
The stabbing of the leader of the opposition party in South Korea The whole story and its impact

author:Wang Dazhu loves to eat peaks
The stabbing of the leader of the opposition party in South Korea The whole story and its impact

Lee Jae-myung, the leader of South Korea's largest opposition party, was attacked by a man with a knife while attending an event in Busan on the morning of January 2, causing a neck injury. The incident shook South Korean politics and affected Lee's presidential campaign. The following is a detailed history of the incident and subsequent developments.

The stabbing of the leader of the opposition party in South Korea The whole story and its impact

The event passed

According to the Chosun Ilbo, at around 11 p.m. local time, Lee Jae-myung ended a press conference at a hotel in Jung-gu, Busan, and prepared to leave by car. At that moment, a 70-year-old man wearing a blue paper crown burst out of the crowd and stabbed Lee Jae-myung in the neck. Lee Jae-myung fell to the ground on the spot, bleeding profusely. He was then taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital for treatment.

The stabbing of the leader of the opposition party in South Korea The whole story and its impact

The police immediately arrested the attacker and searched for his tool of the crime, a 30-centimeter-long knife. According to the police investigation, the man's surname is Kim and he is a citizen of Busan. In order to get close to Lee Jae-myung, he asked him for an autograph. Kim confessed to his actions and said he was "against Lee Jae-myung."

Lee Jae-myung situation

After Lee Jae-myung was taken to the hospital, he underwent suture surgery. According to the doctor, Lee Jae-myung had a wound about 1 cm long on the left side of his neck, but it did not hurt the artery and trachea, but fortunately it was not life-threatening. After the surgery, Lee Jae-myung regained consciousness and expressed his gratitude to his supporters.

The stabbing of the leader of the opposition party in South Korea The whole story and its impact

Due to the attack, Lee Jae-myung's planned visit to former South Korean President Moon Jae-in on the same day was cancelled. It is reported that Moon Jae-in has expressed his condolences to Lee Jae-myung and condemned the violence. Lee's campaign also announced the suspension of all campaign activities and called on the police to thoroughly investigate the incident.

Event impact

This incident has had a huge impact on South Korean politics and society. South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol, former President Moon Jae-in, ruling and opposition parties, and people from all walks of life have issued statements condemning the violence and wishing Lee Jae-ming a speedy recovery.

In addition, the incident also had an impact on Lee Jae-myung's presidential campaign. Lee Jae-myung is currently the leader of South Korea's largest opposition party, the People's Power Party, and one of the party's presidential candidates. He was supported by conservative voters with his hardline anti-government stance and pro-American and pro-Japanese foreign policy. According to the latest polls, there is not much difference between his approval rating and that of the ruling party's presidential candidate, former Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon.

Some analysts believe that the attack may boost Lee's sympathy votes and popularity, thereby increasing his competitiveness. However, there are also opinions that the attack may exacerbate the antagonism and division of South Korean society, thereby affecting the rational judgment of voters.

In short, this incident is a serious violent crime that should be severely punished by law. At the same time, we also hope that the Korean society will maintain peace and stability and avoid further conflicts and strife.

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