
The baby's dry stool, sheep feces, and long-term constipation are more effective than Kaiseru, safe!

author:The head of the pediatric department is a grandmother

The child's constipation is "the most terrible", and sometimes watching the child work hard for a long time, the red face has not been discharged, and I really can't wait to go into battle in person.

When a child is constipated, some parents will give their children food to help them moisten their intestines, but eating these is not completely effective.

The baby's dry stool, sheep feces, and long-term constipation are more effective than Kaiseru, safe!

A few days ago, a child came to my outpatient clinic, he was already severely constipated, his stool was dry and knotty, and he only had a bowel movement once in 5-6 days. Two days before coming to see me,

I have been in the pediatric clinic for more than 40 years, and when I encounter constipated children, I generally do not recommend parents to frequently use cassel for their children, unless it is severe constipation, I will guide parents to use it for their children.

The baby's dry stool, sheep feces, and long-term constipation are more effective than Kaiseru, safe!

If the child uses the deceil for a long time, it will cause gastrointestinal disorders, and it will also produce dependence, which will squeeze out the child's normal defecation reflex, and can only rely on strong stimulation from the outside world, and it will be more difficult for the child to defecate independently.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the child is constipated, and the disease location is in the large intestine, which is closely related to the spleen and stomach. Children often have insufficient spleen, limited ability to transport food, parents are always afraid that the child will not be full, not good to eat, blindly give the child a lot of food, increase nutrition, for a long time will cause the child to accumulate food, accumulate heat, the child will be constipated.

The baby's dry stool, sheep feces, and long-term constipation are more effective than Kaiseru, safe!

So, this kid was like that the other day.

I prescribed him prescriptions: hook vine, poria cocos, red, Fulong liver, licorice, Jianqu, Qingdai.

The baby's dry stool, sheep feces, and long-term constipation are more effective than Kaiseru, safe!

This recipe can regulate the spleen and stomach, soothe the liver and diaphragm, regulate the internal organs, and can reduce turbidity, produce fluid, and gradually clear constipation. This child is Xi to habitual constipation, and this recipe is very effective. (TCM prescriptions need to be differentiated and medication, parents should remember to give their children medicine under the guidance of a doctor)

Parents know about it, so I asked the medical assistant to make a paste for the child, which not only saves the parents' trouble, but also makes it easier for the child to accept.

The baby's dry stool, sheep feces, and long-term constipation are more effective than Kaiseru, safe!

At the same time, I also recommend that parents use spleen and stomach patches for their children, borrow them, and gradually regulate the spleen and stomach and improve their physical fitness. And patch therapy can

The baby's dry stool, sheep feces, and long-term constipation are more effective than Kaiseru, safe!

For children with constipation, in addition to using medicine to regulate the spleen and stomach, you can also give your child some dietary remedies, such as sweet potato millet porridge, radish yam soup, etc.

If you have children

1. The frequency of stool is less than usual, and it takes 3~4 days to have a bowel movement;

2. Bulky, dry and hard stools;

3. Laborious, difficult, and even painful bowel movements, and your face will be red because of your efforts to defecate;

4. Abdominal pain and bloating, irritability, restless sleep, loss of appetite, etc.;

5. Blood on the surface or inside the stool.

The baby's dry stool, sheep feces, and long-term constipation are more effective than Kaiseru, safe!

With the above conditions, there is a high probability that it is constipation, and parents should pay attention to their children's spleen and stomach problems at this time.

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