hurry up and help her!" was Zhang Hao's voice.

He did his best to pick me up and support me to my feet. The crowd in the street was still looking at us, but no one wanted to come and help.

"You...... Are you alright?" asked Zhang Hao anxiously, his eyes full of worry.

I shook my head, unable to speak. My head was still violently dizzy, and my body was extremely weak.

"Hurry up, let's go to the hospital!" he didn't care about anything else, but insisted on helping me to walk in the direction of the nearest hospital.

At the entrance of the hospital, I was already in a coma, but Zhang Hao firmly sent me to the emergency room. The paramedics picked me up and started emergency treatment.

Two large bags of used clothes were sold for 60 yuan, and I found that the buyer's life was not easy, so I decided to give her away

"How is she? Is she okay?" asked Zhang Hao anxiously.

"We'll do our best to treat it. The doctor said with a solemn face, "You can wait outside first." ”

I was rushed to the operating room. In my coma, my consciousness began to vaguely recall what had just happened.

I am grateful to think of Zhang Hao, who was the only one who reached out and the others chose to stand by and watch.

A few hours later, I finally woke up and found myself in a hospital bed. Zhang Hao is next to the bed and has been staying here.

"You're awake!" he looked at me with concern, "are you alright?" the doctor said you need to get some rest. ”

I struggled to open my eyes and nodded slightly. I tried to say something, but found my voice a little hoarse.

"Don't talk, just rest. He gently stroked my hand, "Don't worry, I'll always be here." ”

Two large bags of used clothes were sold for 60 yuan, and I found that the buyer's life was not easy, so I decided to give her away

I looked at him gratefully, my heart filled with gratitude and guilt. I didn't expect that when I needed help the most, I would be ignored by the people around me, and only Zhang Hao reached out to help.

"Thank you, Zhang Hao. I said with difficulty, tears in my eyes.

He shook his head, "No thanks, just a little bit of my responsibility." ”

At that moment, I understood that kindness is not just about being rewarded, but because of the sincerity and kindness of the heart.

In the most difficult moments, we can see who is truly trustworthy and dependable. Zhang Hao's kind deeds have taught me that kindness and help between people should be mutual and unconditional.

I promised myself that no matter what the future holds, I would remember this kindness and pass it on.

After I recovered, I did a lot of volunteer work for the community with Zhang Hao and formed a deep friendship. Every help in life is so precious, and it also makes me know how to respect and be grateful.

In this story, my parents were always family-oriented, and they were always strict but caring to me. However, for how often I help strangers, they always show concern and confusion.

Two large bags of used clothes were sold for 60 yuan, and I found that the buyer's life was not easy, so I decided to give her away

"Mom, Dad, I just want to help people in need. "I tried to explain it to them.

"But you don't know these people, you may be deceived!" "Mom's tone was full of worry, "There are too many liars in society now, and we are just worried about your safety." ”

"yes, why are you always so naïve?" Dad's voice was slightly reproachful, "The world is not as simple as you think. ”

I tried hard to get them to understand, but they always felt that I was not cautious enough and would even be taken advantage of. Every time I mentioned that I had helped others, they were unimpressed, even a little reproachful.

However, this time, when I collapsed on the street and fainted, no one was willing to lend a hand, only Zhang Hao helped me, which made me more determined to be kind and helpful.

When I told my parents about what had happened, they were even more worried.

Two large bags of used clothes were sold for 60 yuan, and I found that the buyer's life was not easy, so I decided to give her away

"Look, that's what we're talking about, do you think everybody is as kind as you?" said the father, looking a little angry.

"But Zhang Hao is a good person, he helped me!" I tried my best to defend Zhang Hao.

"Anyway, we don't want you to venture again. Mom's tone was firm, "We're here for your good." ”

I understand that they care about me, but I also don't want to give up my insistence on good intentions. This contradiction bothered me and made me feel helpless.

As the days passed, I continued to volunteer in the community, but I began to hide from home. I don't want them to worry, but I also don't want to give up on what I believe in my heart. This concealment filled my heart with contradictions and guilt.

Until one day, my parents suddenly found out about the volunteer work I had been doing. "You lied to us!" Mom's voice was filled with disappointment and anger, "You're still doing this behind our backs." ”

"It's not that we don't understand you, but you can't always take risks like this!" the father also looked a little angry.

Two large bags of used clothes were sold for 60 yuan, and I found that the buyer's life was not easy, so I decided to give her away

I tried to explain, "I just want to help people, I know you're worried, but I feel like that's what I'm supposed to do." ”

"But you know we don't agree!" said Mom, with tears in her eyes, "don't let us down again." ”

I couldn't explain, tears blurred my eyes. I didn't mean to deceive them, but I couldn't erase the goodness in my heart either.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Zhang Hao stood outside the door, he heard about my predicament and came here on purpose. He begged his parents to give me a chance to keep doing what I thought was right.

"I'm sorry, we can't agree. "My father was resolute.

"But she's really a good person, she's helping people. Zhang Hao's voice was full of sincerity, "Her kindness deserves respect and support." ”

This sudden conversation surprised and unnerved me. I don't want Zhang Hao to fall into an embarrassing situation, and I don't want him to be blamed by my parents for me.

"Thank you, but you don't have to intercede for me. "I try to keep my tone as calm as possible.

"No, I must say. Zhang Hao said firmly, "She is a kind person, and I have witnessed her helping others." ”

Two large bags of used clothes were sold for 60 yuan, and I found that the buyer's life was not easy, so I decided to give her away

The parents' expressions softened, and they were silent for a while, as if thinking about something.

Eventually, the father sighed deeply, "We may not fully understand your thoughts, but we believe in you." If you insist that this is the right thing, we will support you. ”

Mom nodded silently, her eyes full of helplessness and worry.

This time, although it was not fully recognized, I was relieved. I know that my parents' worries are out of concern for me, and Zhang Hao's support makes me feel warm.

Two large bags of used clothes were sold for 60 yuan, and I found that the buyer's life was not easy, so I decided to give her away

In the midst of family conflicts, I have strengthened my beliefs, and at the same time, I have realized that understanding and communication are the keys to resolving conflicts.

I am determined to prove myself with practical actions and show them the true meaning of kindness and help.

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