
My husband is a village party secretary, and my salary is difficult for me to talk about, and I want to divorce him many times

author:Every time I see the Big Buddha


In the countryside in the early 90s, there was a husband and wife, and their story was not as beautiful as the movie "Jiao Yulu". On the contrary, their lives are full of ups and downs and helplessness, and the selfless dedication of one of the husbands becomes the focus of this story.

The story begins with an interesting acquaintance. The matchmaker in the old village set up the marriage line of these two protagonists, so the scenery of the small village became the background for their communication with each other. remembers the first time they met, and the heroine joked to him: "We have to have a common language, otherwise how will we live in the future?" This humorous conversation became the beginning of the relationship between the two in the future.

My husband is a village party secretary, and my salary is difficult for me to talk about, and I want to divorce him many times

After marriage, life is not as good as they imagined. They lived a simple but fulfilling life, but there was always not enough money. The husband works as a clerk in the village, and his monthly salary is barely enough to feed on. The heroine muttered: "What can I buy with this salary? It's better to go to the vegetable market and drag two handfuls of vegetables back." The helplessness revealed in the dialogue makes people feel the pressure of their lives and the warm tacit understanding.

One day, the old party secretary took a fancy to her husband's ability and recommended him to run for the village party secretary. The husband took over the responsibility, but his decision left the family in a deeper predicament. In desperation, his wife said to him, "Can you stop serving those people all day? Let's solve our own jobs first!" This conversation reveals the increase in family pressure and the conflict between husband and wife.

My husband is a village party secretary, and my salary is difficult for me to talk about, and I want to divorce him many times

As the husband devoted himself to village work, the conflict within the family gradually escalated. Because of the increased burden of household chores, his wife complained: "What's the use of you being a branch secretary, our days are not the same." This conversation is a true reflection of their helpless choice between family and career, and the pressure that this choice brings to their lives.

The husband has cancer

As they grew more and more estranged, the tricks of fate came again. My husband was diagnosed with stomach cancer. The cost of medical care has made it even worse for families who are already struggling to afford it. At this time, his wife said to him with tears in her eyes: "You can't be busy with those people anymore, the family is almost overwhelmed." At this moment, the two deeply felt the impermanence of life and the fragility of their families.

My husband is a village party secretary, and my salary is difficult for me to talk about, and I want to divorce him many times

However, in times of crisis, the unity of the villagers gave the family a glimmer of hope. People in the village have extended a helping hand to her husband by sending him to the hospital and funeral. When they needed help the most, the villagers became their strong support. This embodies the spirit of mutual help in rural communities, and also allows us to see the warmth of human nature.


However, the trick of fate did not bring about a turnaround. The husband eventually died of illness, leaving behind a bleak family. The wife was so grief-stricken that she said in a trembling voice, "He has done so much for this village, but in the end we are separated in such a mess." The story ends in a tragedy, making people think deeply about the impermanence of life and the preciousness of family.

My husband is a village party secretary, and my salary is difficult for me to talk about, and I want to divorce him many times


This story may not be beautiful, but it is in these ups and downs and helplessness that we see the true feelings of human nature. Through the dialogue between husband and wife, family conflicts, and the support of villagers, we see the ups and downs that an ordinary family experiences in life. Everyone is striving for a better life, and this effort and dedication, no matter how small, is building a family, a village, and even the whole society. Perhaps, it is this kind of sacrifice and dedication that constitutes the true meaning of our lives. In this rural story, we see not only the dedication of a husband, but also a deep love for the family and the villagers. Let's draw strength from this story, cherish the people in front of us, and remember that selfless dedication to the family.