
The female boss defended the law and saved a pregnant woman who was injured by the glass of a high-rise building

author:Dried Q fish

Chapter 1: Huang Suzhen's busy store

The bone massage shop on Lover's Road is a business built by Huang Suzhen with heart, and it is full of vitality and vitality every day. Both the elderly and the young were attracted by Huang Suzhen's skillful techniques and came to enjoy the treatment of Tuina. The interior of the restaurant is simple and bright, and the atmosphere is relaxed. On this cold winter day, the interior of the store is warm and pleasant.

The female boss defended the law and saved a pregnant woman who was injured by the glass of a high-rise building

Chapter 2: A Sudden Loud Noise

Suddenly, a loud, sharp and piercing noise broke the silence of the store, and everyone was shocked. Everyone looked towards the source of the sound and were surprised to find a huge shard of glass flying from the upper floor. With screams and frightened expressions, people quickly dodged the landing of the glass, releasing an atmosphere of chaos and panic. Huang Suzhen was shocked by the scene in front of her, and she immediately covered her mouth with her hand, and a trace of worry flashed in her eyes.

The female boss defended the law and saved a pregnant woman who was injured by the glass of a high-rise building

Chapter 3: Pregnant women who are bruised

After regaining some composure, Huang Suzhen found a pregnant woman who had been injured by a glass shard and fell to the ground in pain. She hurried over, anxious. Huang Suzhen held the pregnant woman's hand tightly and comforted her with warm eyes. She grabbed her scarf and quickly stopped the bleeding by tying it to the place where the pregnant woman had been injured. She looked at the sweat on the pregnant woman's forehead with distress, and at the same time deeply understood the hope and concern contained in the pregnant woman's heavy belly.

The female boss defended the law and saved a pregnant woman who was injured by the glass of a high-rise building

Chapter 4: Huang Suzhen's companionship and encouragement

Huang Suzhen firmly followed the medical staff and accompanied the pregnant woman all the way to the hospital, never leaving for a moment. She observes the condition of the pregnant woman and constantly conveys comfort and encouragement to her: everything will be fine, and they will do their best to keep her and the baby safe. The pregnant woman nodded slightly, and the maternal love flowing in her body made her bear the pain strongly. Wong understands how important her companionship and encouragement are.

The female boss defended the law and saved a pregnant woman who was injured by the glass of a high-rise building

Chapter 5: Hospital Treatment and Termination of Pregnancy

In the hospital's operating room, doctors worked with all their might to perform emergency surgery on the pregnant woman in the hope of saving her life. However, given the severity of the injury, in order to avoid a greater risk, the doctor had to make the decision to terminate the pregnancy to ensure the safety of the pregnant woman's life. This decision left the pregnant woman's family immersed in endless grief, and everyone was saddened, and their hearts were filled with endless regret and helplessness for the future.

The female boss defended the law and saved a pregnant woman who was injured by the glass of a high-rise building
The female boss defended the law and saved a pregnant woman who was injured by the glass of a high-rise building

Chapter 6: Zong Qiwen's Gratitude and Reflections

The pregnant woman's husband, Zong Qiwen, gratefully came to the orthopaedic massage shop and expressed his deep gratitude to Huang Suzhen. He said that without Huang Suzhen's bravery and kindness, the family would not have been able to withstand the blow. Zong Qiwen looked at Huang Suzhen's tired face, and an indescribable admiration and gratitude surged in his heart. He vowed to create a happy future for this ordinary and great woman, and to do his best in this limited life and cherish every day.

The female boss defended the law and saved a pregnant woman who was injured by the glass of a high-rise building

Chapter 7: Social Concerns and Reflections

This incident of a falling object injuring a pregnant woman has aroused widespread concern and in-depth thinking in society. Discussions are beginning to be made about how to strengthen the management of high-rise buildings to ensure the safety of residents and pedestrians. At the same time, Huang Suzhen's heroic behavior has also become a topic of conversation, and her kindness and bravery show the beauty and strength of human nature. People hope to pass on such stories and encourage more people to exert their power in times of crisis and in their daily lives, and truly become the backbone of society.

The female boss defended the law and saved a pregnant woman who was injured by the glass of a high-rise building

Chapter 8: Huang Suzhen's story has touched more people

Huang Suzhen's story has warmed the hearts of many more people and inspired people to think about love and courage. Her behavior is not only an individual act of kindness, but also a call to humanity and an expectation of society. Through her courageous example, we believe that everyone can start with themselves and use their own power to change the world. Huang Suzhen is an ordinary person, but she showed great strength in her own unique way, and her story will be remembered in our hearts forever.

The female boss defended the law and saved a pregnant woman who was injured by the glass of a high-rise building

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