
Why do you say: "Do three favors to help others, but you will be riddled with bad luck"? What are the three kinds of help?

author:Clever Hill IX7

In this complex world, helping others is an admirable virtue. The traditional Chinese culture emphasizes the concept of "giving roses to others and leaving fragrance in your hands" which embodies the spirit of mutual assistance between people.

Why do you say: "Do three favors to help others, but you will be riddled with bad luck"? What are the three kinds of help?

However, helping hands in real life are not always so simple and harmless. The ancients said: "Dou Mien, Shengmi hatred", pointing out the unforeseen negative consequences that can be brought about when helping others.

Especially when it comes to money, affection, and matters beyond one's ability, helping others can become a burden and even cause harm to oneself and others.

01 The trap of money lending

In the complex web of relationships, borrowing and borrowing money is often a delicate and tricky topic.

Why do you say: "Do three favors to help others, but you will be riddled with bad luck"? What are the three kinds of help?

As the old saying goes, "People die for money, birds die for food", which not only reveals the importance of money, but also reflects the potential risks and contradictions brought about by money problems.

When friends and family come to us for help in financial difficulties, we may be caught in a dilemma: on the one hand, we want to reach out to show our care and friendship;

On the other hand, the intervention of money may change what is otherwise a purely interpersonal relationship, with unpredictable consequences.

Why do you say: "Do three favors to help others, but you will be riddled with bad luck"? What are the three kinds of help?

When dealing with a request for money borrowing, we first need to assess the creditworthiness and repayment ability of the person seeking help. This is not a lack of trust, but a necessary caution.

We can have an open conversation with the person we ask for help before deciding whether or not to borrow money.

Why do you say: "Do three favors to help others, but you will be riddled with bad luck"? What are the three kinds of help?

For example, I once said to a friend who asked for a loan, "I understand your current difficulties, but I also need to know your repayment plan and schedule." ”

This approach helps to clarify the expectations and responsibilities of both parties and reduces possible misunderstandings and conflicts in the future.

Second, we need to consider whether the amount of borrowing is within our own tolerance. Excessive borrowing not only puts financial stress on both borrowers and borrowers, but can also affect the quality of life and mental health of both parties.

Why do you say: "Do three favors to help others, but you will be riddled with bad luck"? What are the three kinds of help?

When considering a loan request, we need to weigh our own financial situation and avoid putting ourselves in trouble by helping others.

In addition, it is important to be clear about what you want to borrow. If the borrowing is to address short-term urgent problems, such as medical expenses or educational expenses, such borrowing may be reasonable and necessary.

Why do you say: "Do three favors to help others, but you will be riddled with bad luck"? What are the three kinds of help?

However, if borrowing is for unnecessary consumption or unplanned spending, then we should be cautious about whether we should help.

Sometimes, providing financial advice and planning may be more helpful in helping the other party solve their problems than borrowing directly.

02 The complexity of relationship problems

In interpersonal communication, emotional issues are an extremely delicate and complex area. Especially when a friend asks us for help in an emotional confusion, we often find ourselves in an awkward position.

Why do you say: "Do three favors to help others, but you will be riddled with bad luck"? What are the three kinds of help?

Relationship problems are emotional and subjective, and sometimes even well-intentioned advice can lead to unforeseen consequences.

When a friend is caught in an emotional entanglement, our role should be that of a listener and advisor, not a decision-maker.

For example, I once said to a friend who was in deep emotional trouble, "I heard your question, but I think you need to decide this issue for yourself, and I can support you here." ”

Why do you say: "Do three favors to help others, but you will be riddled with bad luck"? What are the three kinds of help?

Such a response provides support while avoiding direct involvement in their private affairs.

We need to be very careful when giving emotional advice to ensure that our advice is neutral and objective. Relationship issues are difficult to judge with simple right and wrong.

In many cases, our best role may simply be to be a listener, providing a safe environment where friends can freely express their feelings and concerns.

At the same time, we also need to avoid being the "spokesperson" of either party. For example, when the significant other half of a friend is also our friend, we may be in a dilemma.

In this case, the safest strategy is to remain neutral and try to avoid passing on information or opinions from either party to the other. Our role should be to facilitate communication, not exacerbate conflict.

In addition, we also need to be aware that certain emotional issues may be beyond our comprehension or ability to solve. In such cases, it may be more responsible to recommend seeking professional help.

Why do you say: "Do three favors to help others, but you will be riddled with bad luck"? What are the three kinds of help?

For example, I once advised a friend, "Maybe it's a good idea to look at a marriage counselor who has the expertise to deal with this kind of problem." ”

In conclusion, when a friend asks us for help in a relationship matter, we should provide support and listen, but at the same time, we need to keep a certain distance.

Our goal is to help friends find their own solutions, not make decisions for them. In this way, we not only help our friends, but also protect ourselves from possible emotional conflicts.

03 Requests beyond the scope of capacity

In our daily lives, we often encounter situations where friends or loved ones ask for help. However, not all requests for help do so with the capacity or expertise to respond.

Why do you say: "Do three favors to help others, but you will be riddled with bad luck"? What are the three kinds of help?

We must learn to say "no" when faced with requests that are beyond our capabilities, not only as a protection for ourselves, but also as a sign of responsibility to those who ask for help.

For example, once a friend asked me to help him with some legal documents. I am an engineer and know very little about the field of law.

Why do you say: "Do three favors to help others, but you will be riddled with bad luck"? What are the three kinds of help?

I said to him, "I understand your situation, but I don't have any expertise in law. Perhaps you should consult a professional lawyer. ”

This honest response not only protected me from taking responsibility that wasn't right for me, but also directed my friend to more appropriate help.

When faced with requests that are beyond our capabilities, we need to recognize our limitations and have the courage and honesty to express them.

Why do you say: "Do three favors to help others, but you will be riddled with bad luck"? What are the three kinds of help?

Trying to do more than you can do can not only lead to task failure, but it can also cause more problems for yourself and others.

For example, if I try to help that friend with legal documents, due to a lack of expertise, it may mislead him with more serious consequences.

When rejecting requests that are beyond our capabilities, we can use a positive communication style. This means saying "no" while offering other possible solutions or suggestions.

For example, recommending professionals, providing useful information resources, or suggesting other ways to help. This shows our care and support while avoiding going beyond our own boundaries.

Finally, we must realize that rejecting a request that is not suitable does not mean that we are unwilling to help. On the contrary, it is a sign of maturity and responsibility.

Our aim is to provide the best possible assistance within our ability while ensuring that we do not cause unnecessary trouble to ourselves and others.

04 Keep boundaries and help wisely

First and foremost, helping others wisely means identifying and respecting one's own boundaries. Each of us has limited abilities and resources, and recognizing this is not selfish, but responsible for ourselves and others.

Why do you say: "Do three favors to help others, but you will be riddled with bad luck"? What are the three kinds of help?

For example, when a friend asked me to work on a project I wasn't familiar with, I honestly said to him, "I really want to help you, but that's not my specialty." I'm afraid I may not be able to provide the help you need. ”

This honest communication helps to set clear expectations while avoiding the disappointment that can come with not being able to fulfill your promises.

Second, sensible help also includes assessing the reasonableness and urgency of the request. In some cases, direct help may not be the best option.

Why do you say: "Do three favors to help others, but you will be riddled with bad luck"? What are the three kinds of help?

Sometimes, it may be more effective to provide advice, resources, or direct others to professional help than to step in directly.

For example, when a friend turned to me because of work pressure, I suggested to him, "Maybe you can try some time management tools or techniques, or seek career counseling." ”

Advice like this not only helped my friend explore other solutions, but also prevented me from getting directly involved in a problem that might be beyond my capabilities.

In addition, helping wisely also means maintaining an appropriate emotional distance. When helping others, it is very important to maintain a certain level of objectivity and neutrality.

Why do you say: "Do three favors to help others, but you will be riddled with bad luck"? What are the three kinds of help?

Not only does this help to provide more just and effective help, but it also protects us from unnecessary emotional entanglements.


In real life, we are often faced with various opportunities to help others, but not all help is appropriate and necessary.

Why do you say: "Do three favors to help others, but you will be riddled with bad luck"? What are the three kinds of help?

In the face of borrowing money, emotional disputes, and requests that are beyond our means, we should learn to set boundaries to avoid unnecessary distress and harm to ourselves and others.

In general, helping others is a virtue worth advocating, but in the process of helping others, we also need to learn to protect ourselves and avoid unnecessary sacrifices and losses.

By choosing wisely how and where we can help, we are not only better able to help others, but also protect ourselves for a true win-win situation.