
China's efforts have been in vain? Bad news has spread in northern Myanmar and some Chinese have died? The Chinese side is very angry

author:Strong Martial Arts

Under the mediation of the Chinese side, the parties to the conflict in Myanmar held a meeting and peace talks in China, but in less than one month, a vicious attack occurred in northern Myanmar, resulting in Chinese casualties, and the Chinese side strongly resented this.

War can result in a large number of casualties and property damage, including soldiers, civilians and other victims. Wars can also damage urban infrastructure and can also severely damage the country's economic system. It is precisely because of the extremely destructive nature of war that China has always been reluctant to use force to solve the problem. Whether it is the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, or the northern Myanmar conflict, China is persuading all parties to resolve the issue through peace talks.

China's efforts have been in vain? Bad news has spread in northern Myanmar and some Chinese have died? The Chinese side is very angry

Since the outbreak of the conflict in northern Myanmar, China has tried its best to facilitate peace talks between the parties to the conflict in northern Myanmar, and in early December 2023, the parties to the conflict in northern Myanmar finally agreed to peace talks, and the venue was set in China. The Chinese Foreign Ministry confirmed the incident, and Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said that under the mediation and promotion of the Chinese side, the Myanmar military and the Kokang, De'ang and Arakan armies held peace talks in China and reached an agreement on a temporary ceasefire and maintaining dialogue. Mao Ning also said that China will, as always, push forward the work of all parties to stop the war and promote talks, and promote the easing and cooling of the situation.

However, less than a month after the temporary ceasefire was reached, there were major attacks and Chinese casualties. According to information from the Myanmar side, a few days ago, near the Crown Hotel in the Dongcheng District of Kokang Old Street, Myanmar, there was a battle between unknown armed forces, resulting in Chinese casualties. In this regard, Mao Ning said that he expressed strong dissatisfaction with the casualties caused by the armed conflict, and the Chinese side once again demanded that all parties to the conflict in northern Myanmar immediately cease fire and stop fighting, take practical measures to ensure the safety of Chinese personnel and projects in Myanmar, and prevent the recurrence of any incident that endangers the safety of Chinese people's lives and property.

Not long after the temporary ceasefire agreement was reached, such a terrible incident occurred that may mean that the current round of peace talks has broken down. Various forces in northern Myanmar are engaged in fierce offensive and defensive battles around Lao Cai.

China's efforts have been in vain? Bad news has spread in northern Myanmar and some Chinese have died? The Chinese side is very angry

The warring is between the Burmese government army and the Kokang People's Armed Forces on the other. In this area, the Burmese government forces are relatively weak, and the Kokang Allied Forces are strong, occupying many government forces. Today, the focus of contention between the two sides is the Lao Cai area.

The Lao Cai garrison is less than 4,000 people, of which about half of the Burmese government army is relatively well equipped, with some armored vehicles, 120mm mortars, and 105mm wheeled assault guns.

China's efforts have been in vain? Bad news has spread in northern Myanmar and some Chinese have died? The Chinese side is very angry

There are also more than 300 members of the Kokang border battalion in the hands of the "Wei family", hundreds of people in the Kokang police battalion that once belonged to the "Ming family", and more than 1,000 militiamen in the hands of the "Bai family". In addition, there are hundreds of private soldiers in the hands of these families. The uneven military quality of these soldiers, coupled with the fact that the upper echelons of each side have their own agendas, are therefore a rabble.

Although the Burmese government army dispatched aircraft to carry out several air strikes against the allied forces, and also used artillery fire to suppress the fire on the ground, the battle was still lost. Not long ago, the allied forces in northern Burma even captured the winery of the "Bai family" among the "four major families" and seized a number of luxury cars of the "Bai family", including Lamborghini and Rolls-Royce.

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