
Why did the national football team eat 3 reds in a row?

author:Humble look at sports

The national football team unexpectedly lost to the Hong Kong team in the warm-up match before the Asian Cup, which made fans angry. In this game, the national football team led by Tan Long's goal in the first half, but in the second half, the Hong Kong, China team overtook the score through two goals from Poon Peihin. What's even more remarkable is that three players of the national football team were sent off for violations, including an assistant coach. In particular, Wu Shaocong's elbow attack caused extreme dissatisfaction among the Hong Kong team personnel. The result of this game can be described as jaw-dropping, and the chaos on the field makes people doubt the strength and training quality of the national football team.

Why did the national football team eat 3 reds in a row?

The failure of this competition was not accidental, but the result of a long training camp. Chen Yong, a well-known journalist, believes that the mentality of players may have problems under the accumulation of long-term training and fatigue. He pointed out that the players' nearly month-long training camp may have led to a drop in their motivation and even noticeable fatigue during the game. However, Wang Xiaorui disputed this, arguing that other teams have also experienced similar training arrangements, so why do they perform better? Chen Yong retorted that the situation of each team is different, and the real dilemma of the national football team is that few players are willing to play for the country, and long-term training camps may be counterproductive.

Why did the national football team eat 3 reds in a row?

This game revealed a series of problems in the national football team, not only the dilemma at the tactical level, but also the collapse of the psychological state. In the game, the performance of the players was clearly not at the top level, and the sending off of three players put the team in a difficult situation. Wu Shaocong's elbow attack behavior is even more shocking, and this kind of misconduct undoubtedly makes the national football team lose face. This is not only a matter of technique and tactics, but also a question of the overall quality, what went wrong with the national football team?

Long training camps can be exhausting, not just physically, but also psychologically. Chen Yong believes that too frequent and continuous training can lead to a loss of passion and desire for the game, which manifests itself in a pronounced negative attitude during the game. Players can feel tired and helpless, which makes it difficult for them to stay calm and focused in key moments. The current situation of the national football team is that few players are willing to play for the national team, which makes it extremely difficult for the coaching staff to mobilize and motivate players.

Why did the national football team eat 3 reds in a row?

In response to Wang's suggestion that other teams have similar training arrangements, Chen Yong responded that each team's situation is unique. The problems faced by the national football team cannot simply be explained by the situation of other teams. Other teams may have better training conditions and player resources, but the reality of the national football team is that when domestic football is not developed, long-term training camps may be counterproductive. Although Wang Xiaorui opposes this view, the situation of the national football team obviously needs more in-depth thinking.

Why did the national football team eat 3 reds in a row?

The performance of the national football team in the warm-up match was disappointing, not only a loss, but also a collapse in mentality and discipline. This game revealed the problems that may be brought about by the long-term training camp of the national football team, which requires deep reflection by the coaching staff. With the Asian Cup approaching, the national football team urgently needs to adjust its mentality and break the predicament. Otherwise, no matter how good the tactical arrangement is, it will be difficult to make up for the defects of the players' mentality. What the national football team needs is not only to win, but also to rebuild a team full of passion and fighting spirit, and awaken the players' deep cherishing of national honor.

Why did the national football team eat 3 reds in a row?

The defeat of the game is a major problem facing the national football team at present, and this is not a simple technical and tactical problem. Long training camps can be exhausting, not just physically, but also psychologically. Chen Yong believes that too frequent and continuous training can lead to a loss of passion and desire for the game, which manifests itself in a pronounced negative attitude during the game. Players can feel tired and helpless, which makes it difficult for them to stay calm and focused in key moments. The current situation of the national football team is that few players are willing to play for the national team, which makes it extremely difficult for the coaching staff to mobilize and motivate players.

Why did the national football team eat 3 reds in a row?

This is not just a problem on the pitch, but also a reality facing Chinese football. In the case of domestic football, there is a huge gap between the level of training of players and the international level. At the same time, the pressure on players in their careers cannot be ignored. The level of domestic league is relatively low, and players need to improve their level through international competition if they want to establish themselves on the international stage. However, the long training camps and frequent matches did not allow the players to get enough rest and recovery, which affected their performance to some extent.

Why did the national football team eat 3 reds in a row?

The long training camp not only brought physical fatigue, but also had a negative impact on the psychology of the players. In the game, the performance of the players was clearly not at the top level, and the sending off of three players put the team in a difficult situation. Wu Shaocong's elbow attack behavior is even more shocking, and this kind of misconduct undoubtedly makes the national football team lose face. This incident is not just a loss of control for individual players, but also a reflection of the mentality of the whole team. The behaviour of a player on the pitch is not only a personal quality, but also part of the country's sporting image.

Why did the national football team eat 3 reds in a row?

And this collapse of mentality cannot be blamed solely on individual players, and the coaching staff should also take responsibility. In the long-term training camp, do the coaches of the national football team pay enough attention to and adjust the psychological fatigue of the players? Do they formulate reasonable training plans in a targeted manner to ensure the state of the players in the game? These problems need to be seriously considered and solved. The failure of the collective should not be the culpability of individual players, but a reflection on the management team as a whole.

Why did the national football team eat 3 reds in a row?

The development of grassroots football in Chinese football has always been a long-term problem. In Europe and South America, the best players mostly emerge at a young age by participating in intense grassroots competitions. However, in China, the level of football at the grassroots level is relatively low, and many children grow up without high-quality training, resulting in technical and tactical deficiencies. The frequent encounters of the national football team in the international arena may also reflect the lag of the grassroots level of Chinese football. In order to cultivate world-class players, we must start from the grassroots level and establish a more complete youth training system. Only by investing more resources, cultivating more excellent football coaches, and guiding more children to participate in football can we fundamentally improve the overall level of Chinese football. Otherwise, the problems of the national football team are just the tip of the iceberg.

Why did the national football team eat 3 reds in a row?

Whether the coaching team of the national football team has sufficient strength and experience is also a question worth pondering. In modern football, the role of coaches is becoming more and more important, not only at the tactical level, but also in mental, physical, technical and tactical aspects. Whether the coach of the national football team has enough international vision, whether he can flexibly use various tactical means, and whether he is good at adjusting the situation in the game are all issues that need to be carefully examined. Whether there are enough high-level football coaches in China and whether it can attract more international-level coaching teams to improve the overall level is also a question that Chinese football needs to think about urgently. Building an excellent coaching team has the potential to fundamentally improve the competitive level of the national football team, not just a piecemeal adjustment in the game.

Why did the national football team eat 3 reds in a row?

In addition to grassroots football and coaching teams, the youth training mechanism is also an aspect of Chinese football that needs to be improved urgently. Many players lack a high level of competition and training in their youth, resulting in an inability to adapt to the intensity of high-level international competition in adulthood. Excellent players need to receive more professional and systematic training at a young age to develop more comprehensive skills and game experience. The popular "football school" model in international football, that is, through youth training, allows players to grow up in high-level games, which is an experience worth learning. This requires domestic football reform, the establishment of a more complete youth training system, and the attraction of more outstanding young players to participate, so as to cultivate more high-level international players.