
"Yellow-faced woman, no one wants it" Because of her husband's words, the wife gambled on her cheap male girlfriend, and the tragedy ended

author:Geyan emotion

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On this road of no return, I am the protagonist, the victim, and the sinner. My name is Lin Xiao, an ordinary housewife, I used to be so satisfied with this ordinary and stable life. Until that night, when my husband came back drunk, the words "Yellow-faced woman, no one wants" struck my heart like a bolt of lightning, stirring up countless waves of anger.

"Yellow-faced woman, no one wants it" Because of her husband's words, the wife gambled on her cheap male girlfriend, and the tragedy ended

Our marriage was like a pool of stagnant water, calm and boring. My husband Wang Qiang and I have been married for ten years, and our lives have been uneventful. He is an ordinary company employee, immersed in his work and socializing every day, and his care and love for his family gradually decreases. And I, on the other hand, have always been a housewife and put all my energy into my family and children. My world is so small that there is almost nothing but the wet market and the children's school.

But that night, everything changed. Wang Qiang drank too much, and when he came back, he had sarcasm and disdain on his face. Our quarrel began as usual, but it got completely out of control because of that utterly insulting remark. I'm angry, I'm desperate, I'm unwilling. That's when I thought of my male best friend, Li Hong.

Li Hong was my best friend in college and has always been my strongest backing. Unlike Wang Qiang's rudeness and incomprehension, Li Hong is gentle and elegant, always able to lend a helping hand when I need it most. That night, I called Li Hong and couldn't cry. He listened, and only said, "I'm waiting for you." "I knew it was the first step to the abyss, but I went anyway.

"Yellow-faced woman, no one wants it" Because of her husband's words, the wife gambled on her cheap male girlfriend, and the tragedy ended

At Li Hong's house, we talked a lot, from all over the world to each other's lives. He comforted me, supported me, and was even willing to do anything for me. At that moment, I felt the warmth I hadn't felt for a long time and the feeling of being needed. Perhaps, this is the life I desire.

However, fate always seems to play a joke. Just when Li Hong and I were getting closer and closer, my sister-in-law Xiaofang suddenly came to visit. Xiaofang is a rude and willful girl, and since she found out about my relationship with Li Hong, she often threatens me with this incident. She asked me to buy this and that for her, and even asked me to help her get money from Wang Qiang. I knew that I had been trapped in a huge whirlpool, and once I was in it, I couldn't extricate myself.

As the days passed, my heart became more and more conflicted. Wang Qiang's attitude towards me seemed to have softened, but whenever I saw him, that sentence haunted me like a ghost. I know it's not what I want, but where can I go? I'm a housewife, I don't have a job, I don't have an income, my world is so small.

"Yellow-faced woman, no one wants it" Because of her husband's words, the wife gambled on her cheap male girlfriend, and the tragedy ended

And when I was most confused, it happened. Wang Qiang unexpectedly learned about my relationship with Li Hong, and he came to me like crazy to settle accounts. On that day, the house was like a battlefield, screaming, crying, and arguing. And at that moment, an even more shocking news came - something happened to Li Hong.

This is how the story begins, the path of revenge of an ordinary housewife, an untold secret, a battle of family and morality. In this story, I am the protagonist, the victim, and the sinner. My journey has just begun......

That night, I felt like the whole world was shaking. Wang Qiang's anger is like an enraged beast, and his every word seems to tear my heart apart. His roar echoed in my ears, "You betrayed me!" and every word hit me like a hammer to my heart. I was speechless, tears blurring my vision. I know that no matter what I say, I can't calm this storm.

"Yellow-faced woman, no one wants it" Because of her husband's words, the wife gambled on her cheap male girlfriend, and the tragedy ended

And just as the family storm intensified, Xiaofang's phone call came into my life like a thunderbolt from the blue. She screamed and told me that Li Hong had been in a car accident and was in a critical condition. My heart pounded as if something was about to be pulled out of my body. I shook off Wang Qiang, rushed out of the house, and went straight to the hospital.

The moment I arrived at the hospital, I almost collapsed. Li Hong lay there, pale, motionless, and dying. I held his hand tightly and tears flowed uncontrollably. I knew that without him, my world would never shine again. I whispered in his ear, begging him to wake up, and I told him that I needed him, more than ever.

Just when I was in despair, several more people appeared in the hospital. These people were Li Hong's friends, and their eyes were full of worry and anger. They told me that Li Hong's car accident was not accidental, but deliberate. My heart sank suddenly, could it be Wang Qiang? could he really do such a thing?

"Yellow-faced woman, no one wants it" Because of her husband's words, the wife gambled on her cheap male girlfriend, and the tragedy ended

When I got home, when I faced Wang Qiang, I was already a different person. I asked him to tell the truth, but his eyes flickered and his words flickered. Our marriage is on the verge of collapse. That night, none of us slept, and the whole house was filled with silence and tension.

The next day, I went to the police station. I asked to investigate Li Hong's car accident, and I need to know the truth. The investigation proceeded slowly, and every day of waiting felt like torture. And during this time, my life went on. I had to take care of the children, deal with family chores, and face Wang Qiang's cold and even hostile eyes.

Just when I was almost about to break down, word came from the police station. They found the surveillance footage of the accident vehicle, and the truth of the crash emerged. The mastermind behind the car accident was not Wang Qiang, but a person I never expected - Xiaofang.

"Yellow-faced woman, no one wants it" Because of her husband's words, the wife gambled on her cheap male girlfriend, and the tragedy ended

It turned out that because of jealousy and resentment, Xiaofang found someone to deliberately cause a car accident, wanting to separate me from Li Hong and put me in pain. Behind all this is her delicate calculation and cruel methods. I was shocked and deeply frightened. This family, these people, do I really understand?

And Wang Qiang, when he knew the truth, his reaction was even more than I expected. He did not express anger or sympathy, but a deep relief and indifference. He said he had known for a long time that the family would not end well, but he did not expect it to be like this. Our marriage is like a gamble, and in the end, both sides lose.

Things turned out beyond anyone's expectations. Xiaofang was arrested by the police, and my marriage to Wang Qiang also existed in name only. I started to re-examine my life and think about my future. And Li Hong, after a period of treatment, finally woke up. When I stood in front of his hospital bed again, my heart was filled with mixed emotions.

"Yellow-faced woman, no one wants it" Because of her husband's words, the wife gambled on her cheap male girlfriend, and the tragedy ended

I knew my life was going to change. Whether it is for Wang Qiang, or for Li Hong, or for myself, I need to make a choice. This home, this marriage, can no longer give me what I need. What I need is freedom, dignity, true love and being loved.

My story is not over yet, my journey has just begun. In this complex and entangled web of relationships, I will find my way out, to find the world that belongs to me. And all of this will start now.

Li Hong's awakening is a new beginning for me. Although his eyes were still a little confused, when his gaze finally focused on me, at that moment, I seemed to see the dawn of hope. He weakly took my hand, and at that moment, I felt firmness and strength like never before. I'm going to fight for our future, no matter how hard it is.

"Yellow-faced woman, no one wants it" Because of her husband's words, the wife gambled on her cheap male girlfriend, and the tragedy ended

On the way home, I kept thinking. I knew I couldn't go back to my old life. I need to change, not only for myself, but also for my children, for those dreams that still shimmer in my heart. Wang Qiang's attitude made me completely desperate, and Xiaofang's behavior made me full of fear of this family. I had to leave and start a new life.

I began to plan my future in secret. I reached out to my former college classmate, who was an HR manager at a company who was willing to help me find a job. Although I haven't worked for many years, I'm willing to start with the most basic work, I need to be financially independent, and that's my first step.

At the same time, I also began to actively look for a lawyer and prepare for a divorce from Wang Qiang. The decision was not easy, after all we were married for ten years and had a child, but I knew that if I didn't leave this suffocating environment, I would never be able to breathe the air of freedom. My lawyer was a calm and professional woman who listened carefully to me about all the experiences and then told me that although it was going to be an uphill battle, she would do everything she could to help me.

"Yellow-faced woman, no one wants it" Because of her husband's words, the wife gambled on her cheap male girlfriend, and the tragedy ended

While I was busy planning for my new life, I didn't forget Li Hong. Every day, I would visit him in the hospital, talk to him and encourage him to recover. His recovery was slow and difficult, but his eyes gradually regained their brilliance. I knew he was working for me, and it made me even more determined to make a difference.

Just when I was getting everything ready to file for divorce from Wang Qiang, I received an unexpected message. Wang Qiang's company suddenly collapsed, and he lost his job and fell into an unprecedented predicament. The news complicated me, on the one hand, I felt sympathy for his plight, after all, he had been my life partner, but on the other hand, I also knew that it was not a reason for me to give up on self-redemption.

I approached Wang Qiang and told him my decision. Faced with my decision, he was silent for a long time, and then said, "I know, I should have let you go a long time ago." At that moment, I saw the helplessness and sadness in his eyes, but more of relief. Perhaps, in the wreckage of this family, we have all found our own relief.

"Yellow-faced woman, no one wants it" Because of her husband's words, the wife gambled on her cheap male girlfriend, and the tragedy ended

The divorce process didn't go well, but it ended eventually. I took custody of my children and started a new job at the same time. Although the work is very hard and I am exhausted almost every day, when I see my income and feel the sense of accomplishment that comes from my work, I know that it is all worth it.

Li Hong's recovery is also progressing steadily. He began to be able to get out of bed and walk, and although he still needed help, every step was a sign of hope for the future. Our relationship is also becoming clearer, and we both know that there is still a long way to go, and we need each other's support and understanding.

And just like that, I started a new life. Every day is full of challenges and uncertainties, but I have never felt so energized and hopeful. I know that there will be countless difficulties and obstacles along the way, but I also know that as long as I persevere, one day, I will find my own piece of sky.

"Yellow-faced woman, no one wants it" Because of her husband's words, the wife gambled on her cheap male girlfriend, and the tragedy ended

Life is like a play without rehearsals, and every day is full of uncertainties and new challenges. I gradually found my place in my new job, and although the work was heavy, every time I completed a task and saw the results, the sense of accomplishment made me feel that all the efforts were worth it. The child is also gradually adapting to the new rhythm of life, his performance in school is getting better and better, and seeing his smiling face, I know that I have made the right decision.

At the same time, Li Hong's recovery is also improving. We would walk in the park together, and although he still needed crutches, every step was firm and powerful. We talk about the future and plan what we can do together. His support and encouragement to me is what keeps me going.

But just when I thought everything was going in a good direction, life hit me with an unexpected blow. Wang Qiang began to experience severe symptoms of depression due to long-term unemployment and stress. Even though we are divorced, my heart also feels heavy to see my former partner in such a painful situation. After all, the good memories we once had together, that affection is not something that can be completely let go of when we let go.

"Yellow-faced woman, no one wants it" Because of her husband's words, the wife gambled on her cheap male girlfriend, and the tragedy ended

I began to try to communicate with Wang Qiang and encourage him to seek professional help. At first he was very resistant, he was immersed in his own world and was unwilling to accept outside assistance. But I didn't give up, I knew he needed help, and I didn't want my child to lose his father. After much effort, he finally agreed to start treatment.

In the process, I have come to realize that life is not only about our own happiness, but also about the impact we can have on others. My persistence is not only changing my life, but it may also be saving a soul that has lost its way.

As the days passed, my life gradually got back on track. I was recognized for my work, my child was doing well in school, and Li Hong's recovery was getting better and better. We started to really plan for the future and think about moving to a new place to start a new life. A house full of sunshine with a spacious garden where we can grow flowers and enjoy life.

"Yellow-faced woman, no one wants it" Because of her husband's words, the wife gambled on her cheap male girlfriend, and the tragedy ended

However, I also understand that life is never going to be smooth sailing. In the process, I learned to be resilient and never give up. I know that no matter how tortuous the road ahead may be, as long as I keep hope and stick to my choice, nothing is impossible.

My relationship with Li Hong is also undergoing a new transformation. From friends to supporters to partners in life, our relationships have grown stronger. We've been through many ups and downs that have made our relationship even stronger. We all know that the road ahead may not be smooth, but as long as we walk hand in hand, there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome.

Wang Qiang's condition is also gradually improving, and he is beginning to regain hope and motivation in life. Although our relationship has ended, I also feel a sense of relief to see him come out of the haze. After all, he used to be such an important part of our lives.

"Yellow-faced woman, no one wants it" Because of her husband's words, the wife gambled on her cheap male girlfriend, and the tragedy ended

In the midst of all these changes, my biggest realization is that life belongs to us, and each of us has the right to pursue the life we want. No matter how the external environment changes, as long as we maintain our inner firmness and hope, one day, we will be able to reach our ideal state. I am grateful for those who have appeared in my life, both in terms of joy and pain, because it is these experiences that have made me stronger today.

As time passed, I gradually found balance in my new life. Li Hong and I are planning for the future together, and every day we spend together is full of hope and laughter. The child also thrives in this loving environment, and his smile is my biggest motivation every day.

In my work, I gradually showed my abilities and was recognized by my colleagues and superiors. I feel very satisfied with my busy and fulfilling work every day. I started working on more projects and even had the opportunity to lead some smaller projects. These experiences have made me more confident, and I know that as long as I work hard, there is nothing I can't achieve.

"Yellow-faced woman, no one wants it" Because of her husband's words, the wife gambled on her cheap male girlfriend, and the tragedy ended

Li Hong's recovery is also progressing steadily. He no longer needs crutches and can walk freely. We started doing some outdoor activities together, such as hiking and cycling, which brought us closer together. His smile and optimistic attitude gave me tremendous support, and I knew that with him by my side, I had a lot of strength.

At the same time, Wang Qiang also began to gradually return to normal life. He found a new job and began to rebuild his life. Even though our relationship is over, it's still gratifying to see him back on his feet. I hope he finds his happiness as I found mine.

There will inevitably be ups and downs in life. Just when I thought everything was going in a good direction, some challenges arose in my work. There was a problem with an important project, and I took some responsibility as part of the project. This time has been very difficult for me and I have to redouble my efforts to solve these problems. But it was these challenges that taught me how to stay calm under pressure and how to solve problems effectively.

"Yellow-faced woman, no one wants it" Because of her husband's words, the wife gambled on her cheap male girlfriend, and the tragedy ended

While dealing with the challenges of work, I also encountered some minor difficulties in my family life. The child begins to enter adolescence and can be a little rebellious at times. I tried to understand him and give him enough space and support. I knew that as a mother, I needed to give him the right guidance and unconditional love on his path of growth.

In the midst of all these busyness and challenges, my relationship with Li Hong remains solid. We support each other in facing life's difficulties together. Our relationship is no longer just a couple's simple love, but a deep, deeply dependent partnership.

Life has taught me many lessons and given me countless joys. I have learned to cherish the happiness in front of me and not to give up easily in the face of difficulties. I know that as long as I keep trying, there will always be a solution to the problem. My life wasn't perfect, but I knew it was the beauty of life.

"Yellow-faced woman, no one wants it" Because of her husband's words, the wife gambled on her cheap male girlfriend, and the tragedy ended

Eventually, Li Hong and I decided to move to a new city and start a new life. We want to have a new beginning, a little world of our own. We chose a place with beautiful scenery and pleasant surroundings, where there was our dream house, there was a garden, there was sunshine, and there was a future we all shared.

On the day of the move, we were all very excited and looking forward to it. We pack together and plan the layout of our new home together. Every detail is filled with our love and anticipation. The child is also very excited, and he is looking forward to making new friends and starting a new life at his new school.

On my first morning in my new home, I stood on the balcony, looking at the mountain scenery in the distance and feeling the fresh air, and my heart was filled with gratitude. I am grateful that life has given me so many experiences that have made me stronger and wiser. I am grateful to those who have been with me along the way, their love and support are my most precious treasures.

"Yellow-faced woman, no one wants it" Because of her husband's words, the wife gambled on her cheap male girlfriend, and the tragedy ended

I know that there is still a long way to go, and there will be many challenges and difficulties. But I also know that as long as we have love, hope, and courage, nothing is impossible. My story continues, my journey is not over yet, but I am ready for every challenge that lies ahead.

At this new starting point, I deeply believe that no matter what the future holds, as long as we hold hands, we can create a better future that belongs to us.

The content is purely a story, this article contains fictional creation, this article is only published in the headlines, and those who carry and reprint the misappropriation must be investigated!