
The "digging and digging" teacher who resigned and brought the goods, has he ever thought about the day when he was eaten by traffic?

author:Two ways to live

Not everyone can afford a sudden overnight hit.

I believe that in the first half of this year, everyone must have been "digging and digging in a small garden, planting small seeds and blooming small flowers." "Brainwashed. The catchy melody and unique performance form made the singer of this song, the post-00s preschool teacher "Peach Teacher", also quickly become popular on the Internet, but this unexpected popularity did not make her reverse her life, but made her life fall into a crisis.


Traffic is a double-edged sword, which will not only bring attention, but also bring misinterpretation, and Ms. Peach is no exception.

Teacher Peach, who became popular with "digging and digging", recently accepted an interview with the media and tried to clarify some of the rumors that had been widely circulated before, but she did not expect that this clarification video once again made her fall into public opinion.

Judging from Teacher Peach's response later and the context in the video, she originally intended to respond to the false rumors of "live broadcast earning millions, hundreds of thousands" and "live broadcast bringing millions of income", but some netizens thought that she was complaining that the income from the live broadcast was too small.

Soon, the topic "Digging and digging peaches, the teacher earns only 1,000 yuan per live broadcast" rushed to the hot search, which brought her popularity and made her fall into a "predicament".

The small turmoil that clarified the incident seems to be a microcosm of her popularity.

The "digging and digging" teacher who resigned and brought the goods, has he ever thought about the day when he was eaten by traffic?

After becoming unexpectedly popular, she did not continue to cultivate in the preschool education industry, but chose live broadcast to bring goods. At that time, no one knew why she left, and everyone thought that she wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to "make money", but it didn't seem to matter what the truth was.

After the start of the live broadcast, Teacher Peach, followed by the reversal of the poles in the comment area, and received accusations and insults from many extreme netizens. For a while, she seemed to be wrong in everything she did, and she would be "scolded" even if she didn't do anything.

No one cares if the comments hurt or not, and no one cares if the rumors are true or not, but it has changed her life dramatically, and it has made her never go back to the way she used to be.

But netizens don't care, they only care about the truth in their own eyes.


Rewind the time to April this year, which is the eve of Ms. Peach's popularity.

Teacher Peach is a teacher in a kindergarten in Hangzhou, and "digging and digging" is also their daily game before class, and that video has long appeared in the circle of friends, but no one cared about it at the time.

No one would have thought that such a video would suddenly become popular on the Internet, attract countless netizens to watch and like, and set off a wave of imitation on the Internet.

Teacher Momoko was just like that, and she was pushed to the public at once. She also attracted more and more attention with her outstanding talent and affinity, and became a hot traffic star during that time.

The "digging and digging" teacher who resigned and brought the goods, has he ever thought about the day when he was eaten by traffic?

But an unexpected and sudden explosion did not prepare her to become a public figure, and netizens' comments on her began to become more and more harsh.

After becoming popular, she did not make great progress in her life as many people thought, nor did she achieve a counterattack in life as many netizens expected, as she talked about in an interview, she is a person with poor self-regulation and emotional ability, and becoming popular has made her lose her normal life and find it difficult to return to the track she once was.

This is also the reason why she chose to leave her job from kindergarten and enter the live broadcast to bring goods. Caught in public opinion, she can't go back, her emotions are not well controlled, and her spirit is almost on the verge of collapse...... It has made it difficult for her to face children like before.

Her life has changed, and leaving has become a helpless choice, but whether it will get better or worse is hard to say.


There is Yu Wenliang in the front, and there is Wenshen in the back. Recently, ordinary people who have become popular one after another, seeing that they are making a lot of money, have also made many people dream of becoming popular overnight.

Everyone hopes that the next person who succeeds in the circle is themselves, and everyone wants to go from obscurity to attention, so as to successfully counterattack and become the "winner of life" that everyone envies, but everyone knows that there are many hidden dangers behind success.

Not everyone can catch the sudden traffic, maybe most ordinary people are like Mr. Peach, but after becoming popular, they will be crushed by the "traffic", and eventually disappear into the vast network, and those who can stay on the wave are still a minority after all.

When traffic hits, bad reviews, rumors, and public opinion ...... will all hit together, and even spread from the Internet to reality.

The "digging and digging" teacher who resigned and brought the goods, has he ever thought about the day when he was eaten by traffic?

In the past, Li Jiaqi and Yu Wenliang said the wrong thing during the live broadcast, and were overwhelmed by netizens, and then Dr. Tao Yong was scolded by a group of netizens for deleting his blog because of a small essay, and even escalated to personal attacks.

In addition, accepting the dividends brought by traffic, but also subject to stricter public opinion scrutiny, a little carelessness may lose all the overnight popularity, or even everything to zero.

However, "it is easy to go from thrift to luxury, and it is difficult to go from luxury to thrift." "How many people who have experienced getting rich overnight can work in a down-to-earth and stable manner?

Today, they all want to become "Internet celebrities", if they can have a chance to do it again, maybe Mr. Peach does not want to become an "Internet celebrity" again.