
This is the reason why Kishida is clamoring to prevent China's reunification, and the United States has long been prepared

author:Scientific knowledge points

Since Japan's Kishida government took office, it has become more closely bound to the United States and even released more hostility and arrogance towards the mainland, so what is the real reason why Japan's Kishida is clamoring to prevent China's reunification?

This is the reason why Kishida is clamoring to prevent China's reunification, and the United States has long been prepared

Japan has never given up, especially in the face of the situation in the Taiwan Strait on the mainland, Japan has not even woken up from the colonial dream of history, and even has delusions, so it colludes with the United States in a vain attempt to replicate history. In fact, China's rise is no longer a backward situation during World War II, and now China has advanced armaments and a well-educated army, but Japan always wants to make things happen, and even fires the United States, trying to take advantage of the chaos to make profits, but the greedy attempts of these foreign enemies will not succeed, because Taiwan will always belong to China's territory, and any enemy who covets China's territory will be defeated, destroyed, and eliminated.

In next year's plan, Japan has a purpose to openly clamore, to do its utmost to prevent China from recovering Taiwan and to prevent the great cause of China's cross-strait reunification; Japan is eyeing the mainland and Taiwan, and is even more closely watching the situation in the Taiwan Strait, and the Kishida government has even braved the world's condemnation by directly discharging nuclear wastewater into the sea.

This is the reason why Kishida is clamoring to prevent China's reunification, and the United States has long been prepared

There is a scandal within the Japanese government that has been exposed, a faction of the Kishida faction, there is a secret fund and account book specially used for banquets, the funds are as high as 10 billion yen, and the exchange rate is tens of millions of dollars.

The right and left figures of the Kishida faction are all involved in this incident, and the cabinet chief and the minister of economy, who are relatively high-ranking ministers, if Kishida wants to say that he has nothing to do with him, I am afraid that the Japanese will not believe it, and this scandal has a very great impact and has caused negative pressure on the Kishida government.

This is the reason why Kishida is clamoring to prevent China's reunification, and the United States has long been prepared

The rest of the list of people involved in the case can be listed on a few pages, this time the Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office has a certain amount of evidence, before the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party will be prosecuted for suspected corruption crimes, this news in Japan The public protests continue to be the node of complaints, and it is enough for the Kishida Fumio government to have a headache, because there were public grievances and protests before to explain that the people were dissatisfied, and now they have been caught with real evidence, suspected of corruption, this is tangible evidence.

It is said that the Japanese Kishida government itself has an accident because the Tokyo District Prosecutor has officially prosecuted, which makes the nature of the matter that could have been suppressed under other names unable to be handled in an ambiguous or cover-up manner. In the face of the prosecution's accusations, I don't know what the attitude and face of the Kishida government are in private, and it is estimated that it is inevitable to be angry.

This is the reason why Kishida is clamoring to prevent China's reunification, and the United States has long been prepared

Because in the eyes of the Japanese government, this matter may not be a big deal at all, but it was grabbed by the prosecutor and made public like a slap in the face, which made the Liberal Democratic Party of the Kishida government very passive. Even because of a budget for drinking activities, the current black clouds in Japanese politics are about to come, why is this?

Netizens are very curious, why did the Tokyo District Prosecutor's Special Investigation Department investigate the Liberal Democratic Party? This should be emphatically emphasized that this department is actually a special organization set up by the Americans in Japan; speaking of this, some military fans will be amazed, yo, can it be said that the United States and Japan are going to fight, and the United States is not pleasing to the Kishida government?

This is the reason why Kishida is clamoring to prevent China's reunification, and the United States has long been prepared

The purpose of the United States setting up this department in Japan is to monitor Japanese officials, and it is usually to collect private information about these Japanese officials in order to control the weakness of any Japanese official, so as to control Japanese political figures, and even the Japanese prime minister is still targeting targets in the US surveillance intelligence network.

From this point of view, it is not difficult to understand that the United States has never trusted Japan as a country, and this can also explain that the so-called alliance between the United States and Japan is nothing more than mutual use, and that Japan's political situation is, to a certain extent, controlled by the level of joint decision-making between Japan and the United States, rather than at the level of Japan's independent decision-making.

This is the reason why Kishida is clamoring to prevent China's reunification, and the United States has long been prepared

If this is the case, then there is a lot of room for the outside world to reverie, and perhaps many seemingly incomprehensible questions have vague answers, and perhaps such answers, although lacking public confirmation, are closer to the truth.

Now that the United States has begun to look for black material about the Kishida government in Japan, it has officially revealed what kind of intentions are behind this act, and what is the crux of Japan's annoyance with the United States? Didn't the United States just delegate part of the command of Ukraine to Russia in the past?

This is the reason why Kishida is clamoring to prevent China's reunification, and the United States has long been prepared

That is, the competition between the United States and Japan because of the competing interests, Japan frantically and openly clamored about the possibility of war, and unleashed strong hostility towards the mainland, while the United States may still be dissatisfied with the available benefits that Japan can provide and the funds it has contributed to the US military stationed in Japan, because after all, the United States has not yet been able to solve its economic problems, and if Japan wants to increase its military spending for the United States, it is reluctant, so the United States will naturally be annoyed.

Japan's purpose in clamouring China is self-evident, and the United States' early preparations have made Japan even more frightened.

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