
New Year's message from the Baiyun Obo Mining District Committee and District Government

author:Baiyun Obo released

New Year's message from the Baiyun Obo Mining District Committee and District Government
New Year's message from the Baiyun Obo Mining District Committee and District Government

New Year's message from the Baiyun Obo Mining District Committee and District Government
New Year's message from the Baiyun Obo Mining District Committee and District Government
New Year's message from the Baiyun Obo Mining District Committee and District Government





The beginning of the new year

Vientiane update

New Year's message from the Baiyun Obo Mining District Committee and District Government

Wu Kai, Deputy Mayor of Baotou Municipal People's Government and Secretary of the Baiyun Obo Mining Area Committee of the Communist Party of China

Xing Kai, deputy secretary of the Baiyun Obo Mining Area Committee of the Communist Party of China and head of the People's Government

Comrades and friends,

The auspicious clouds are flying, the larks are crying, the stars are magnificent, and the treasure mountain is magnificent!

This is a generous declaration from the "hometown of rare earths in the world", and this is a gorgeous picture scroll from the "Rich Sacred Mountain".

At this moment, we send the first greeting of 2024 affectionately: on the occasion of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, on behalf of the district party committee and the district government, we would like to extend our most sincere greetings and best wishes to the cadres and masses of the whole district and to all friends from all walks of life who care for and help the development of Baiyun Obo mining area!

In 2023, we will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, more deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve the "two safeguards", and always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in ideology, politics and action.

In 2023, we will deeply bear in mind General Secretary Xi's clear requirements of "making a good start for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modern country" and "promoting Chinese-style modernization must grasp the work of the first year", fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, unite and lead all ethnic groups and all walks of life in the region to face difficulties, establish a "wind vane" for high-quality development with the "baton" of the new development concept, adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, and focus on driving innovation, adjusting structure, boosting confidence, We have made solid progress in preventing chemical risks, making solid progress in high-quality development, and taking solid steps in building a new Baiyun of socialist modernization in an all-round way.

In 2023, we will solidly carry out the theme education of learning Xi and implementing the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era of Xi Jinping, focusing on the general requirements of learning ideas, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and making new contributions. With the important requirements of learning to promote work, we will make every effort to learn and understand the socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era of Jinping Xi, fully implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, fully implement the work requirements of the autonomous region and Baotou City, and make every effort to practice the purpose of benefiting the people.

In 2023, we will firmly grasp the main line of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation, focus on the implementation of the "five major tasks" handed over to Inner Mongolia by General Secretary Xi Jinping and the two major events of building a "model autonomous region" in an all-round way, and focus on Xi the implementation of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's inspection of Inner Mongolia and the spirit of the important instructions of "one innovation, three realizations" made by General Secretary Jinping to Baotou, and actively seize the "world rare earth capital" and "world green silicon capital" Build opportunities, go all out to promote the high-quality development of the regional economy and society, and a number of economic indicators rank in the forefront of the city and the autonomous region!

In 2023, we will adhere to the new path of high-quality development guided by ecological priority and green development, based on the new era, adapt to the new situation, implement the new concept, and build the grand goal of becoming a "world's new rare earth raw material base, a national strategic mineral resources comprehensive utilization base, an autonomous region sightseeing and tourism destination and an important fulcrum for Baotou City's opening up". The key work of "Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Pilot Zone and National Unity and Progress Model Zone" has been promoted at a high speed, and the whole region has made concerted efforts to forge ahead on the broad road of "industrial area, reform area, tourism area, and service area", and has made remarkable and extraordinary achievements.

In 2023, we will strive to be the first and stand at the forefront of the tide, and in the tide of accelerating investment promotion and project construction, we will be deeply based on the advantages of national independent industrial and mining zones and autonomous region industrial parks, closely rely on the advantages of minerals, wind energy, solar energy and other resources, and create a strong atmosphere of valuing business, pro-business and loving business, protecting business, and benefiting businessmen and wealthy businessmen. Walking into the mining area, what is blowing is the rolling boom of economic development, what you can hear is the urging clarion call for attracting investment, and what you can see is the vigorous scene of project construction - the strong momentum of Baiyun Obo's high-quality development continues to accumulate, and the infinite potential of Baiyun Obo's high-quality development continues to appear.

In 2023, we will adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, always put the people in the highest position in our hearts, firmly establish the concept of political performance for the benefit of the people, and strive to protect and improve people's livelihood. Focusing on improving the quality of education, the conditions for running schools are getting better and better, and the quality of education is getting higher and higher; focusing on improving the efficiency of medical care, we have purchased advanced equipment, hired outstanding talents, innovated the regulatory system, and basically solved the problem of difficult and expensive medical treatment; Focusing on the expansion of employment, building a gig market, setting up employment matchmakers, and opening training services, the employment rate has been significantly improved, and the unemployment rate has been effectively controlled.

In 2023, we implemented prospecting actions and discovered two new precious minerals - kimberlite and niobium Baotou mine, and we worked together to win three new golden signboards - the first batch of "natural resource conservation and intensive demonstration counties (cities)" in the country, the sixth batch of water-saving social construction standard counties (districts) and the autonomous region ethnic unity and progress demonstration zone.

In 2023, we welcomed many new residents, including civil servants, industrial workers, private business owners, and kebab masters...... I hope that you will start a business and work hard in this enthusiastic land, get married, start a family, live well, and let your efforts eventually achieve results and make your dreams come true. Starlight lives up to the passers-by, and this land will never disappoint every striver and dreamer!

Comrades! Friends! At this moment, the sunshine of the New Year is pouring out from the sky, warming the East and illuminating the future! The new year is a crucial year for realizing the goals and tasks of the 14th Five-Year Plan, a crucial year for Baotou to return to the highest level in history, and a crucial year for Baiyun Obo to take advantage of the momentum and start a new situation. Let us unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and under the strong leadership of the autonomous region and Baotou City, strengthen confidence, work with one heart and one mind, have the courage to take responsibility, do good work, work hard, overcome difficulties, and strive to create a better tomorrow for Baiyun Obo!

Blessings Motherland!

Bless the people!

Bless Baiyun Obo!

Editor-in-chief: Zhang Xin

Editor: Wu Xiaoya

Second instance: Bai Jianhua

Final review: Duan Section


New Year's message from the Baiyun Obo Mining District Committee and District Government
New Year's message from the Baiyun Obo Mining District Committee and District Government