
Don't wait until you can't walk and can't use your pen before you find out that your hand pain is caused by gout!

author:Dr. Li of Health Science Popularization

In a quiet suburb of Beijing, Zhang Wei, 55, is busy in his small yard. As a veteran hiker, his life always seems to be dynamic and sporty. But recently, Zhang Wei ran into a problem that forced him to slow down. After returning from a long hike, he felt a sudden and severe pain in his hands, so much so that he could not even touch the old willow tree in front of his house that he had to touch every day. The pain was unlike any previous strain or minor injury, it was sharp and constant, as if thousands of needle tips were moving between the wrist and knuckles.

At first, Zhang Wei thought that it was just ordinary arthritis, after all, he was not young, and some wear and tear was inevitable. But as time went on, the pain became more and more unbearable, and even the simplest daily movements, such as holding a pen and writing, became a challenge. His fingers were swollen and his joints were red and hot, as if to remind him that this was not just a sign of age, but some kind of deeper health problem.

Don't wait until you can't walk and can't use your pen before you find out that your hand pain is caused by gout!

He decided to go to the hospital for a check-up, where the doctor told him that the symptoms could be a sign of gout. Gout is a metabolic disease in which urate crystals form in the joints when uric acid levels in the body are abnormally high, causing severe pain. Doctors explain that although this is a common condition, if left untreated, it can lead to more serious health problems, including long-term joint damage and even kidney problems.

This information was like a bolt from the blue for Zhang Wei. He recalled his irregular diet Xi those years, especially his preference for high-purine foods — which inadvertently increased the level of uric acid in his body. He began to realize that years of neglect and bad Xi may have quietly changed his body.

Don't wait until you can't walk and can't use your pen before you find out that your hand pain is caused by gout!

In the hospital, after a series of blood tests and X-rays, the doctor gave a diagnosis: gout caused by hyperuricemia. The doctor explained in detail the causes of gout, which is mainly due to excessive uric acid in the body, which forms crystals that are deposited in the joints and tissues, causing severe pain and inflammation. He warned Zhang Wei that gout not only affects the joints, but also that long-term high uric acid may also cause kidney disease and cardiovascular disease.

Don't wait until you can't walk and can't use your pen before you find out that your hand pain is caused by gout!

Hearing this, Zhang Wei felt unprecedented fear. He recalls the lifestyle of the past few years: staying up late, eating irregularly, preference for high-purine foods such as seafood and red meat, as well as those endless outdoor activities and alcohol consumption. These factors gradually accumulated, eventually triggering this health crisis.

Under the advice of his doctor, Zhang Wei began a comprehensive adjustment of treatment and lifestyle. He began taking uric acid-lowering medications and changed his diet Xi under the guidance of a dietitian. He learned Xi which foods are high in purines, which should be avoided, and which foods can help lower uric acid. At the same time, he gradually reduced his alcohol consumption and increased his water intake to ensure that uric acid can be effectively excreted from his body.

Don't wait until you can't walk and can't use your pen before you find out that your hand pain is caused by gout!

Change is not easy, especially for a Xi of life like Zhang Wei, which has developed over the years. But whenever he thought about the intense pain and possible health consequences, he had the motivation to keep going. He began regular check-ups, keeping a close eye on uric acid levels and other important indicators of his body. His family has also given tremendous support and encouragement to adjust their eating Xi habits and move towards a healthier lifestyle together.

After a few months, Zhang Wei's symptoms improved significantly. His uric acid levels are stable within the normal range, and the pains that once kept him awake at night are no longer there. He is grateful for the help of his doctors and family, and even more grateful for his decision to face reality and take action. He realized that health is the most valuable asset in life, and protecting it requires more than just a doctor's prescription, but more about his own persistence and lifestyle changes.