
Why does the cough keep going on and even get worse in winter?

author:A small doctor for the body and mind

With the arrival of winter, the temperature gradually drops, and respiratory health has become the focus of many people's attention. During this season, coughing seems to have become a norm, and many people find that their cough not only lasts for a long time, but also has increasingly severe symptoms. Not only does this affect daily life, but even the cough at night affects the quality of sleep. What are the reasons for the frequency and aggravation of cough in winter, and how can we effectively deal with and improve this situation?

Why does the cough keep going on and even get worse in winter?

A common cause of cough in winter

With the onset of winter, many people find themselves more susceptible to coughing. There are several key factors at play behind this phenomenon. First of all, cold air is a significant trigger in itself. Cold air is not only dry, but it can also carry a variety of irritants that can cause direct irritation to the respiratory tract. The respiratory tract becomes more sensitive under the influence of cold air, which triggers coughing.

In addition, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large in winter, and the impact of temperature difference on the respiratory tract cannot be ignored when people frequently switch between indoor and outdoor. This rapid change in temperature can lead to throat irritation and allergic reactions in the respiratory tract, which can cause coughing.

In addition, the body's immune system may be weakened in winter, which makes people more susceptible to respiratory viruses such as the common cold and flu, which are also common causes of coughing.

Finally, the use of indoor heating in winter makes the air particularly dry. Dry air can suck moisture away from the surfaces of the respiratory tract, leading to an exacerbated cough.

Why does the cough keep going on and even get worse in winter?

Precautions in everyday life

In order to cope with the problem of coughing in winter, you can start with your daily life and take some precautions. First and foremost, keeping your body warm is key. Proper clothing, especially when going out, can effectively reduce the direct irritation of cold air to the body.

In addition, it is very important to regulate the humidity in the room. You can use a humidifier or place a basin of water in your home to increase the humidity of the air and reduce the feeling of dryness in your airways. This measure is particularly effective in mitigating the dryness of indoor air caused by heating.

In terms of diet, increase your intake of foods rich in vitamins C and E, such as citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, and nuts, which help boost your body's immunity and thus reduce the risk of infection.

Finally, maintaining a moderate level of physical activity is also key. Moderate exercise not only boosts blood circulation, but also helps to strengthen the body's overall resistance.

Why does the cough keep going on and even get worse in winter?

Self-care and therapy

When a cough has already occurred, some self-care and therapies can help relieve symptoms. First, warm compresses can relieve sore throats and coughs. Hot washcloths can be applied to the throat area, or warm water and tea can be used to help relieve discomfort.

The use of herbs and natural remedies is also an effective option. For example, honey is widely used to relieve coughs due to its natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. In addition, ginger water is also a good choice because ginger has the effect of warming the body and relieving inflammation in the respiratory tract.

In some cases, the use of medication is also necessary. However, it is important to note that medication should be carried out under the guidance of a professional doctor to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Why does the cough keep going on and even get worse in winter?

When to seek professional medical help

Although many coughs can be relieved with self-care, sometimes seeking professional medical help is necessary. If the cough persists for more than two weeks, or if the nature of the cough changes (e.g., from dry to wet, or if the cough is bloodshot), you should seek medical attention.

Additionally, if the cough is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, difficulty breathing, chest pain, etc., it may indicate a more serious health problem that requires immediate medical attention.

Everyone's health condition is different, so it's best to seek individualised medical advice based on your specific situation when you have a cough.