
In 2024, embark on the "trend elevator" and achieve super growth

author:Everybody is a product manager
In the process of enterprise development, we should pay attention to the changes in business trends, so as to find a more suitable growth path, so that the company's efforts can reap the cumulative results. In this article, the author analyzes the new business trends in 2024.
In 2024, embark on the "trend elevator" and achieve super growth


When people talk about trends, they tend to think from multiple dimensions such as technology, products, culture, and ethnic groups, and the promotion of business in different dimensions is interactive, such as the two-dimensional code was invented by the Japanese company Denso Wave in 1994.

In the era of mobile Internet, with the popularization of smart phones, QR codes have become the entrance to the mobile Internet, many APP (application software) have appeared, and the trend has come, WeChat, Alipay, etc. have become high-frequency applications...... QR codes have plugged in the wings of the mobile Internet and are flying higher and higher.

The trend is like an upward elevator, when the enterprise steps on this "trend elevator", all your efforts will be super growth. Like what:

  • seized the dividends of the new trend of Taobao and Tmall e-commerce after 2003, and the rapidly rising "Tao brand": Yu Nifang, Inman, Cracked Silk, Three Squirrels, etc.;
  • After 2012, we seized the dividends of the new trend of WeChat self-media, and self-media brands such as Visual Journal, Ten O'Clock Reading, Restaurant Boss Internal Reference, and Fellow Uncle Learned Stories have risen rapidly;
  • The new trend of knowledge payment that began in 2016 has made new brands such as Himalaya APP, Luoji Thinking (get), and Chaos Academy become industry leaders;
  • From 2017 to 2018, after the popularity of live broadcasts and short videos, a large number of new consumer brands came to the fore, such as Wang Satie, Three and a Half Coffee, Perfect Diary, etc.

Generally, the new trend will be reflected from the six dimensions of "technology evolution, product awareness, cultural trend, ethnic change, life pursuit, and content Xi":

1. Technological evolution

From the steam age to the electric age, to the computer and Internet era, as well as the era of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, the technological evolution of each era will give birth to new brands, such as General Electric, the representative of the electric era, Microsoft, Apple, Google, Baidu, Tencent, ByteDance, etc., the representative of the era of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, and the brands (products) of the artificial intelligence and Internet of Things era, such as OpenAI, Microsoft, Google, iFLYTEK, SenseTime, Baidu Wenxin Yiyan, etc.

2. Product awareness

In the past, when looking at drinks and food, people paid attention to delicious and delicious, and the taste was emphasized in the dissemination of brand and product information, but now people pay more attention to whether the food itself is 0 sugar, 0 calories, 0 fat, no additives, etc., and health demands have become particularly important.

3. Cultural trends

When the second dimension, Meng culture, national tide and other cultural trends become the consumption preferences of post-90s, post-95s, and post-00 users, it has become a new trend, and each era has a corresponding new trend, and the new brands born in the trend are more dynamic and easier to obtain the recognition of users, such as the once popular Starbucks cat's paw cup, which captures the characteristics of Meng culture, and fits with the "cat crowd", which reduces communication costs and makes it easier to form consumption transformation.

For example, in the field of clothing, young people are keen on hanfu, JK uniforms, and Lolita-style clothing, and their consumption expenditure on such goods has also increased significantly.

4. Ethnic change

Chinese population aging is accelerating, 2022 will enter a deep aging society, in 2019 China's population aged 65 and above is 170 million, accounting for 12.6% of the total population, the use of smartphones of the silver people are also changing the marketing model of the previous TV shopping era, in 2030, the first batch of post-70s will enter 60 years old, they are not only Xi to intelligent life, education, experience, In 2040, the first batch of post-80s will enter 60 years old, and in 2050, the first batch of post-90s will enter 60 years old...... The change of ethnic groups will give birth to many new brands of senior living.

In addition to the intergenerational relationship such as the silver-haired group, there are also changes in the increase or decrease of a certain group of people caused by different social phenomena (such as singleness) and policy influence (two-child policy), which will also lead to new brand opportunities, such as the new trend of "one-person food" brought about by the increase in single people.

5. Life pursuits

When technological development, social progress, and per capita gross domestic product (GDP) continue to grow to different stages, the visible "new trends" become a wide range of social needs, such as the common stages:

  • When the per capita GDP1000 US dollars, automobiles began to enter families, supermarket chains were born, residents' calcium supplement needs were generated, and dairy products entered a period of rapid growth;
  • When the per capita is GDP3000 US dollars, private car purchases have exploded, vacation travel has begun to rise, and the beer consumption curve has risen steeply;
  • When the per capita GDP5000 US dollars, the sports industry will begin to develop, road running will become popular, red wine and beer will complement each other, and medical and health care will be the growth point of consumption;
  • When the per capita is GDP10000 US dollars, the marathon growth blowout and the development of popular science education can often be promoted to the stage of public understanding of science;
  • When the per capita GDP13000 dollars, the housing industry begins to decline......

The significance of the impact of per capita GDP on the pursuit of life aims to tell us that the public's pursuit of quality life needs to be based on the improvement of the overall consumption capacity of the people. At present, we are only using the experience of developed countries as a reference, and there will be certain reference significance in known industries, such as automobiles, real estate, sports and other fields.

In recent years, many people's fanatical sports and fitness, such as running, marathon, yoga, etc., have become people's pursuit of healthy quality life, and new brands related to weight loss and slimming have also emerged in an endless stream, including tools, platforms, institutions, food and beverages, etc., such as Keep, Gudong, etc., and some people like to enjoy their exquisite life, such as Dyson, Mofei Electric, etc.

6. Content Xi

Different media of content dissemination in different eras, radio and television, newspapers and magazines in the traditional media era, to the current graphics, live broadcasts, short videos, and in recent years, the short video industry chain has become more and more perfect, from content production to communication platforms, the audience has formed content Xi.

For example, Perfect Diary has discovered a large number of Xiaohongshu "middle waist" talents, and quickly implanted their brand information and product characteristics into consumers' minds through "planting grass texts", and brought a large number of consumer users to the brand.

02 What business trends will be in 2024?

1) AIGC: Various industries are being changed by AI, especially AIGC (generative artificial intelligence) will be the first to be applied in content, marketing, and various industries, such as creating video ads, which no longer requires actors, directors, and screenwriters, and users can complete it by themselves, automatically define roles, generate content, and generate videos with user image recognition. In 2024, there will be more excellent products and cases, and I am looking forward to it.

2) Domestic products go overseas and globalization: More and more brands are trying to go overseas, such as the popular overseas Michelle Bingcheng, Miniso, etc., even if you don't go to sea, there will be people copying you, such as Thailand has a copycat Luckin Coffee.

With China's APP taking the lead in sailing to the sea, TikTok (Douyin overseas version), CapCut (Jianying overseas version), TEMU (Pinduoduo cross-border e-commerce), SHEIN, etc., are at the top of the world's major lists...... In 2024, there will be more opportunities in the overseas market.

3) ESG sustainable development: Sustainable development is not only a policy trend, consumers are also paying more and more attention to whether the production, products and services of enterprises are sustainable, which is also a trend of product cognition. For example, biodegradable plastic bags, such as goods made from recycled plastic bottles, etc.

4) Middle-aged and elderly industry: According to the "2020 Overview of China's Silver Economic Market Analysis", from 2015 to 2019, the market size of China's silver economy increased from 2.4 trillion yuan to 4.3 trillion yuan, with a compound annual growth rate of 15.2%, and the industry market size is expected to reach 8.6 trillion yuan in 2024. With the increase in the number of new middle-aged and elderly people, the demand for middle-aged and elderly people will be more vigorous, and related industries will also bring new opportunities.

The demand is not only in the pension and health (these are the foundation, but also the focus of rigid needs), but there will also be endless opportunities in the quality of life of the middle-aged and elderly, such as the New Oriental Cultural Tourism, which was born in July 2023, and the two tourist routes of "Dongpo Spiritual Traceability Tour" and "Lotus Root-Seeking Tour" are more popular, and now with Dong Yuhui, who is loved by the "mother-in-law", as the vice president, it will better serve the new middle-aged and elderly people.

5) Traffic creates gods and the rise of ordinary people: In recent years, short videos and live broadcast platforms such as Douyin have become popular, and Crazy Brother Yang, Luo Yonghao, Dong Yuhui, etc. have all become top Internet celebrities with goods, and in 2023, this traffic god-making movement will pour wealth and nobility on ordinary people, Xiucai, Yixiao Allure, Yu Wenliang, Da Yuange, Wen Huijun...... And so on soon became popular.

In 2024, there will also be new influencers, who are ordinary people who can continuously output resonant content and provide emotional value. Some people say that don't talk about dry goods in short videos, talking about dry goods attracts peers, and if you want to be down-to-earth, talk about making money and buying a house...... Only content that resonates or contrasts can have traffic.

If you are an auto repair shop, shoot a video of the maintenance process, such as checking for customers, problem parts, new parts comparison, comparison before and after repair, etc., different cars but the same shooting logic...... Maybe in 2024, you may also be hit by traffic.

6) Consumption differentiation: The consumer market has always been Buffett's favorite investment direction, why does the stock god like it, in fact, consumption can go through the cycle, as long as people still drink water and eat, the vitality of consumption will still be there. It's just that in different cycles, there will be changes in different dimensions. I have three thoughts on the current consumer market:

(1) Instant consumption of ready-made: For example, if the beef jerky eaten in the past becomes freshly made beef jerky, it may become a beef jerky snack chain. People are paying more and more attention to the food they see made on the spot, such as freshly fried melon seeds, freshly fried chicken, freshly boiled porridge, etc.

(2) Mass consumption parity: In recent years, the topic of "XX assassin" has been endless, not only the impact of people's wallets becoming smaller and the impact of spending, but also the awareness of the value of commodities has been continuously improved, and it is difficult to have a market for high-priced goods, such as 2 yuan supermarkets, 3 yuan supermarkets, and the rise of discount supermarkets......;

(3) Niche interest popularization: In recent years, from skiing, surfing, land rushing to cycling, all kinds of sports have been spreading, not only the past niche sports have become popular, even the past jacket has also become a popular clothing, niche to the public is the inevitable change of the times.

The so-called homeopathy, in any era, even in the economic downturn, there are trends, community group buying, cross-border sea, source live broadcast, etc. are the result of homeopathy, some people fall off the cliff, some people ride the wind and waves, when the general trend comes, some people see the risk, some people see the opportunity, even if it is the same person, the perspective is different, there will be different choices, any new "trend" appears, for most people, need to learn to change.

At any time, we must have hope for the future, do not give up on ourselves, even if we are at the bottom, exercise, improve our cultivation, cultivate our obscurity, accumulate thick and thin, and wait for the gears of fate to turn.

All trends are not something that can be waited for by lying down, but when the general trend is coming, you have the ability to catch it. This reminds me of Zeng Guofan, who was born in poverty, was stupid in talent, and even lost his name to Sun Shan for six consecutive years, how can such a person seize the "trend elevator" and become a generation of famous ministers and famous generals? He has the spirit of perseverance, he is hardworking, thrifty, and loves to read...... Only then did the "Hunan Army" and pacify the "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom".

In 2024, I hope we can both step on the "trend elevator" and achieve super growth!


Wei Jiadong, WeChat public account: weijiadong2013. Everyone is a product manager columnist, a brand marketing expert, and the chief planner of the third season of "Extreme Challenge". Author of the best-selling books "Digital Marketing Battle" and "Borrowing the Momentum", a distinguished professor of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, an EMBA tutor of Peking University, a national marketer, a member of the Provincial Writers Association, a member of the WeMedia We-Media Alliance, a former CEO of Leju Life, COO of WeChat, has written many literary works, and now focuses on the field of digital marketing.

Image from Unsplash, based on the CC0 license.

The views in this article only represent the author's own, everyone is a product manager, and the platform only provides information storage space services.