
The man went to the crematorium in place of the rich!

author:Read Yu official

Mr. Lu Xun said:

People at the bottom of Chinese society often hurt each other. They are sheep and fierce beasts, but when they meet a beast that is more fierce than them, they appear like sheep, and when they meet a sheep that is weaker than them, they appear like a beast.

Yes, the most cruel thing in life is the knife that pokes at the bottom.

And just some time ago, a horrific past incident exploded on the hot search, causing heated discussions among countless netizens.

"Lin Mouren, a son of the Tang clan who was only 3 years old, was drunk and put in a coffin, became a cremation stand-in for the wealthy businessman Huang Moujian, and was put into the cremation furnace alive!"

The man went to the crematorium in place of the rich!

Image source: Internet

"Borrowing corpses for cremation", "killing people for corpses", "burning alive"......

To be honest, when I first heard these creepy words, Sister Yue thought it was a suspenseful case in "Ten Deadly Sins".

But unexpectedly, it was a bloody fact.

It all started in 2017.

There is a pair of wealthy businessman brothers in Shanwei, Guangdong, the elder brother is called Huang Moujian, and the younger brother is called Huang Mouqing.

The two brothers saved a large share of the family business on their own and were well-known wealthy people in the local area.

I thought I could be prosperous for a lifetime, but I never thought that my brother Huang Moujian was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer.

He passed away on February 19, 2017.

As the saying goes, death is like a lamp going out. No matter how rich you are in life, there will be nothing left after death.

For these "things outside the body", Huang Moujian has no idea.

Just a little, he wanted to be buried, he didn't want to be cremated.

Therefore, when Huang Moujian was dying, he informed his relatives of his thoughts, hoping that they could help him "completely" enter the ground.

However, it is important to know that as early as 2012, Shanwei began to implement a one-size-fits-all policy for cremation, and required the city's cremation rate to reach 100%.

On the one hand, there is the policy, on the other hand, is the brother's last wish, and the younger brother Huang Mouqing is also very entangled.

In the end, "family affection" triumphed over "reason", and even he came up with a method of "borrowing corpses for cremation".

The so-called borrowed corpse cremation, as the name suggests, is to borrow other people's corpses for cremation, and one's own corpse for burial.

But where should this "corpse" be found?


As a wealthy local businessman, Huang Mouqing's social connections are naturally very wide.

As he inquired, one of his friends gave him the phone number of a staff member at the funeral home.

This staff member is called Liang Moulong.

According to Liang Moulong, because Huang Mouqing wanted the phone number of the funeral home driver, he gave the driver's phone number to Huang Mouqing, but he didn't know that Huang Mouqing wanted to drop the body to escape cremation.

And this driver is the key person in this case - Huang Moubin.

This person is physically handicapped and has no regular job, and usually helps carry coffins to make a living.

When he heard that he needed a "double corpse" and that he was paid well, he began to look around.

However, the body was not easy to find.

Seeing that there was not much left before the appointed time, Huang Moubin suddenly exploded a bold idea in his heart: killing people for corpses.

On March 1, 2017, Huang Moubin drove a van as usual to search for suitable "corpses" everywhere on the road.

I thought that I would find nothing today, but just as he was returning home, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

This person is the victim - Lin Mouren.

The man went to the crematorium in place of the rich!

Image source: Internet

Lin Mouren suffers from congenital Down syndrome, which is different from ordinary people in terms of height and intelligence.

But he is extremely sensible, and his temperament is particularly submissive.

In order to help reduce the burden on the family, Lin Mouren would pick up discarded paper shells, drink bottles and other things outside almost every day.

Although it can't be sold for much money, it can still be subsidized for households.

On this day, as usual, he went to the street to rummage through the garbage after lunch.

But he didn't know that there was a pair of snake-like eyes behind him, staring at him.

After seeing Lin Mouren, Huang Moubin immediately decided to make it a target.

In order not to startle the snake, he observed the other party for several days, and only after he was sure that nothing was wrong, he was ready to act.


On the day of the incident, Huang Moubin had been driving with Lin Mouren.

After making sure that there was no one around, he came to Lin Mouren and asked him if he wanted to drink?

Lin Mouren is a Tang family, so he is naturally not interested in wine.

So, Huang Moubin said to Lin Mouren again: Do you want to scrap products, I have a lot of them here.

And it was this sentence that tempted Lin Mouren, so he immediately followed Huang Moubin into the van.

After Lin Mouren got in the car, Huang Moubin immediately drove the car to a remote corner.

Then took out the wine prepared in advance and coaxed Lin Mouren to drink it.

He said, "As soon as you drink all this wine, I will take you to the scrap."

These words were like the whispers of a demon, and Lin Mouren naturally had no defense.

Until he couldn't drink anymore, he began to beg Huang Moubin for mercy, hoping that the other party could let him go home.

But at this time, Huang Moubin couldn't listen to anything, and he continued to pour all the remaining wine into Lin Mouren's belly.

After confirming that he was drunk and unconscious, Huang Moubin also drank a glass himself, in order to strengthen his courage.

Then, he drove the car to the place where the coffin was placed, and directly put Lin Mouren inside. And the coffin was also tightly ordered.

Image source: Internet

Then the coffin was transported to the crematorium and exchanged with Huang Moujian's coffin.

Those present did not care where the body came from, they only knew that the transaction was completed "without a hitch".

In this way, Huang Moujian successfully entered the ground, but a person named Lin Mouren in the world completely disappeared.

Maybe, I mean, maybe, will Lin Mouren wake up in a coffin after getting drunk?

Will he be scared when he wakes up and finds himself trapped in the dark?

When he feels himself being roasted by the fire, will he shout "Mommy" out loud?

But unfortunately, no one knows Lin Mouren's psychological activities, let alone how he died.

All I know is that he is dead.

Since March 1, 2017, Lin Mouren's family can no longer wait for their children.

After Lin Mouren's disappearance, his family searched everywhere.

Especially Lin Mouren's father, as long as he heard the news of his son, he would put down what he was doing and rush to the local area immediately.

It's a pity that no matter how he looks for it, every time it's an empty joy.

Because of grief and tiredness, Lin Mouren's father also passed away soon after.

Sadly, he wanted to find his child until he died.


After this case was exposed, it immediately caused a sensation on the whole network, and countless netizens called for "Huang Moubin to be sentenced to death!"

On September 8, 2020, the Intermediate People's Court of Shanwei City, Guangdong Province, rendered a first-instance judgment:

"Huang Moubin was convicted of intentional homicide and sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve. ”

After the first-instance verdict was announced, Huang Moubin was dissatisfied and appealed.

However, on 5 January 2021, the Guangdong Provincial High People's Court rejected the appeal and upheld the original verdict.

At this point, a shocking case of "murder and corpse exchange" has finally come to an end.

But the man named "Lin Mouren" never came back.

What makes people even more angry is that after killing Lin Mouren, Huang Moubin did not show a trace of guilt and guilt.

He even shouted in court that he and Lin Mouren had no grievances and no enmity, and they had no motive to kill at all.

In addition, he also attributed Lin Mouren's death to "drunkenness", which is extremely shameless!

Perhaps, in his opinion, he killed not a "person", but a "fool".

But does he know that Lin Mouren is an existence that cannot be given up by the Lin family no matter what.

But because of his selfish desires, a life died like this, how can people not be angry?!

Remember that Sophocles once said:

"There is nothing more unpredictable in the world than the human mind and heart. ”

Indeed, there are some people who you really don't know if they are humans or ghosts.

In the end, Sister Yue wanted to say that although natural selection is competitive, the survival of the fittest.

But you must know that the biggest difference between humans and animals is to keep the bottom line and not cross the forbidden area.

In particular, we must not draw the knife and stab at the weaker!

Encourage everyone.

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