
In order to save her boyfriend, the woman threw 5.75 million yuan to ask the master to "tie up the marriage", but she ended up in prison!

author:Merry old Chen Wenguan

In order to recover her lost love, the woman did not hesitate to use 5.75 million public funds to ask the master to help, but unexpectedly fell into a scam and was finally sentenced to 5 years in prison. This absurd and bizarre incident has triggered deep thinking and vigilance against the "tied marriage" industry.

In order to save her boyfriend, the woman threw 5.75 million yuan to ask the master to "tie up the marriage", but she ended up in prison!

Everyone has a desire for love, and when a relationship is about to break down, some people choose to suffer silently, while others will fight for it desperately. However, in order to recover her lost love, a woman took a risk and used public funds and set her sights on the so-called "tied marriage".

It is known that the woman fell into great grief and despair due to the loss of love. In the midst of her predicament, she hears of an industry called "Marriage Bonding", which is rumored to be a master with unique methods and magical powers that can help people recover lost love. So, holding on to the last glimmer of hope, the woman decided to put all her efforts into this seemingly bright opportunity.

She did not hesitate to spend 5.75 million yuan in public funds to hire this master, hoping to hold her boyfriend again through his help. However, things turned out unexpectedly. After a period of "tying marriage" rituals, the woman did not see the result she expected, but was deceived by the master and lost all her money.

In order to save her boyfriend, the woman threw 5.75 million yuan to ask the master to "tie up the marriage", but she ended up in prison!

The police intervened and uncovered the truth of the whole incident. It turned out that the self-proclaimed master did not have any magical abilities at all, he just took advantage of the woman's psychological needs and desire for love to defraud her of public funds with lies. In the end, the woman was sentenced to 5 years in prison on suspicion of embezzlement of public funds, and her love with high hopes was completely shattered.

This incident has aroused widespread concern and deep thought. In today's society, people's pursuit and desire for love is understandable, but we must also look at the various so-called "tied marriage" industries rationally. After all, there is no scientific basis and credible evidence behind these industries, and it is likely to be just a rhetorical scam.

In order to save her boyfriend, the woman threw 5.75 million yuan to ask the master to "tie up the marriage", but she ended up in prison!

At the same time, this incident also reminds us of the prudence and supervision of the use of public funds. Public funds are funds belonging to taxpayers and should be used for the development of public affairs and social welfare. The use of public funds for personal interests is not only an illegal act, but also an infringement of the rights and interests of taxpayers. This woman's actions teach us a vivid lesson, reminding each of us that we should keep a clear head, think calmly in the face of difficult situations, and avoid going down the wrong path.

This absurd and bizarre incident is a wake-up call: love cannot be an excuse for us to lose our rationality, let alone be used by those unscrupulous. Managing feelings with heart and changing oneself with action is the real way to get happiness. Let's learn from what happened to this woman, be vigilant, protect ourselves and cherish the people around us who are really good to us.

This incident, which ended in prison in order to redeem the loss of love, exposes to us the dangers and psychological traps of the marriage industry. It is hoped that through the exposure of this incident, the society can pay attention to this kind of industry, and strengthen the supervision and crackdown on it, so as to protect the rights and interests of the general public.