
When you can't sleep, is it useful to squint? Here are 4 tips for sleeping soundly

author:The world is hospitable

In the silence of the night, Lieber tossed and turned, unable to sleep. The septuagenarian retired teacher has spent decades of fulfilling and regular teaching and educating people. Now, in the quiet community, his life is calm and orderly, but the long sleep at night has become a problem for him. Lieber's eyes were closed, trying to lull himself to sleep by "squinting", but his mind was filled with a series of unfinished daydreams and vague thoughts that made his sleep even more out of reach.

When you can't sleep, is it useful to squint? Here are 4 tips for sleeping soundly

In the dead of night, he pondered the long-standing question: "Is it really useful to just squint when you can't sleep?" This question is not only a puzzle for Lieber, but also a question shared by many of his peers. Sleep, a seemingly simple physiological need, has become a complex puzzle at their age.

Lieber remembers that when he was younger, the dead of night was the best time for him to work and think, and now it has become the hardest time of his day. He tried many methods: drinking hot milk, listening to soft music, and even counting sheep, but none of these traditional methods seemed to work. In the middle of the night, Lieber is like being abandoned in the vast ocean, looking for a lighthouse to return, but it is always out of reach.

Tonight, we will follow Lieber's perspective to explore this universal but complex issue. In this article, we will not only reveal the true effect of "squinting your eyes", but also learn 4 tips to help you sleep better Xi together. Lieber's story may be the epitome of your story and mine, and these strategies to be shared may be the key to improving our night.

After one long night after another, Lieber began to look for ways to improve his sleep. He first tried to adjust his sleep and wake up times. In the first few days, this regularity did not bring immediate results, and Lieber almost wanted to give up, but he persevered. After a few weeks, he was pleasantly surprised to find that he was able to fall asleep faster and wake up less during the night.

When you can't sleep, is it useful to squint? Here are 4 tips for sleeping soundly

With some encouragement, Lieber began to practice the second trick: a relaxation meditation before bed. Every night before lying in bed, he would spend ten minutes taking deep breaths and Xi to try to release the stress and anxiety of the day. At first, his mind was difficult to calm down, but as he practiced Xi, Li Bo was gradually able to enter a state of tranquility. This not only helps him fall asleep faster, but also improves the quality of his sleep.

As a former physical education teacher, Lieber knows the importance of sports. Therefore, he decided to stick to a moderate amount of exercise every day, usually with a walk or a light jog in the evening. This not only improves his physical health, but also helps him sleep at night. Indeed, over time, he found that he slept better than usual on exercise days.

Eventually, Lieber changed some of his bedtime Xi. He began to limit his caffeine intake in the evenings and cut back on his evening use of electronic devices in favor of reading or listening to soft music. These small changes had a big impact, and he found that he was no longer tossing and turning after going to bed, but falling asleep faster.

When you can't sleep, is it useful to squint? Here are 4 tips for sleeping soundly

In the process of practicing these tricks, Li Bo also encountered setbacks and difficulties. Some nights, no matter how hard he tried, he still felt like he couldn't sleep. But instead of giving up, he continued to adjust and experiment, and gradually found the sleep pattern that suited him best. Lieber's story doesn't take a dramatic turn, but it's this step-by-step persistence and change that ultimately helped him regain a sweet sleep.

Lieber's journey to insomnia has finally taken a turn for the better. After a few weeks of hard work and adjustment, those bedtime irritability and endless tossing and turning began to slowly decrease. Every evening, he takes some time to do gentle stretching exercises, followed by deep breathing Xi exercises in bed, feeling the relaxation of each breath.

He also changed his daily routine, trying to maintain a regular routine and avoid stimulating diets and excessive mental work after 9 p.m. Lieber found that as these Xi were formed, the number of times he woke up at night was significantly reduced, and even if he woke up, he could fall asleep again more quickly.

When you can't sleep, is it useful to squint? Here are 4 tips for sleeping soundly

But the real test comes from those particularly hard nights, when anxiety and loneliness loom like shadows in the night. During these times, Lieber began to experiment with bedtime meditation and listening to soft music, which served as a warm beacon to guide him away from the sea of troubles and towards a peaceful harbor.

As time passed, the old gentleman, who had been sleepless at night, began to experience the fresh air of the morning and the refreshing feeling of waking up. He was pleasantly surprised to find that not only was the quality of his sleep improving, but his mental state and mood had become more stable and pleasant during the day.

One fine morning, Lieber wrote in his diary: "Last night, without any effort, I fell asleep naturally. I felt like I was being embraced by a gentle arm, safe and comfortable. When I woke up, I felt a sense of fullness that I hadn't felt in a long time, as if the whole world was welcoming me. ”

It's not just about changing sleep, it's about improving the quality of life in an all-round way. Lieber began to rediscover the joys of everyday life, interacting with his grandchildren more patiently and happily, and also began to plan small trips to enjoy the beauty of retirement. A good night's sleep gives him more energy and motivation to face each day.

When you can't sleep, is it useful to squint? Here are 4 tips for sleeping soundly

Later in this story, Lieber also attends a community health talk where he shares his experience. He tells his audience that there is no one-time solution to improving sleep, but that if you keep trying the right things, you can find your way to a good night's sleep.