
The Thai royal couple appeared for the first time after the return of the second prince! The 45-year-old queen wore a pink skirt, and the girlish feeling came to her face

author:Clever salt, sugar, sugar

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The royal couple of Thailand debuted: the affectionate years are enviable

The Thai royal couple appeared for the first time after the return of the second prince! The 45-year-old queen wore a pink skirt, and the girlish feeling came to her face

Thailand's King Rama X and Queen Suthida recently joined hands again, as if playing out a soulful time. On December 28, the royal couple attended the anniversary of the king's accession to the throne, which was also the first public appearance since the second prince Aon returned to China. Although the king is in his 70s, he is still in good spirits, waving to the crowd in a military uniform, showing his majesty and style.

At the same time, Queen Suthida appeared in a pink traditional Thai dress with a 45-year-old beauty, wearing a necklace of three strings of pearls on her head, and the whole person exuded an intoxicating girlishness. Her exquisite maintenance is admirable, and she looks several years younger than her actual age. This makes people sigh, no wonder the king is so fond of Suthida, after all, in Thailand, Suthida is one of the most controversial queens.

The Thai royal couple appeared for the first time after the return of the second prince! The 45-year-old queen wore a pink skirt, and the girlish feeling came to her face

The model couple was as tacit as ever, even if they didn't bring the four-year-old Vatici princess this time, and only chose to appear alone. Analyzing the reason, perhaps because the second prince Aon has just returned to China, the king and his wife are unwilling to put too much pressure on him, and they also leave a certain space for the brother and sister to have more private communication time.

This also just confirms the previous rumors about Prince Aon's return to China and the relationship with the princess. Prince Aon's return was mainly to visit his mother and sisters, but since he and the princess were both children of the king and had been named heirs, their relationship was clearly unusual. Therefore, the royal couple did not show up with the princess, probably to protect her from too much attention. And this also added a touch of mystery to the return of the second prince.

The Thai royal couple appeared for the first time after the return of the second prince! The 45-year-old queen wore a pink skirt, and the girlish feeling came to her face

King Rama X, as the head of the family, had a complex position. On the one hand, he needs to balance the forces of all parties, and on the other hand, he needs to consider his advanced age and urgently need to establish an heir. Dealing with the delicate relationship between the princes is undoubtedly a huge challenge for him, but judging by the performance of the royal couple, they are at least on good terms. Suthida is the controversial queen, and despite being questioned by the Thais, King Rama X seems to genuinely love her. This time, the two remained in love, and perhaps it was because of the deep relationship that Rama X was able to make many of the most enlightened and courageous decisions of his reign, including the appointment of Suthida as queen.

No matter what the outside world says, the couple is at least supporting each other. And the Thai people can only accept the king's decision and try to give blessings to this extraordinary couple. From the affectionate years to the complicated royal infighting, the story of the Thai royal couple has always tugged at the heartstrings of the Chinese people.

The Thai royal couple appeared for the first time after the return of the second prince! The 45-year-old queen wore a pink skirt, and the girlish feeling came to her face

Thailand's second prince Aon recently returned to China with his ex-wife Yu Wada and children, and this trip not only prayed for blessings and engaged in public welfare, but also visited the ancestral grave in person, which was widely welcomed. Although Prince Aon's title to the throne has been withdrawn by the king, he is still loved by the Thai people. This time when he returned to China, he broke the shackles of the previous royal outfits, wearing a simple blazer with jeans, showing a more youthful and handsome mix and match style.

This mix and match of clothing adds a closer image to Aon's people. The ex-wife next to him, Yu Wada, also gave up the high-profile dress of the royal concubines and chose a simple and natural dress. The whole family exudes an approachable atmosphere, which contrasts with the image of King Rama X on the high.

In fact, after the king decided to take back the title of Prince of Aon, he began to interact with the public, often sharing his life through social media. This return to China is also a good opportunity for him to accumulate popularity. It is reported that King Rama X of Thailand has met Aon in private, and although he does not currently have the title of prince, he is still one of the potential heirs in the eyes of the public.

Prince Aon's pro-people actions during his two return years have amassed him a considerable number of approval ratings. There has been speculation about whether his application for a Thai ID card and passport means he is expected to become the next King Rama XI.

Of course, the struggles within the royal family are unknowable to us outsiders. But Prince Aon's return to China has apparently been tested by sufficient polls and approval ratings, accumulating strength for his future bid for the throne. His royal demeanor and deep public support undoubtedly paved the way for his future struggle for the throne.

This time back to China, Prince Aon no longer sticks to the high-profile dress of the royal family, but chooses a more civilian style of dressing. Dressed in a simple blazer and jeans, he dressed in a different style of king. Such a civilian dress can't help but remind people of the people-friendly image often displayed by members of the British royal family. Perhaps, this is Prince Aon's hope to win more support by getting close to the people and showing his affinity with the people.

At the same time, Prince Aon returned to China with his ex-wife Yu Wada and children, presenting a picture of happiness and harmony. This also makes people feel his side as a family member more deeply. In Thailand, the private lives of royal family members have always attracted much attention, and Prince Aon's image of family happiness through this return to China has undoubtedly increased his favorability in the hearts of the people.

Prince Aon's royal demeanor and deep public support have undoubtedly laid a solid foundation for his future development. This former prince now has a certain appeal and leadership among the people. His return trip back to China is not only a polishing of his own image, but also an accumulation of popularity and support in the struggle for the future throne.

Whether Thailand's royal family is about to change has become a widely discussed topic. Prince Aon's two return to the country was warmly welcomed by the people, and his popularity skyrocketed, and he was considered not far from the throne. However, the status of the current queen Suthida cannot be ignored, she has a close relationship with the king, and although the official claim that she has no heirs, if an illegitimate child does exist, Prince Aon is not the only heir to the throne.

At a time when various forces were tempted, it was generally believed that among the princes, only Prince Aon, who had performed well and was well supported, was qualified to take on such a great responsibility. His trip back to China is undoubtedly to show his leadership style and close image to the people, and fully prepare for his road to the throne.

"Prince Aon has been nurtured since he was a child, and now he has won the hearts and minds of the people. If he is really named as the heir, he should be able to do it. ”

But now no one can predict the wrestling within the royal family. The Thai royal family has always been full of political struggles and family conflicts, especially in the determination of the successor. While Prince Aon is well supported, the complex relationships within the royal family make it difficult to predict what the future holds.

I fear that the king will eventually choose his own cronies to inherit instead of Aon. This is also a possibility, as the king may be more inclined to choose a controllable candidate in the matter of succession in order to preserve his power and the interests of his family.

This chaotic situation is reminiscent of the court struggle in the TV series, where each prince seems to be secretly plotting his own future. In this royal family, which is full of uncertainty and intrigues, the Thai people can only wait and see what happens, and cannot speculate on the final outcome.

"Although we are all Thai, we all want the country to be stable and united. But the royal family is in a dispute that we outsiders cannot interfere with. I can only hope that they can keep their sanity in the midst of internal strife and not affect the lives of ordinary people too much. This is the opinion of a Thai people, and it also reflects the helplessness and expectations of ordinary people for the royal fight.

In this moment of rumors and speculation, opinions are emerging. Some believe that Prince Aon is a well-supported candidate with a wealth of training and experience, making him the perfect candidate to succeed to the throne. But there are also fears that the king may choose a more trusted heir, regardless of public opinion.

Prince Aon's pro-people actions during his two return years have amassed him a considerable number of approval ratings. There has been speculation about whether his application for a Thai ID card and passport means he is expected to become the next King Rama XI. It also makes people look forward to his leadership and courage in the future to lead Thailand towards a more prosperous and stable future.

On this road of royal succession, which is full of unknowns, the Thai people have also expressed their hope for the stability of the country. They hope that the new king will continue to promote the progress and development of Thailand after succeeding to the throne and create better living conditions for the people.

Overall, the future of the Thai royal family is full of suspense and challenges. The return of Prince Aon has sparked heated discussions, but the final outcome will also depend on the king's decision and the power game within the royal family. Let's wait for the final curtain call on this royal drama, and whoever succeeds to the throne is expected to become Thailand's preeminent leader and lead the country to a more brilliant future.

Finally, let's consider a question: in the royal legacy, do you prefer Prince Aon or other princes to become the next King of Thailand?

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