
If the "household registration is merged", you need to do the "three things" as soon as possible, and it will be difficult to apply in the future

If the "household registration is merged", you need to do the "three things" as soon as possible, and it will be difficult to apply in the future

The so-called merger of hukou refers to the abolition of rural hukou and urban hukou and the unification of them into a resident hukou. This means that farmers and urban dwellers will have the same rights and treatment in terms of policy.

The hukou issue is not only related to the purchase of houses by ordinary people, but also to the schooling of their children for many parents. Because of this, many people in the past have always believed that urban hukou is more popular than rural hukou.

However, in recent years, with the rapid economic development of rural areas in the mainland, the value of rural hukou has become higher and higher. For example, the following benefits of rural hukou:

If the "household registration is merged", you need to do the "three things" as soon as possible, and it will be difficult to apply in the future

1. Own contracted land and homesteads

Rural hukou has the right to contract and manage land, and can plant and breed on the contracted land. If you have a rural hukou, you can apply for a homestead to build a house, and as long as the rural house is within the regulations, you can build it as you want.

2. Enjoy various compensation and subsidies

Rural households can also enjoy a variety of subsidies, such as planting subsidies, poverty subsidies, education subsidies, etc.

3. Village collective income dividends

Nowadays, many rural areas develop the village collective economy, there are entity operations, there is also land circulation income, villagers can enter the market to share dividends, this welfare policy only rural households can participate, leaving the village collective can not have the qualifications to participate.

4. Land expropriation and exit compensation

Once the rural land is expropriated, the compensation for land expropriation can only be received by the rural hukou. In addition, farmers can quit their land for compensation, but if it is not a rural hukou, then these will not be related to you.

It can be seen that with the development of the mainland's economy, the treatment of rural hukou today does not seem to be worse than that of urban hukou. So if the "household registration merger" is implemented, what three things do the people need to do before that they have no worries? Specifically, let's find out:

If the "household registration is merged", you need to do the "three things" as soon as possible, and it will be difficult to apply in the future

01 Apply for homestead and land rights

Nowadays, housing prices in cities are getting higher and higher, so many people don't want to buy a house, so they choose to build a house in the countryside. For those who want to build a house in the countryside, they can apply to the relevant departments for the right to use the homestead and land.

If the hukou is merged, many people with rural hukou are not sure what the arrangement will be for homestead land and land contract rights. Therefore, in order to continue to use this right smoothly, it is still necessary to complete this matter before the merger of the accounts, otherwise it will not be so easy after the merger of the accounts.

If the "household registration is merged", you need to do the "three things" as soon as possible, and it will be difficult to apply in the future

02 Get the "title deed"

If you want to apply for a homestead, you must have a "title deed", which is a certificate of ownership. Because most people have now moved their hukou to the cities, they no longer have homesteads. The certificate of ownership is an important document for homestead application, so you must keep your title deed.

If you don't have a title deed, you have to apply for it now, and it will be difficult to own land after the implementation of the hukou merger in the future. After having the title certificate, the subsequent farmers can also own the land, and the treatment they enjoy will be better.

If the "household registration is merged", you need to do the "three things" as soon as possible, and it will be difficult to apply in the future

03 Remember to move back to the countryside with urban hukou

Once the hukou is merged, the benefits and benefits enjoyed by the rural hukou will not change, which means that the rural hukou can also enjoy the benefits of the urban hukou in the future.

Now that the country has vigorously developed rural construction, the development potential of rural areas is huge, and there are more hidden benefits. Therefore, before the implementation of the household registration merger, it is still necessary to step up preparations for its own interests.

If the "household registration is merged", you need to do the "three things" as soon as possible, and it will be difficult to apply in the future

04 Why do we need to merge accounts?

From the perspective of the overall development situation, the merger of hukou is actually to promote the development of urbanization in the mainland. You must know that many rural people on the mainland will choose to work in cities for their own development, especially more than a decade ago, when urban development required a large number of rural laborers.

After so many years, few laborers have returned to the countryside, and more have chosen to settle down in the cities. During this period, there were also many ordinary people who worked hard to transfer their household registration for their children's schooling. As a result, the urban population will grow too fast, while the rural population will have a shortage of labor and slow development.

If the "household registration is merged", you need to do the "three things" as soon as possible, and it will be difficult to apply in the future

Written at the end: The purpose of the hukou merger is to allow rural residents to enjoy more benefits, after all, there is a big gap in the quality of life between the urban population and the rural population, so they hope to enjoy the benefits after the merger as soon as possible.

Now that the country is reforming the household registration system, if you don't register your household registration as soon as possible, it will be difficult for you to enjoy these benefits in the future.

Of course, some people are also worried that if the hukou is merged, their interests may be affected, but in fact, there is no need to worry about it at all. As long as you follow the relevant regulations, you don't need to worry about these problems in the future.

In short, remember that the above 3 things must be handled in time, otherwise it will not be as easy to do as it is now!

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