
Lu Zhangliu: The current problems and countermeasures in the construction of new countryside

author:The headline of Kunlunce Research Institute
Lu Zhangliu: The current problems and countermeasures in the construction of new countryside
【Abstract】Combined with the current situation of the problems existing in the construction of the new countryside in Pingguo City, this paper analyzes and summarizes the problems faced by Pingguo City in the process of promoting rural revitalization, such as labor shortage, difficulty for left-behind children to go to school, gradual decline of family pension, increase of bachelors, heavy debts of human affection, food waste, etc., and proposes to cultivate industries suitable for rural areas, increase jobs, retain village primary schools, regain traditional family-style pension, ensure the safety and sanitation of rural drinking water, advocate changing customs and customs, and simplify red and white ceremonies. Advocate comprehensive rural governance countermeasures and suggestions such as saving glory, eliminate obstacle factors, and comprehensively promote rural revitalization.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed that "we should comprehensively promote rural revitalization, adhere to the priority development of agriculture and rural areas, and accelerate the construction of an agricultural power". General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that the most arduous and onerous task of comprehensively building a modern socialist country and solidly promoting common prosperity is still in the rural areas, and the gap between urban and rural areas must be gradually narrowed. These important expositions have pointed out the direction of progress and provided theoretical guidance for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and accelerating the construction of an agricultural power. In recent years, guided by Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, Pingguo City has conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and the Baise Municipal Party Committee, and strived to create a new situation of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, in accordance with the idea of "accelerating the construction of a strong agricultural city, making every effort to build a harmonious and beautiful countryside, and striving to create a new benchmark for rural revitalization in the county", taking the construction of "common prosperity and sharing of common beauty Pingguo" as the starting point, comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, and striving to open up a new situation of building Pingguo in a magnificent Guangxi in the new era.

First, the current situation and existing problems

The construction of new countryside is the main carrier of rural revitalization, and the construction of harmonious villages is the only way to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and comprehensively promote rural revitalization. In recent years, Pingguo City has achieved certain results in the process of promoting rural governance, and the countryside has taken on a new look, presenting a beautiful scene of rural civilization, rural prosperity and rural harmony. However, in practice, there are still some factors and new problems restricting rural development. It is mainly manifested in the fact that many villagers have moved to the city to live or go out to work, and there are signs of neglect and depression in the villages, as well as practical problems such as labor shortage, difficulty for children in some remote mountain villages to go to school, the gradual decline of rural family pensions, the increase in the number of bachelors, the safety of drinking water, the heavy debts of human affection, the large-scale operation of red and white ceremonies, and extravagance and waste.

1. The countryside is showing signs of neglect and depression. After nearly 10 years of poverty alleviation, all the rural poor people in Pingguo City have been lifted out of poverty and embarked on the road of common prosperity, the living standards of rural residents have improved year by year, and rural construction has shown a prosperous and beautiful scene. However, urbanization has penetrated into the villages, and the trend of rural withering has gradually progressed with the pace of the times. The phenomenon of decreasing the permanent population in rural areas is generally declining year by year in the villages of Bangwei Town, and there are obvious signs of depression and neglect in the villages. For example, Zitang Village Bureau next to Tun Yuan is a beautiful natural tun, the whole tun lives 10 households, there is flowing water in front, there is a backing mountain in the back, the foot of the mountain is shady with green trees, the land in front of the tun is fertile, and the residents live a rich life. Now the whole Tun family into the city to buy a house to live, the Tun is empty, quiet, two rows of neat reinforced concrete houses are all locked and closed, the grass and trees around the world grow wantonly, submerge into the Tun cement road, the foot of the mountain from time to time comes out of the low sound of birds and beasts, the rainy day into the Tun is a bit of a bleak and bitter feeling. Every Spring Festival, Qingming Festival or important holidays, people come back from the city to gather together, and the next day they go their separate ways. The same is true for other villages, most of them have gone out or moved to live in towns, and those who enter the tun are all lonely old people and left-behind children, and most of the houses are guarded by iron generals. For example, 96 of the 158 houses in Tangtun have been closed for a long time, and the vacancy rate has reached more than 60 percent. The population of Quantun is 569 people, and the permanent population is about 100 people.

2. Labor shortage. The lack of labor is one of the reasons restricting the high-quality development of agricultural production. There is a lack of jobs in the rural areas, and the cultural living environment in the rural areas is obviously not as superior as that in the towns, which cannot satisfy the young people's aspirations and pursuits for a new life. There is a shortage of labor in the rural areas, the industry cannot develop, and even the fields contracted by their own families are taken care of by the elderly, and the fields are only farmed for food rations, and the results are low. Some peasant households use their fields to plant fruit trees "once and for all", or even abandon their land, restricting food production. Some peasant households are reluctant to completely abandon their fields, so they can only go out to work in the fields and return to the fields when they are busy with farming, running at both ends all the year round, intermittently, and as a result, the part-time work is unstable and the farmland is not highly profitable. A bad cycle of lack of jobs, youth going out, lack of labor, failure of industrial development, and lack of jobs has been formed.

3. Left-behind children cannot go to school nearby. In recent years, Pingguo City has aimed to improve the quality of teaching, implemented the mode of concentrating superior teachers to run schools, and merged primary and secondary schools in the city, and all junior high schools and above were merged into the county seats, and the primary schools in each village were abolished to be concentrated in the township location. This adds to the practical problems of a small number of families who lack the ability to take their children to school, as well as the children of rural households in remote villages who cannot afford to buy real estate in cities and towns. For example, more than 10 natural villages such as Liuli, Longwang and Ankun villages in Bangwei Town are as far away as 20 or 30 miles away from the seat of the town government, and the surrounding villages such as Fuji, Chang'an, Chunde, Changxing, Baiji, and Zitang are also more than 10 or 20 miles. Families who cannot afford to buy a house in the cities and towns and who do not have an elderly person to accompany their children to school have become a major problem. For example, even if it is more than 10 miles away from the Bangwei Central Primary School, there are still seven or eight households and more than 10 children in the whole Tun who still stay in their hometown to go to school, and those who go to kindergarten must be picked up one-on-one, and the first to third grades are also picked up, and the fourth to sixth grades are barely taking care of themselves to live in school. According to the survey, few of the elderly in these families can drive electric motorcycles or tricycles, and there is a lack of bus lines in the countryside, so they must be picked up and dropped off by labor, which is a lot of lost working hours. The same problem exists in other villages, with about 20% of the schoolers staying behind in the villages attending school.

In addition, after the merger, some of them couldn't wait to convert the school site to other uses. For example, Bangwei Middle School began to run at the end of the Qing Dynasty, which was originally a famous school with a long history in Pingguo City, and has cultivated a lot of talents for the country for decades. Before the reform and opening up, the county's major teams (now the village department) have run a brigade central primary school and attached middle school, a large natural tun or a remote natural tun has a primary school (one to three grades), and also from the urban primary and secondary schools to support rural teaching, some teachers in rural primary and secondary schools directly to retire, rural children can not only go to school nearby, but also enjoy the backbone of the teacher to bring a new teaching model. Relatively speaking, this kind of school has a certain reference significance.

4. Emergence of rural ageing. Since the early 80s of the last century, the mainland has implemented a one-child family planning policy. Family planning was the basic national policy at that time. Since then, the rural population has gradually decreased. There is a certain difference between the implementation of the family planning policy in rural areas and that of urban household registration, that is, if the first child in a rural household registration is a man, only one child can be born; if the first child is a girl, a second child can be born after an interval of four years. The urban hukou is one-size-fits-all, and only one child can be born (ethnic minorities other than the Zhuang can have a second child). In other words, the first generation of only children in rural areas are now over forty or fifty years old, and their parents have also entered the aging stage of sixty or seventy years old. Because there are few children, the traditional family gets along with each other and the friendly pension model is gradually declining, in order to live the children have to go out to work to earn money to make a living, the parents are old and there is no one to take care of them, and there is no sound centralized pension institution in the countryside, the elderly can only take care of themselves at home, and the life in old age is a bit bleak, some daily life such as dressing and cooking are inadequate, some are sick and can not be hospitalized in time, some are paralyzed in bed and find someone to care for them are difficult, and even there are very few cases of "self-destruction". In particular, there is a phenomenon of thin care and thick burial in some places, and the elderly do not receive due care in their later years, but after death, they compare with each other, and spend a lot of money to invite the Taoist to engage in pomp, which makes people feel chilled.

5. The number of surplus men in rural areas is increasing year by year, which has caused hidden worries about social stability. In the 40 years since the implementation of the one-child policy in the early 80s of the 20th century, the mainland has led to an imbalance in the gender ratio between men and women, which is one of the main reasons for the increase in the number of surplus men. Among the young people in rural areas, there are more men than women, heavy bride prices, and women flying away from home are the common phenomena of marriage and childbirth in rural areas. According to statistics, there are 156 young people aged 20-35 in Tangutun, of which 97 are men and 59 are women, 49 men are unmarried, more than 50 percent, and 12 are unmarried, accounting for about 20 percent. Due to historical reasons and the limitations of their own economic conditions, and the fact that rural girls are not willing to stay in relatively backward rural areas, most girls do not return to the countryside after graduating from school. Originally, young women in rural areas were scarce, and with the large flow of modern population, rural girls have become even more expensive, and boys can only "look at the wild geese flying in the south", and the number of bachelors is increasing year by year. In addition, the weight of the bride price is also manifested on the remaining men. In the past, the population movement was small, the transportation was not developed, and most marriages were settled in the township, and the marriages outside the township were regarded as distant relatives. At that time, the bride price was also simple, generally bedding, and the dowry of the wealthy was at most three major items (clothes, bicycles and watches). Nowadays, the large population movement and convenient transportation have added an extremely disadvantageous factor to the search for a spouse for rural boys, and it can even be said that it is even more difficult. Due to the scarcity of young women, they have a great initiative in marriage, and from the beginning of the first contact with marriage and love, the first condition of the woman is to find out whether the man has a house in the town (referring to the county seat or above) and whether he has purchased a luxury car. Under normal circumstances, only the bride price is less than 50,000 or 60,000 yuan, and more than 100,000 yuan. In order to buy a decent wedding for their children, some peasant households do not hesitate to borrow money to organize it, and they become debtors after marriage. In addition, most of the remaining men in rural areas have low cultural quality, generally more Chinese at the beginning and less Chinese at the high level, families without industrial support, and economic recession. These are the practical problems faced by leftover men.

6. Heavy debts. The rural areas are typical acquaintance societies, with traditional ethnic customs and Xi of valuing affection and righteousness, especially in the areas where the Zhuang nationality live, where there are close and frequent contacts between people, and all people in the whole village must be dispatched when there is a red and white happy event, and those who work in other places must rush back. Weddings, housewarming, full moons, birthdays, funerals and other ceremonial events in rural areas pay great attention to rituals and performances, which are not only time-consuming and costly, but also multiply a lot of human debts. Before the reform and opening up, the procedures for handling red and white ceremonies in rural areas were very simple, fast and effective, without pressure, and people's hearts were comfortable. For example, at a wedding banquet, each family of relatives and friends takes seven or eight catties of rice, or three or five yuan, and everyone gets together to cook and eat and set the table, and warmly welcome the bride and groom. With the continuous improvement of rural life, the situation is very different, red and white ceremonies with the gift of the boat rising year by year, from dozens of yuan to 100 yuan, to today's five or six hundred yuan start, thousands of yuan is considered a common feeling, two or three thousand yuan to the point of face. In the rural areas, a kind of custom has been formed, and happy events are invited, and white things come spontaneously; happy events can not be received by people, and white things must be received by people. In this way, holding a funeral has become a dispatch of the whole village, and the more people there are, the bigger the face (the host's family) is, eighty or ninety tables are few, and hundreds of tables are the norm, and they are expanded. According to rough statistics, in rural areas, there are eight or nine times a year when a household encounters weddings, housewarming, full moons, birthdays, funerals, and other red and white ceremonies, and there are more than ten or twenty times, and each time the favor fee is hundreds or thousands, and the annual household cost is tens of thousands of yuan, which is a large expense. In addition to personal debts, there are also heavy expenses. For example, if you want to hold a wedding, in addition to borrowing money to buy a house and a car, the man also has to raise a bride price of more than 100,000 or 200,000 yuan. For another example, the cost of holding a funeral exceeds 10,000 yuan. The cost of asking for the Taoist alone is staggering. From 17 o'clock in Cairo on the same day, to 9 o'clock the next day, counting two working days, each person has a daily work value of 300 yuan, adding 200 yuan to the head of the road, and other expenses such as paper, send-off and other expenses of 500 yuan, a total of 7900 yuan (12X300X2 + 200 + 500). Most of the elderly in rural areas live a dull life, and even a few do not receive the minimum human care, but after the death of the grand funeral is all enjoyed, knowing that it is for the living, but regardless of the difference between the rich and the poor, the debt has to be held in a high-profile manner. It's a bit sad to think about.

7. Food waste is severe. The food waste mentioned here mainly refers to the waste of rural dietary consumption and food storage (waste in production, processing, transportation and other links), also known as food waste. Now that life is better, and today's young people have not experienced the experience of the underfed era, people's demand for food is not as strong as the hunger era, so they are indifferent to food waste. This section focuses on food waste in rural potlucks and food storage. Rural weddings, housewarming, full moon, birthdays, further education, funerals and other banquets, except for the wedding is an invitation, the others are voluntary and take the initiative to participate, which brings great uncertainty to the amount of customized meals. However, rural people pay attention to face, and seek to "take the lead" in doing things, preferring more than less, resulting in great waste. In the past, every farmer family had the Xi of raising pigs and chickens, and leftovers could be used to feed pigs and chickens, but now few people raise pigs, chickens, ducks and geese, and leftovers are directly discarded, which is a big waste. Second, the food rations stored by the farmers were all stored in the corners of the houses or on the roofs of buildings, and no storage was established. In the past, there was a shortage of grain, and the peasant households cherished the grain very much, and every household had set up a wooden cabinet or a large iron bucket to store the grain, so as to minimize the loss and waste of food, and now the food and clothing are not worried, but they do not pay attention to the food, or for the sake of beauty and good looks, the peasant households rarely build a special granary when building a house, and the recovered grain is placed in the corner of the house or on the roof at will, allowing rats, insects, and livestock to be harmed, and some are eroded by the wind and fog and deteriorate, and the loss and waste are serious.

2. Countermeasures and suggestions

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Common prosperity is the essential requirement of socialism and an important feature of the modern Chinese era. This important exposition points out the direction and theoretical guidance for the construction of a new countryside of "common beauty, common prosperity and sharing". In the great practice of promoting the construction of Hemei countryside, farmers are the main force of rural revitalization, and only by fully mobilizing the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of farmers to participate in rural revitalization, giving full play to the main role of farmers, and eliminating various obstacles, can rural revitalization be pushed to the right track of effective governance. Industrial revitalization is an inevitable requirement for rural revitalization, in the process of promoting the integration of rural primary, secondary and tertiary industries, while strengthening the optimization and adjustment of the industrial structure, we should focus on solving the practical problems of rural development, such as the decrease in residential population, aging, lack of labor, the increase of surplus men, heavy debts, food waste, etc., as well as make up for the shortcomings of public infrastructure such as transportation, education, and pension, further improve the rural public infrastructure and service system, and strive to build the countryside into a "visible mountain, visible water, Remember to live in nostalgia", an ecological, livable and workable beautiful new countryside.

1. Stabilize the rural population. Only when there are people living in the countryside can the production and life be active, and leaving people to talk about rural revitalization is water without a source and a tree without roots. According to the analysis of the current situation of Pingguo City, the gap between the current living environment conditions in urban and rural areas, whether it is culture, education, medical care, infrastructure, transportation and communications, or basic living needs, is at least ten or twenty years. As the saying goes, people go to high places, and water flows to low places. In particular, after the state has carried out urbanization in recent years, the vast majority of farmers who are able to afford it have moved to cities and towns to live and work, and a large number of households that have been lifted out of poverty (formerly known as poor households) have also moved to cities and towns to live in cities and towns despite state support policies, and the rest are mostly low- and middle-income peasant households (referred to as middle-aged people) who are not rich and are close to the edge of poverty have stayed in the rural areas, and these peasant households account for about one-fifth of the rural population. If we want to let these peasant households spend 300,000 or 400,000 yuan to buy houses and live in cities and towns, they are not yet able to afford to do so, and the efficiency of farming at home is low, and their income is small, so they can only leave the elderly and children to go out to work. The above factors have led to the gradual decrease in the number of people living in rural areas.

Therefore, stabilizing the remaining one-fifth of the rural people and improving their quality of life is one of the important tasks of the construction of the new countryside. Most of the young people in the rural areas have the initial Chinese or above, and it is only because of the basic conditions of their families or because they encounter some disasters or difficulties that it is difficult to cope that they become Chinese; as long as there are people to guide them, there are development projects, and they are organized to do a good job in production and life, they will surely make their fortunes rich in the near future and become the main force for promoting the high-quality development of agriculture and rural areas. The first is to revitalize the collective land and assets in rural areas, which will be managed and used by these Chinese people, and develop industries suitable for the local area, so that they can start businesses at their doorsteps. Only with industry can jobs be provided, thereby promoting high-quality economic development. The second is to improve the highway infrastructure in the villages, so as to facilitate the development of production and transportation by the masses. However, due to the limited financial resources at that time, the rural roads built were narrow, crooked, and steep, and could only pass through small-tonnage vehicles, which could no longer meet the current development needs of large-scale agricultural production and circulation, and should be widened and transformed to meet the needs of large-scale agricultural production. For example, the bridge that Tanggtun must pass through the Pingzhi River is in the early 90s of the 20th century by the original Pingguo Sugar Factory to fund the construction, can only pass through 10 tons of heavy vehicles, has been used for more than 30 years, the bridge deck is narrow and aging, it is necessary to rebuild or expand. The third is to ensure the supply of drinking water in rural areas, safety and sanitation. In recent years, Pingguo City has implemented targeted poverty alleviation and comprehensively built rural drinking water safety and sanitation projects, and more than 90% of the villages have achieved tap water supply, and drinking water safety and sanitation have basically achieved the goal. However, most of them are scattered pond water supply, because the water supply capacity of scattered ponds is small, and the water supply is often intermittent and abnormal due to climate change. Therefore, it is necessary to make unified plans for the establishment of centralized water supply and strengthen the management and use of existing water supply facilities. Fourth, it is necessary to establish venues for cultural activities, so that peasants can have places for recreation after work, so as to enrich their cultural life. Fifth, popularize solar street lighting in rural areas to make rural nightlife active.

2. Promote agricultural mechanization, engage in centralized large-scale operations, reduce the labor intensity of agricultural production, and improve the comparative efficiency of agricultural production. Agricultural mechanization is the fundamental way out to reduce the labor intensity of peasants, and popularizing mechanization is the most effective measure to make up for the shortage of rural labor. Labor shortage is the biggest and most prominent problem facing agricultural production at present, and several measures must be taken to solve this problem: One is to popularize agricultural mechanization. Agricultural mechanization not only reduces labor intensity, but also achieves deep ploughing of subsoiled land, effectively improves crop yield and quality, improves production efficiency, and popularizes mechanization is the only way to solve the shortage of rural labor. Second, it is necessary to concentrate the scattered land of peasant households, so that professional households or capable people can lease and operate on a unified scale, so as to improve production efficiency and increase peasant incomes. For example, Lu Zhangjie of Tangtun, who won the title of one of the top 10 grain growers in Baise City, has always been working as a farmer at home and insisting on planting rice. A few years ago, he saw that the young people in the tunli were all out to work, and no one cultivated their fields, some of them were abandoned, and some were roughly planted by the old people, with low yields and low incomes, and he relied on his own courage to lease more than 150 acres of fields of peasant households who were unable to cultivate, and purchased tractors and rice transplanters and other machinery for farming, and all the mechanization from sowing to harvesting was markedly improved, with an annual output of more than 160 tons of grain, and the peasant households collected rent, and they could work with him every production season to get wages. The third is to encourage migrant workers to return to their hometowns to start businesses. Young people who have been working abroad for many years have accumulated a certain amount of capital and technical experience, and encourage them to bring back their capital and experience to return to their hometowns to start businesses and contribute to the construction of their hometowns. Fourth, the government formulates preferential policies to introduce, demonstrate, develop and reward advantageous industrial projects suitable for local development and planting, so as to promote the development of the area.

3. Village-level primary schools should be reinstated, so that some children left behind in rural areas can go to school nearby. A few years ago, when Pingguo City was dismantling and merging rural primary schools, it also formulated some incentive policies and mechanisms for teachers who were willing to stay in rural primary schools, increasing their salaries by about 600 yuan per month, which encouraged some old teachers whose families still live in rural areas and teachers who are close to retirement to stay and teach with peace of mind. As a result, in the years following the withdrawal and merger of schools, the central primary schools in the villages were still able to continue to run their schools, but when the teachers who had voluntarily stayed behind came to retire, few new teachers came to replace them, resulting in a shortage of teachers in the rural primary schools, and as a result, they had to be completely withdrawn and merged to run schools in the township localities. The restoration and retention of village-level primary schools is a practical matter for the benefit of the people for children in remote mountain villages, and it is also a manifestation of the support policy to take care of the disadvantaged groups, which should be valued and supported by all relevant departments. First, the campuses of the original village-level primary schools will be retained, and the schools that have been withdrawn and merged are only allowed to be used as rural cultural, propaganda, and Xi training venues, and are not allowed to be leased or transferred for other productive purposes. Second, the government should consider from the formulation of policies, such as the implementation of normal colleges and universities to target rural teacher majors, to encourage young people who are interested in rural education to apply for the teacher orientation training majors, after graduation must teach in rural primary schools for 6-10 years (the time is too short to be prone to rotation), or the implementation of the method of rotation and assignment, that is, each teacher must experience five or six years of rural teaching qualifications. The third is to recruit retired normal graduates who have not yet been formally employed and are willing to teach in rural areas, and sign a rural education service period. The fourth is to rehire those retired teachers who are voluntary, healthy, and have a high level of teaching to go to the countryside to teach. Fifth, when recruiting junior high and high school students, county public schools shall give priority to recruiting rural primary school graduates under the same or slightly lower conditions, and shall not set restrictions and shall not refuse to accept them on the grounds of school districts.

4. Most of the elderly in rural areas have the traditional concept that they are unable to leave their homeland, even if their children have the ability to send them to nursing homes for centralized care, some are not very willing, and some even make it clear that they would rather wait for death at home than delay their lives in nursing homes. It is necessary to understand the changes of the times experienced by the 60 and 70-year-old generation, who spent the first half of their lives in the collective economy and the second half of their lives in the practice of a market economy, and still retain the idea of "conflict" in their concepts; in the rural areas, they are small circles of acquaintances, they know their roots well, they have close contacts, they have strong feelings, and they feel uncomfortable getting along with strangers in towns (nursing homes), they have a strong sense of loneliness, and they even have a sense of being separated from each other. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate an effective pension model according to the actual situation in various places. The first is to restore the centralized pension method of the village department in previous years. A few years ago, Zitang Village has established a centralized old-age care model suitable for the local area in the village department, supporting more than 10 people such as the lonely and widowed elderly, the disabled, and the elderly, building a row of bungalows, having a canteen and a toilet, watching TV, and asking a farmer to help them cook. For example, the 78-year-old and disabled Lu Zhongguan is a lonely and widowed old man, recalling that when he was in the village for the elderly, he felt that life was very pleasant and satisfied, and he was unwilling to go to the county nursing home to live a centralized pension life after the village pension was disbanded. The second is the combination of relatives and neighbors for the elderly. At present, the housing conditions in rural areas are relatively spacious, and the elderly consciously gather in a certain family every day to sit and chat, and the neighbors can follow the combined pension model and ask a laborer to help them cook, so that the elderly can help each other and take care of each other to spend a happy old age. As long as they are active, they love to go to the field to do some light farm work, and they can also help care for the elderly in need, giving full play to the fine tradition of mutual assistance and friendship among rural people. The third is to do ideological work, so that the elderly can first go to the county nursing home to experience centralized elderly care, so as to gradually adapt to the centralized elderly life. Centralized pension is an inevitable trend of historical development, and the county has basically established a centralized pension model, but the elderly in rural areas have refused. The caregiver should try to explain the benefits and advantages of nursing home to the elderly, and first accompany the elderly to the nursing home to experience life for ten days and a month, so that the elderly can slowly adapt to the life of the nursing home.

5. Rural youth should be self-confident, self-reliant, and vigorous. Observation and analysis of the actual situation shows that there is a gradual increase in the number of surplus men in rural areas, and this has laid a hidden concern for long-term social stability, which should arouse the attention of relevant departments. Although there is an objective aspect to the emergence of leftover men in rural areas, such as the imbalance in the ratio of men and women, and the heavy bride price, it is also necessary to find the reasons from the subjective perspective of individuals, such as low skills, not many production channels, small social circles, few friends, and addiction to mobile phone and online games. As the saying goes, if there is a plane tree, there is no phoenix. Young people in rural areas should build up confidence, make bold innovations, overcome all kinds of unfavorable factors, actively participate in social activities, make more friends, and constantly improve their own quality, so as not to worry about finding a target. According to the survey, most of the young people in rural areas have the primary Chinese or above, and a small number of vocational school graduates can easily achieve entrepreneurship and prosperity as long as they can calm down, learn Xi and master one or two techniques to get rich. The problem is that today's young people keep their mobile phones in their hands, staring down at the screen all day long, not to learn Xi knowledge and skills, but to be keen on those bizarre gossip news, or even to play games. It should be clear to everyone that the main function of mobile phones is to answer calls and browse notifications from work groups or family and friend groups, not to play games online. Here is a reminder that most of the information in mobile phones in the Internet era is filled with entertainment, fragmentation, consumerization, vulgarization, and fast food news, without much knowledge content, and even misleading into Internet addiction. Therefore, young people should be confident and consciously learn Xi production skills and improve their own quality. First, they should actively participate in the newly opened technical training courses for peasants held by departments at all levels, master one or two production skills, make a fortune by relying on technology, and impress women's hearts with the fruits of their labor. The second is to actively participate in social activities, see more of the world, and broaden their horizons. The third is to make friends, expand their social circle, and have one more friend, one more channel, and communicate with each other. With the advancement of rural revitalization, the countryside has become a hot spot for investment in the construction of ecological resources, which will inevitably attract the majority of aspiring young people to start a business in the vast world of rural areas, and will also bring a new atmosphere to rural youth. Fourth, stay away from online games and devote yourself to agricultural production. Yuan Longping once said: Rice cannot be grown in computers and books, so it must be farmed. When you are a farmer, you have to work in the fields, concentrate on production, look less at your mobile phone, and stay away from online games. Fifth, we should continue to explore and practice boldly to create an industry with local characteristics. Industrial revitalization is the foundation for promoting the high-quality development of the rural economy. For example, the countryside is blessed with superior resources such as high-quality and efficient grain cultivation and processing, silkworm planting and breeding, and livestock and poultry breeding.

6. Change customs and establish a new trend of rural civilization. Rural people's debts originate from a variety of banquets, and some of them also use the banner of national customs and Xi to carry out feudal and superstitious activities, such as expanding the scope of funerals and witches, all of which are fooling people and hurting the people. Farmers are simple, pay attention to face, dare not give up on the exchange of favors and debts, always can't pull down, and have the psychology of comparing with each other. It is necessary to vigorously advocate the activities of changing customs and eliminating feudal superstition in the whole society, and establish a new trend of socialist civilization. The first is to give full play to the leading role of village cadres, team cadres, party members, and activists, starting from themselves, simple red and white ceremonies, prohibiting big operations, and following gifts depends on personal affordability. The second is to guide and encourage young people to marry freely, not to ask for high bride prices, to work together to engage in production, to move forward hand in hand, and to embark on a happy and beautiful life. The third is to carry forward the spirit of mutual assistance and friendship, help neighbors, do not expand hospitality and gifts, do not compare, and do not engage in red tape banquets. Fourth, it is necessary to establish the fine tradition of thick maintenance and thin burial, and oppose the occurrence of the phenomenon of thin maintenance and thick burial. When the elderly in rural areas are alive, their children's close relatives should take care of their humanistic feelings in life, health, and entertainment, and there is no need to spend a lot of money to invite a large group of Taoist men to make ghosts and ghosts. Besides, the essence of doing a lot of work is to eat and drink, and the people who are alive are not sad and nostalgic, but worried about eating, how can they be embarrassed?

7. Carry forward the fine tradition of diligence and thrift, and oppose extravagance and waste. No matter how rich and sufficient life is, people must maintain a sense of awe for food, "a porridge and a meal should be hard to come by, and half a thread of perseverance and material resources are difficult", this is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, we must carry forward. No matter how far the people's living standards improve, the idea of hard struggle and thrift can never be discarded. First, when organizing banquets, we should start from saving, spend in a planned and purposeful manner, and not blindly waste. Rural banquet meals are cooked in large pots, the amount is excessive, the amount of rice is open to supply, and the rest is half a pot, and the next meal has to cook new rice, and the rest is poured out, and the waste is serious. Another example, only meat dishes are served on the table with seven or eight kinds, and they are all in large bowls, and the amount is very large, and they generally cannot be eaten on the spot, so they can only be packed, and some people waste it if they don't pack it for the sake of face. The second is to back up the dishes according to the amount to ensure the supply, so that the food is full, and there is no waste caused by big fish and meat. The third is to establish a family granary. After the peasants harvest the grain, they generally only store the rations, and the surplus grain is put on the market. Rural people generally consume about 4 to 500 catties of grain a year, and exclusive storage should be established according to this capacity and population to prevent the loss of grain damage and the decline of quality. The government should implement the establishment of farmers' household grain storage as a basic project for the people, and can help farmers establish a complete and solid storage in the form of subsidies to achieve the goal of moisture-proof and insect-proof. Fourth, it is recommended that families raise some chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, and other livestock and poultry, so that they can pick up and eat tail grains and loose grains, so as to make the best use of them.

[Note: This article is written based on first-hand materials obtained from field research, and does not refer to any information.] 】

Lu Zhangliu, pen name Zhang Zhang, male, Zhuang nationality, Pingguo Bangwei, born in September 1960, member of the Communist Party of China, university culture, member of the Baise City Writers Association, political engineer. He has devoted himself to the study of Mao Zedong Thought for a long time. He has written newsletters, research materials, work reports, speeches, narrative essays, essays, miscellaneous talks, agricultural science popularization and professional papers and other types of manuscripts, which have been scattered in some provincial and municipal newspapers and public accounts, and have been awarded by newspapers and periodicals (agencies) at all levels for many years. The main ones include "That Year, Wuqi Middle School Moved Out of the Mountains", "The Anthrax Storm in P County", "The Open-air Movies We Watched in Those Years", etc.; he is the author of prose works "Memories of Mountain Villages", "There Are Often Years to Look Back", and a collection of news reports "Amateur, I Insist on Reporting Pingguo for Decades".

(Source: Kunlun Ce Network [Original] Revised Draft, Author's Authorized Release)