
Don't panic if you have these symptoms!

author:Director Sun Lizhen of the Department of Gynecology of Traditional Chinese Medicine

In the premenopausal years, a woman's body may send some important signals. These signals not only signal the onset of menopause, but may also reflect hormonal and physiological changes in the body. Understanding these signals can help women better prepare for and cope with the upcoming menopause.

Don't panic if you have these symptoms!

1. Changes in menstruation are one of the most obvious signs. As we age, especially from around the age of 45, most women's menstrual cycles gradually become irregular. Some people may experience a decrease in menstrual flow, and even a few people will stop menstruating suddenly. Symptoms of functional uterine bleeding can also occur at this time, which may lead to the development of anemia. These changes are normal physiological phenomena and should not be overly worried.

2. Changes in the skin are also signals that should not be ignored. Before menopause, the skin may lose its original radiance and wrinkles may increase. The skin may also itch, and sometimes the hair may turn white or even fall out. These changes can be caused by hormonal fluctuations. To maintain the health of the skin, it is advisable to get enough sleep, eat plenty of vitamin-rich foods, and take proper skin care.

3. Changes in the genitourinary system are also an important sign before menopause. As women age, they may experience symptoms such as frequent urination and urgency. This is due to changes in the genitourinary system. In order to protect their reproductive organs, it is recommended that women maintain good hygiene Xi and at the same time do proper exercises to strengthen the body's immunity.

Don't panic if you have these symptoms!

Knowing the signs and symptoms of premenopause can help women better prepare for and cope with the upcoming menopause. At the same time, maintaining good life Xi and mentality is also an important way to delay aging.

Don't panic if you have these symptoms!

I am Sun Lizhen, the chief TCM physician of Hangzhou Grade 3A Hospital, who has been engaged in TCM gynecology for 40 years and is good at TCM conditioning

Polycystic ovary syndrome (chronic anovulation, ovulatory dysfunction, fat polycystic, thin polycystic, etc.)

Infertility (blocked fallopian tubes, decreased ovarian function, etc.)

Menstrual disorders (dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, menstrual disorders, etc.)

Inflammation of the genital tract (vaginitis, cervicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, etc.)

Perimenopausal syndrome (hot flashes, flushing, sweating, menstrual changes, oligomenorrhagia or bleeding, etc.)

If you also have gynecological diseases, please leave a message in the comment area or send me a private message (pay attention to it first), and I will help you analyze and condition in detail!