
These 5 thoughts and 3 behaviors often appear, most of them are manifestations of depression, let's see if you have them


Zhang Hua, an ordinary middle-aged accountant, lives in a busy city. His daily life is full of numbers and reports, busy but orderly. At home, he is a loving husband and father, maintaining a harmonious family atmosphere with his wife and children. However, just in the last few months, Zhang Hua has gradually felt a subtle change, a latent and imperceptible change.

These 5 thoughts and 3 behaviors often appear, most of them are manifestations of depression, let's see if you have them

This change was not noticeable at first. At first, he only occasionally felt tired and depressed. However, this emotion began to visit him more and more frequently, gradually spreading from the pressure of work to every corner of life. He began to lose interest in the activities he used to enjoy, even including football games with his children on weekends. Communication with his family was also becoming less and less, and he felt that he was gradually surrounded by an invisible barrier.

One night, while browsing Toutiao, Zhang Hua accidentally clicked on an article about mental health. The article describes some common symptoms of mental illness that make him involuntarily begin to compare his state. As mentioned in the article, there are often certain patterns of thoughts and behaviors that can be a sign of depression. This made him feel a little uneasy: could it be that he was suffering from such an unspeakable illness?

From that moment on, Zhang Hua began to observe his every mood swing and every small behavior change more carefully. Instead of seeing these changes as a normal reaction to work stress, he began to seriously consider them, perhaps a manifestation of a more serious problem deep within him.

These 5 thoughts and 3 behaviors often appear, most of them are manifestations of depression, let's see if you have them

Zhang Hua's life is gradually enveloped by five profound thoughts. The first is self-denial. He often questioned his worth in the dead of night, feeling that whatever he did was in vain. This feeling is also reflected in his daily work, and he does not feel any sense of accomplishment even when he completes important tasks.

The second is persistent pessimism. Zhang Hua began to despair about the future, believing that no matter how hard he tried, the future would be bleak. This thought even affected his view of the family, and the optimism and hope for the family slowly disappeared

This was followed by a loss of interest in life. Hobbies that he once loved, such as reading and traveling, are no longer appealing to him. He began to avoid any social activities, even meals with his family.

The fourth thought is self-guilt. Zhang Hua often feels guilty for no reason, believing that he is a burden to his family and friends. He felt that his presence was a nuisance to others, and this feeling made him want to be alone even more.

These 5 thoughts and 3 behaviors often appear, most of them are manifestations of depression, let's see if you have them

Finally, there are thoughts of death and suicide. Although Zhang Hua did not have a clear plan to commit suicide, such negative thoughts often surfaced in his mind, which made him feel very scared and confused.

Describe three behaviors

As these thoughts intensified, Zhang Hua's behavior began to change as well. The first is sleep disorders. He had trouble sleeping at night and woke up very early in the morning, causing him to feel exhausted during the workday.

The second is a change in dietary habits Xi. Zhang Hua began to ignore his normal diet, sometimes he would go without eating all day, and sometimes he would overeat. This has taken a toll on his health.

Finally, there is social withdrawal. Zhang Hua, who was originally active, began to avoid contact with friends and colleagues. He often made excuses not to attend social events and even began to refuse to respond to calls and messages.

Zhang Hua's self-discovery

Just when Zhang Hua was feeling confused and helpless, he happened to read an article about depression. By comparing the symptoms mentioned in the article, he began to realize that he might be suffering from this mental illness. The realization scared him and relieved him at the same time - at least he was beginning to understand his state and knew that he wasn't alone.

Zhang Hua decided to start recording his emotions and behaviors, hoping to better understand his inner world. He also began to search the Internet for more information about depression, and gradually, he found a number of cases similar to his own. This made him feel less lonely and began to think about whether he should seek professional help.

These 5 thoughts and 3 behaviors often appear, most of them are manifestations of depression, let's see if you have them

Late one night, Zhang Hua was confronted with information about depression on a computer screen, and was deeply conflicted. On the one hand, he longs to get rid of this tormenting depression, and on the other hand, he worries about what others think of him, especially his colleagues and family. In traditional Chinese culture, mental health problems are often seen as a personal "weakness", which makes Zhang Hua feel great psychological pressure. More than once he asked himself, "Do I really need help?" ”

After several sleepless nights, Zhang Hua finally mustered up the courage and decided to seek help from a psychological counselor. During the consultation, he was diagnosed with mild depression. This diagnosis was both a shock and a relief for Zhang Hua. He began regular psychotherapy and, under the guidance of his doctor, learned some techniques Xi for managing his emotions. Zhang Hua gradually realized that mental health problems are not personal failures, but a disease that requires professional treatment.

Zhang's story highlights an important fact: depression is a common mental health problem, and it is not a matter of personal will, but a disease caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals. According to statistics, more than 54 million people in China suffer from depression of varying degrees, but the vast majority of them do not receive proper treatment. This is not only a personal tragedy, but also a great loss to society. Treatment for depression includes psychotherapy, medication, etc., and seeking professional help in a timely manner is essential for the improvement of the condition.

These 5 thoughts and 3 behaviors often appear, most of them are manifestations of depression, let's see if you have them

Zhang Hua's story teaches us that mental health issues deserve to be taken seriously, and that each of us can be a victim. It is important that we face it and actively seek help. We encourage readers to focus on their own mental health and the mental health of those around them, and not to ignore the signs of depression. Awareness of mental health is increasing, and each of us can be a part of this positive change.