
How far can Dong Yuhui's live broadcast go? What two different types of people are exposed behind the red and black?


Recently, many self-media people have sneered at Dong Yuhui, thinking that Dong Yuhui, who regards himself as a literati, is just the level of Youth Digest, and his eloquent talk is just a beautiful but useless chicken soup. Of course, there are more people who support Dong Yuhui, thinking that he has corrected the bad atmosphere of bringing goods on the Internet, established correct values, and set off a passion for reading in the current impetuous society, influencing countless ordinary people. In fact, no matter whether it is praised or distributed, in the final analysis, it is just the collision of the subjective consciousness of two types of people in society!

Today's article will rationally and objectively analyze the logic behind these two types of people, and deeply analyze Dong Yuhui's "red" and "black", but before that, I want to talk about a problem that Dong Yuhui himself has not figured out:

1. Why do so many people like Dong Yuhui?

How far can Dong Yuhui's live broadcast go? What two different types of people are exposed behind the red and black?

Dong Yuhui's live broadcast photo

In this era of attracting traffic and eyeballs, in order to retain users, all kinds of anchors have appeared on the stage, and all kinds of gods and goddesses have shown their magical powers. In the live broadcast room, he either pretends to be stupid, pretends to be ugly, or uses the seven deadly sins to attack the weakness of human nature, and does everything he can, which is the current live broadcast phenomenon.

Dong Yuhui broke the convention, at the beginning of the bilingual live broadcast in the way of teaching, the small compositions continued, the humorous and unique live broadcast style was different, which made people who were used to watching other anchors with goods refreshing, as if they had entered another paradise.

He is not as noisy and noisy as other live broadcast rooms, some are just quiet and bookish, he doesn't pretend, he doesn't have any routines, he is as kind as a friend, and he preaches and teaches like a teacher, which makes people can't help but be discouraged. He does it in a unique way.

His live broadcast room is not a simple sales store, but a different life lesson again and again, which makes people enjoy and linger, and they are still unsatisfied. And his style also happens to be in line with the so-called differentiation, which makes Dong Yuhui quickly stand out among tens of millions of anchors and directly become the top in the live broadcast industry.

After a little understanding, he found that he was also tepid at the beginning, there were only five people in the live broadcast room, two of them were his parents, and he also thought about giving up, but after experiencing countless inner pains, he finally survived.

Dong Yuhui's personal difference is the same as mine. The temperament of the public has the appearance of all beings.

A poor country child, his many experiences, can make the general public empathize, from his body, the elderly seem to see their former self, young and confused, from his body to see, the power of knowledge is infinite, reading can cross classes, is can change fate!

Dong Yuhui's speech and demeanor, between the lines, can empathize with many people, his feelings can make us feel relieved, and it seems to see a gritted teeth and insistence. An ordinary young and middle-aged man who has reached the age of establishment still owes an online loan last year, but this year he has become a new top streamer. So we seem to see our own figure in him, so that many people who are confused have found the direction of struggle.

Because in real life, many highly educated college students will have to engage in the takeaway and express delivery industry in order to live, exchanging time for a few taels of broken silver, it seems that knowledge does not have infinite power, and it is impossible to change fate and save themselves. But after watching Dong Yuhui's live broadcast, many people suddenly realized that people who had knowledge were so elegant, intellectual, and humorous.

His literary brilliance makes the words vivid, his eloquence makes the language vivid, and his superb language organization ability conveys the peaceful homesickness of Zhongzheng, which is the highlight of the reader, and has become everyone's ideal. Every time I listen to Dong Yuhui's explanation, it can be a soul washing, moving his talent, moving the knowledge in books, and moving the power of knowledge.

In today's materialistic society, there are still young people like Dong Yuhui with a strong humanist spirit. It shows that there is still goodness in human nature. In our real life, we are people who fight and fight in the workplace and shopping malls. should not forget the original intention, sincerity is bright for this, what can I say......

How far can Dong Yuhui's live broadcast go? What two different types of people are exposed behind the red and black?

After talking about the reasons for Dong Yuhui's popularity, let's talk about another question:

Why do so many people sneer at Dong Yuhui and constantly blacken him? They think that his culture is just the level of Youth Digest.

Because I am also a person who likes to read, when I first brushed Dong Yuhui, I also felt that his mouth was like a chicken rib, and it was a pity to abandon it if it was tasteless, but I brushed it too much, especially after his fan comments, there were some new thoughts.

The reason why you feel this way is because you are lucky, you are highly educated, you are not stuck in the mud of life, so you can't understand why in your world, those words that sound ordinary are why some people rush to it, just like a person who has eaten the delicacies of the mountains and seas, and does not understand why someone will regard a bowl of white porridge as a treasure, which is the typical arrogance of cultural people, why not eat minced meat.

But in this world, 80%, or even far more than this number of people, is not as lucky as you, not everyone can become the master of the law of the jungle, they are destined to be only a screw in this world, and there is no possibility of turning around, but they are also human beings.

They also have regrets, unwillingness, chagrin, remorse, dreams... Emotions need to be calmed or satisfied.

Compared with meaningless nipple music such as beautiful women dancing, if a "youth digest" can soothe the soul in the dark night of these people, it will be precious in their world.

One of the most impressive fan comments said: "Dong Yuhui made me an emotionally stable mother, and when I was depressed about my child's Xi schooling, he told me that if your apple ripens slower than others, it means that it is sweeter than other apples." ”

According to habitual thinking, I also think that this is poisonous chicken soup, which will not be of any substantial help to this mother, and may delay her education of her children... But when I clicked on this mother's homepage, I found that she was just an ordinary family in an ordinary city.

Your other answers have been written, now is not an era where hard work can change fate, but what can we ask for for the children and mothers of families with such a starting point?

If you blindly inculcate wolf thinking, the law of the jungle, and force the mother to place unrealistic expectations and promotions on the child, when the child enters the society, she will only be completely disappointed. In contrast, in the child's growth, encourage her to become the loving mother of the child's memory, I think about it for a while, and I will choose the latter.

How far can Dong Yuhui's live broadcast go? What two different types of people are exposed behind the red and black?

This is where Dong Yuhui's value lies, to comfort the general public at the bottom, considering the current social environment, this is already the best solution among the unsolvable. Yes, it's hard to be of any real help to the user's life, but I'm sure there must be a moment in your life when you just have an emotion in your heart that needs to be dissipated and appeased, maybe it's your family, your friends. But for the general public at the bottom of society, Mr. Dong Yuhui is the only Internet mentor and friend they can contact in their world.

So what he really is really powerful is not a small composition, but an extremely strong ability to empathize and render emotions, the same paragraph, in other words, you may feel that he is preaching, or very fake, but by saying it, it can make those fans talk to old friends as if they are talking, and the audience is talented.

Therefore, I want to say to those who despise Dong Yuhui in their hearts, although you have a good life, you may not be able to look down on a bowl of white porridge, but you can't stand on a certain commanding heights to laugh at the people who sell and buy porridge.

Because you have to understand a truth, in the eyes of people who are better than us, maybe we are also the ones who buy porridge.

Another point to realize is that people's writing ability and expression ability are different, when you have read some books, a little talent can practice a writing ability, but the ability to express is relatively scarce, such as Mr. Jin Yong, he is a typical king of writing, scrap iron in expression.

If you don't believe it, you can write a 3,000-word essay by yourself, read it aloud, and record it with your mobile phone when you read it, and see what kind of effect it is! Many things seem simple, but it is as difficult as climbing to the sky. Dong Yuhui's expressive ability benefits from his five or six years as a teacher, which is also the cornerstone of his fame before he became famous, so when we look at a person and a thing, we try to achieve the unity of knowledge and action.

How far can Dong Yuhui's live broadcast go? What two different types of people are exposed behind the red and black?

Some people say that Dong Yuhui has an ordinary appearance and insufficient height, which is difficult to gain a foothold in the marriage market and big cities. However, it is such a person who has become tens of millions of top-notch, which just shows that people cannot look good, ordinary looks and height, but also through hard work to produce interesting souls! It can be seen that 'I am born to be useful', opportunities always favor people who come prepared and stick to their original intentions in the midst of hardships and hardships.

And with Dong Yuhui's current worth, he doesn't have to worry about marriage at all, the other half he wants to find in the future must be someone who can match his soul. Some people said that he liked Liu Yifei before, but you must know that from the root, Dong Yuhui is a scholar after all, and looking at the entertainment industry, Liu Yifei can be regarded as one who is beautiful and has a little bookish atmosphere. Besides, there are countless men who like Liu Yifei in the country, Dong Yuhui is, so am I, and many people are, what is there to say?

Some people say that he is open-mouthed, and many times the jokes are too big, so it is easy to offend people.

But this also shows that his personality is frank and frank. Besides, he only jokes with acquaintances, and he is not the kind of brainless joke, he has read so many books, and he understands the truths that others know, and he also understands what others don't understand. From another point of view, if Dong Yuhui is a scheming, long-sleeved person who is good at dancing, and has eight faces, then he is not Dong Yuhui, and the public may not like him anymore.

Some people say from the perspective of a businessman that he rejects power and does not want to be a leader, so he can only be controlled by others and at the mercy of others.

Don't you know, power will corrode a person, throughout the ages, people who have always fallen into power will be eaten by power in the end, it was Lao Yu who brought him to this platform and gave him the opportunity to shine, not so much that this is at the mercy of others, but rather that it is the grace of retribution! If it weren't for Mr. Yu to let Dong Yuhui bring the goods live, how could he know this talented man who is like a river?

And Dong Yuhui deeply understands that even if he leaves the East and others are willing to pay a high price to dig him, then the other party will need him to create ten times the value of a hundred times, and they are also under the roof, so it is better to follow Lao Yu. It seems that everyone has a misunderstanding, I feel that Lao Yu doesn't seem to be so awesome, but please don't forget that Lao Yu is a tens of billions of bigwigs, and he can sit at the same table with Ma Yun and Liu Qiangdong, and he is not comparable to Internet celebrities like Lao Luo at all.

And in a sense, Dong Yuhui is a standard Chinese literati, as if he has lived for thousands of years. He was self-denying, open-minded, compassionate, romantic and sad. The Chinese literati are not the result of an education, not just a matter of schooling, but a result of cultural immersion, walking, smelling and touching the land. So among the millions of highly educated anchors, only one Dong Yuhui has emerged. Even if you look around, there are very few such young people in society.

What is the Chinese literati like? They uphold the creed of "the good will help the world, and the poor will be good alone" and take it as their mission. Therefore, Dong Yuhui will recount Zhang Zai's four sentences of Hengqu unwillingly, and will passionately interpret Wang Yangming's unity of knowledge and action.

So when others commented that his "death for his confidant" was "stupid and stupid", I could understand him and his thoughts. He had read so many books, and these books had become his wisdom, his beliefs, not how to make money to make more money. How nice it is to end like this now!

God rewarded him, he has the material to no longer worry about food and clothing in the second half of his life, I believe that he has the right concept of consumption, then this money is energy in him, so that he is more free, can choose the life he wants, and can make money play a positive role, this is what he wants. He got it, blessed him.

Some people say that Dong Yuhui is submissive, speaks too kindly, and lacks authority.

Believe it or not, but whenever he is a little more domineering, someone will immediately say that he is floating? Now in the spotlight, hundreds of millions of pairs of eyes are staring at him, as long as there is a little misconduct, it will be infinitely magnified, such as the video of his recent singing, in the middle of which there is one hand on Sa Beining's shoulder, and the other hand shakes hands with Sa Beining's wife. Including his recent appearance, if he shows a little bit of domineering, he will be used by the media to write a big book, and his mouth will grow on everyone, Dong Yuhui will be infinitely magnified no matter what he does, so it is better to remain "modest"!

Some people also say that he is idealistic, and he is only poetry and distant places all day long, and his integration with this society is too low. In addition, the sense of morality is too strong, the self-restraint is too much, and the ruthlessness of the shopping mall is lacking.

This society is full of deceit, in today's era of putting an end to useless socialization, everyone seems to have all kinds of pressure, can't they yearn for poetry and distance?

In today's society, most people are imprisoned by the values of this era. In a utilitarian era where success is measured by the amount of money, the vast majority of people are coerced into the social arena by the values of the times, and if life is measured by this standard, this society will inevitably be regarded as a food chain, and it will inevitably become a certain link in this chain, and there will inevitably be various volumes, and the only way to get rid of it is the wisdom of the ancient Chinese sages, which can only be said that most people have not yet realized it.

Now there is a saying that the poor do things by virtue of morality, and the rich have never ignored morality, and if they want to do great things and make a lot of money, they cannot have morality! Now that everyone wants to make money, is it true that everyone must be without virtue? Besides, if Dong Yuhui is really like the protagonist of the business war Shuangwen, who has gone through a backstab and then fought back, and has become a powerful figure, then is he still Dong Yuhui? That is called Lao Yinbi!

Some people also say that he is a dead student, lacks flexibility, always puts the words of saints on his lips, pursues the ordinary and comfortable too much, and lacks lofty ambitions.

I would like to say that in China's 5,000-year history, there have only been two and a half saints, and is it wrong to learn from Xi the sages? Don't you know that the truth of the sages is in the book, and as long as you comprehend one-thousandth, you will be rich and comfortable in this life! Unfortunately, most of the people like to sensationalize and compete with strange content to satisfy the sensory stimulation, and they have long been unable to calm down to read a book and climb a mountain.

It's ridiculous that there are thousands of people in the world, all of whom have been hung by fishing rods and lines, and they have been in a hurry for a lifetime, knowing so many truths, but they still can't live a good life! They all don't understand what Wang Yangming said about the unity of knowledge and action.

Family teacher Wang Yangming said a long time ago that everyone can be a saint, and it is the Dao heart that does not have mixed desires, and it is the human heart that has mixed desires, so it is necessary to protect the Dao heart and remove desires!

I have a pearl, which has been locked by dust for a long time. Now the dust is gone, shining through the mountains and rivers!