
Are you over 30 years old and still have pimples? What the hell is this? What should I do?

author:Doctor Speaks Class

In the bustling city, Li Ting, who is in her 30s, is one of many working women. She had always thought that pimples were a percleric problem of adolescence, and that she was long past that age. But lately, whenever she stands in front of the mirror, she always finds a few red pimples on her otherwise smooth cheeks, which makes her both surprised and confused.

Are you over 30 years old and still have pimples? What the hell is this? What should I do?

"Do you still have pimples in your 30s?" Li Ting asked herself suspiciously. She recalls the unsolicited pimples of her adolescence and thinks that as she gets older, these skin problems will disappear with them. However, this is not the case. She began to think back to her recent Xi: working overtime and sleeping late, eating irregularly, and being stressed. Could these be the causes of the problems on her face?

Li Ting began to search for information about adult pimples on the Internet, but the more she read, the more confused she became. There are so many skincare products on the market, each of which claims to solve her problems, but how does she choose?

Are you over 30 years old and still have pimples? What the hell is this? What should I do?

These pimples not only made her face feel uncomfortable, but also gradually affected her mood and self-confidence. She realized that a scientific and effective solution needed to be found.

Li Ting (pseudonym) is a 32-year-old working woman who holds a middle management position in a well-known company. Recently, she began to notice the occasional red, swollen pimple on her cheeks and chin. At first, she didn't pay much attention to it, blaming it on work stress and occasionally staying up late. However, as time went on, instead of going away, these acne became more and more common, and even began to affect her self-confidence and daily life.

Li Ting tried a variety of skincare products on the market, from natural plant extracts to expensive imported ointments, but with little effect. She even tried some folk remedies recommended by "Internet celebrities", such as dressing her face with fresh lemon juice, but the result only made her skin more sensitive. These attempts not only failed to solve the problem, but instead exacerbated the discomfort of the skin.

Are you over 30 years old and still have pimples? What the hell is this? What should I do?

At the same time, Li Ting also felt pressure in social and professional situations. She began to avoid face-to-face contact with her co-workers, fearing they would notice her skin problems. She stopped speaking so actively in meetings and even started covering her pimples with a thick foundation, but this added to the burden on her skin.

Finally, Li Ting decided to consult a dermatologist. After asking her in detail about her lifestyle Xi, diet and use of skin care products, the doctor explained that the causes of adult acne may include hormonal imbalance, life stress, poor diet and Xi habits. Doctors point out that while pimples are usually associated with adolescence, they can also occur in adulthood due to hormonal changes or lifestyle issues.

Are you over 30 years old and still have pimples? What the hell is this? What should I do?

Doctors emphasize that the treatment of adult acne should not rely on short-term topical application of drugs or folk remedies, but requires fundamental changes in lifestyle and dietary Xi. She advised Li Ting to reduce sugar and fat intake, increase the proportion of vegetables and fruits, maintain a regular work and rest time, and engage in moderate physical exercise.

In addition, the doctor also prescribed topical medications suitable for her skin condition and reminded her to pay attention to the ingredients when using skin care products to avoid over-irritating the skin. She also advised Li Ting to minimize makeup in her daily life to give her skin more room to breathe.

After listening to the doctor's advice, Li Ting felt both relieved and a little worried. She realized that it wasn't just a skin issue, it was an opportunity for lifestyle adjustments and self-care. She decided to start adjusting her Xi as her doctor advised, and although the road could be tortuous, she was willing to try.

After some understanding and exploration, our protagonist, Li Jing, finally decided to consult a dermatologist. In the doctor's office, she described her Xi lifestyle, diet and skin care methods in detail. The doctor listened carefully to Li Jing's statement and performed a detailed skin examination.

The doctor explained that the causes of adult acne are complex, and are related to hormonal imbalances, life stress, dietary Xi, and even genetic factors. He pointed out that while skincare products and folk remedies on the market may be helpful in some cases, in Li's case, a comprehensive approach is needed.

First of all, the doctor advised Li Jing to adjust her lifestyle. This includes regular sleep schedules, adequate sleep, and reduced stress at work. In particular, he emphasized that stress is an important factor in triggering adult pimples, and proper stress management is essential to improve skin condition.

Are you over 30 years old and still have pimples? What the hell is this? What should I do?

Secondly, the doctor made dietary recommendations. He points out that foods high in sugar, fried foods, and foods that contain high levels of man-made hormones can all exacerbate the inflammatory condition of the skin. Conversely, antioxidant-rich foods, such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, can help reduce inflammation and support skin health.

Finally, the doctor prescribed a number of medications for Li Jing, including topical ointments and oral medications, to help control the onset of acne and reduce inflammation. He also advised Li Jing to return to her regular appointments so that her treatment could be adjusted according to her skin condition.

After following the doctor's instructions, Li Jing's life changed significantly. She began to pay attention to her diet, reducing her dependence on junk food and choosing more vegetables and fruits. She also strives to pacify her work, make sure she gets enough sleep each night, and try to reduce stress through yoga and meditation.

A few weeks later, Li Jing was pleasantly surprised to find that her skin condition had improved significantly. Acne is starting to decrease and the skin is looking healthier. What's more, she feels that her overall mental state has also improved. She realizes that healthy skin is not just an outward appearance, but also a reflection of inner health and quality of life.