
What is the best time for the elderly to go to bed at night, and what time do they wake up?

author:Medical theory floating from the south of the Yangtze River

On an ordinary spring afternoon, 70-year-old Grandma Li sits on a sofa in the living room, her eyes fixed on the garden outside, but her mind is elsewhere. Since her retirement, her pace of life has slowed down, but one thing has always bothered her – sleep problems. Grandma Li used to be a respected high school teacher who lived a rigorous and orderly life, but after retiring, she found that her sleep quality gradually declined.

What is the best time for the elderly to go to bed at night, and what time do they wake up?

At night, Grandma Li often tosses and turns, making it difficult to sleep. She tried all sorts of things: drinking hot milk, listening to soft music, and even some folk sleep tricks, but none of them worked. The next morning, she often felt exhausted and didn't have the energy to go to her favorite tai chi class or party with friends.

What is the best time for the elderly to go to bed at night, and what time do they wake up?

On this day, Grandma Li's daughter, an enthusiastic middle school teacher, noticed her mother's condition. She decided to take Grandma Li to the doctor for professional advice. On the way to the hospital, Grandma Li had mixed feelings. She wondered: how exactly should older people adjust their sleep schedules, and is there a so-called "golden sleep standard"?

Accompanied by her daughter, Grandma Li went to a well-known local hospital to find a way to improve her sleep. Grandma Li, who is over 70 years old, has a faint worry on her face, and her sleep problems have affected her daily life. The doctor carefully inquired about Grandma Li's sleep Xi and lifestyle, and conducted a comprehensive physical examination.

What is the best time for the elderly to go to bed at night, and what time do they wake up?

Doctors explain that the quality of sleep in the elderly directly affects their physical health and mental state. He proposed that the ideal sleep time is not only a matter of duration, but more importantly, regularity and quality of sleep. For Grandma Li, the right time to go to bed is between 9 and 10 p.m., and the recommended time to wake up is between 5 and 6 a.m. This recommendation is based on the characteristics of the biological clock of the elderly, taking into account the importance of deep sleep for the recovery of the body.

With the help of her daughter and the doctor, Grandma Li began a new sleep schedule. At first, she found herself struggling to adjust to earlier bedtimes and wake-up times. When night fell, she became anxious and worried that she would not be able to fall asleep on time. In the morning, she often feels sleepy and reluctant to get out of bed when the alarm goes off. But she did not give up and insisted on adjusting her Xi according to the doctor's advice.

What is the best time for the elderly to go to bed at night, and what time do they wake up?

After a few weeks, Grandma Li began to notice a change in herself. She found that she fell asleep faster at night and slept more deeply throughout the night. When she woke up in the morning, she felt refreshed and full of energy. She began to enjoy her morning time and sometimes even went for a walk in the park to enjoy the fresh morning air.

At the next follow-up visit, the doctor was very satisfied with Grandma Li's changes. Doctors explain that older people tend to be more sensitive to sleep patterns than younger people, so it's especially important for them to maintain a regular sleep schedule. Doctors point out that older people often have shorter sleep cycles and less deep sleep, so getting enough sleep is essential to maintain good physical and mental health.

What is the best time for the elderly to go to bed at night, and what time do they wake up?

The doctor also mentioned some key research data. For example, a study in older adults showed that regular sleep Xi could help reduce the number of nighttime awakenings and improve sleep efficiency. In addition, good sleep Xi has also been linked to a lower risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Grandma Li listened gratefully to the doctor's explanation. She realized that her previous poor sleep Xi might be the main cause of her daytime tiredness. She decided to continue with this new way of life and hopes to share these valuable experiences with her friends around her.

What is the best time for the elderly to go to bed at night, and what time do they wake up?

Grandma Li shared some of her insights. She believes that although adjusting your Xi may be difficult at first, with determination and perseverance, you will be able to adapt gradually. She encourages her peers not to be afraid of change and to actively look for a healthy lifestyle that works for them.

The doctor also provided some professional advice. He advises older adults to avoid strenuous exercise and caffeine before bedtime, keep their bedrooms quiet, dark and at the right temperature, and try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. He stressed that healthy lifestyle Xi includes not only a reasonable amount of sleep, but also a balanced diet and moderate exercise.

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