
Why did women in ancient times have to marry at the age of 13 or 14? The three real reasons are very realistic

author:Big fish love shrimp
Why did women in ancient times have to marry at the age of 13 or 14? The three real reasons are very realistic

In the corridor of time, we find that the ancient marriage scene seems more mysterious and confusing. Cardamom girls, like uncarved jade, were sent into the palace of marriage early. This is not just a simple individual choice, but a blend of complex cultures and social relations in ancient societies.

The shackles of gender perceptions

Why did women in ancient times have to marry at the age of 13 or 14? The three real reasons are very realistic

In this clear gender role, the idea of male superiority and inferiority of women is deeply entrenched. From the beginning of their birth, women are given the destiny of "from the beginning to the end".

Why did women in ancient times have to marry at the age of 13 or 14? The three real reasons are very realistic

Their value is often only positioned in family and childbirth. This led men to choose young cardamom maidens as wives, as a means of ensuring the continuity of the family bloodline and the stability of family authority. This is a choice tangled in the swamp of ignorance, which is not only a disregard for women's rights, but also a constraint on individual freedom.

Why did women in ancient times have to marry at the age of 13 or 14? The three real reasons are very realistic

These young girls, who are innocent and ignorant of the world, play a submissive and obedient role in marriage.

Why did women in ancient times have to marry at the age of 13 or 14? The three real reasons are very realistic

Their personalities tend to be darkened in such marriages, as they are molded into what men and their families want to be, rather than pursuing their dreams and desires. This is a tragedy in which the dignity of the individual is trampled on, and it is also the blind inheritance of the concept of the whole society.

Social pressures of early marriage and early childbearing

Why did women in ancient times have to marry at the age of 13 or 14? The three real reasons are very realistic

In that ancient society, where medical conditions were backward and life expectancy was low, marriage was not only a personal choice, but also a major event for the family and society. In order to combat population decline and maintain social stability, the government has encouraged early marriage and early childbearing through various means. This makes the young and healthy cardamom girl the most ideal fertility person.

Why did women in ancient times have to marry at the age of 13 or 14? The three real reasons are very realistic

However, in the process, these young girls often fall victim to the entire social policy. Before they understand the meaning of life, they are forced to take on the responsibility of childbearing and upbringing. This is a deprivation of individual rights, and it is an excessive consumption of women's bodies. This social pressure of early marriage and early childbearing makes marriage an inescapable trap, especially for young brides.

The Constraints of Ideas and the Influence of Social Policy

Why did women in ancient times have to marry at the age of 13 or 14? The three real reasons are very realistic

In ancient times, the government encouraged early marriage through various means for the sake of population size and social stability. This kind of policy not only affects the choice of individuals, but also strengthens the society's recognition and pursuit of early marriage. As a result, it became common to marry young girls, who were often unable to decide their own fate.

Why did women in ancient times have to marry at the age of 13 or 14? The three real reasons are very realistic

Their marriage is not based on mutual understanding and affection, but on the union of families and the exchange of interests. As a result, these young girls lose themselves in marriage and become appendages to their husbands and families. It is a tragedy in which ideas and social policies intertwine and make individual freedom and happiness a secondary pursuit.

Progress and reflection of modern society

However, as time went on, society progressed and the status of women continued to improve. Women in modern society have more choice and autonomy, and are no longer bound by traditional concepts of marriage. Modern marriage is no longer a simple family union, but more based on mutual love and respect.

Why did women in ancient times have to marry at the age of 13 or 14? The three real reasons are very realistic

In the process, the status of women is elevated, and they are no longer passive recipients, but equal participants in marriage. Marriage is no longer a victim of social policy, but a pursuit of individual freedom and happiness. This is a reflection on ancient concepts in modern society, and it is also a reaffirmation of individual rights.

Why did women in ancient times have to marry at the age of 13 or 14? The three real reasons are very realistic

In ancient times, those cardamom maidens were sent to the palace of marriage, and their fate was often involuntary. However, the progress of modern society has allowed women to have more choices and are no longer bound by the ideas of the past. We need to learn from history and cherish the rights and freedoms of the individual, so that everyone can find their own happiness in marriage. Only in this way can we usher in a more equal and inclusive society.