
Cai Guoqing: I'm just a small "dish" plate, but I can't be missing anywhere!

author:Cover News

Cover News Reporter Zhang Jie, Wu Deyu, Xun Chao, Zhou Bin, Beijing Photo Report

"There are three hundred and sixty-five sunrises in a year, and I send you three hundred and sixty-five blessings. The clock turns 1,440 times a day, and my heart hides more than 1,440 thoughts every day...... "Cheerful melody, catchy lyrics and festive style, when the classic song "Three Hundred and Sixty-five Blessings" sung by the famous singer Cai Guoqing sounded, the new year quietly arrived.

Since it was first sung at the CCTV Lantern Festival Gala in 1991, this song has quickly become a household name and has become the best blessing for the New Year. On the afternoon of December 26, 2023, the cover news reporter interviewed Cai Guoqing in Beijing, from his childhood growth to how to face the changes made in the Internet era, Cai Guoqing answered one by one, allowing us to enter his inner world more.

Cai Guoqing: I'm just a small "dish" plate, but I can't be missing anywhere!

Cai Guoqing hopes that every year will be more exciting than the previous year Photography Zhou Bin


"I dare to cherish the past, and dare to return to zero"

Cai Guoqing: I'm just a small "dish" plate, but I can't be missing anywhere!

Cover News: The pace of work in the entertainment industry is very fast, why are you always full of youth, and what is the secret?

Cai Guoqing: Time will make you understand a lot of the realm of life. Everyone sees, it seems that I am really happy by nature, in the current fashionable words called "uncle teenager", the biological age is already uncle, but there is a sense of juvenile happiness in my heart, in fact, I am a sentimental person by nature, it is life that has changed me and taught me. There is a saying that "the children of the poor are in charge of the family early", because I am the elder brother of the post-60s, when I was really young, I was still materially scarce, but I felt a spirit of perseverance from my parents.

Our parents suffered a lot in that era, but they are still full of love for life, and they are still full of ardent expectations for their children, and they cultivate them with their hearts. At that time, it was impossible to have a piano in the family, and my father was the first generation of opera singers in New China, the first generation of Western opera singers trained by experts from the former Soviet Union, and he would take me to the piano room of the opera house to teach me how to play the piano at a time. No matter how windy or rainy, it was already dark when I got home. I was deeply touched by that life experience.

Cover News: You have been in the industry for so many years, the industry ecology has undergone great changes, and now is the era of the Internet, but the kind of interaction between you and netizens is very smooth, what do you have for this new way of communication for young people?

Cai Guoqing: I think variety shows have changed me. I am indeed an old-school actor, and age is a physical symbol, which does not confirm my mental age. In fact, the most important thing for people is how to integrate their biological age and psychological age well, not only to face their biological age, but also to have a very happy psychological age. I am a very powerful brother and a very good actor, because I dare to cherish the past, and when facing a new format, I dare to return to zero and dare to start again, which is a very remarkable kind of confidence and courage. I hope that everyone can have such confidence and courage.

Cai Guoqing: I'm just a small "dish" plate, but I can't be missing anywhere!

Sunny afternoon, Beijing, cover news reporter talks to Cai Guoqing Photography Wu Deyu


"If you don't work hard, you may not have a chance"

Cai Guoqing: I'm just a small "dish" plate, but I can't be missing anywhere!

Cover News: After receiving the invitation of "Brother Who Overcomes Difficulties", did you feel a little apprehensive at first, such as what if the audience saw the side you are not good at?

Cai Guoqing: Strictly speaking, I didn't dare to go in front of me, because I think that whether it is "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" or "Brother Overcoming Thorns", every sister and brother is very powerful, and they all have their own unique artistic charm. I didn't know what idol was in the past, they said: "Teacher Cai, idol is the top class of training, a new generation of youth idols, they can sing and dance." "They can sing and dance, but can they speak better than me? So the first two times I did tell the team, I probably couldn't handle it. And reality shows require a lot of physical energy, a lot of energy, and even staying up late, and I'm a health expert.

Cover News: What made you finally decide to challenge yourself?

Cai Guoqing: When I was invited for the first and second time, I was really under a lot of pressure and felt that I might not be able to bear it. One of the most important reasons why I decided to go at the third invitation was that my two sons gave me great encouragement and they said, "Dad, you can do it." "The second reason, I love Chinese culture, for example, the Chinese say "no more than three", overcoming obstacles to the third season, I think it may really be on this stage.

At this moment in life, if you don't work hard and break through, maybe you won't have a chance. A truly good life needs to be constantly changed, constantly adjusted, constantly adapted to a new era, to adapt to a new season. You can't always believe that there is only spring all year round, and you can't always believe that there is only cold winter all year round. You always have to believe in yourself, and it is the wisdom of life to change with the changes of the seasons.

Cover News: In this process, there should be a lot of difficulties, how did you face them?

Cai Guoqing: Everyone's seemingly successful life is not easy, but we must learn how to feel the frustrations and pains encountered in your life with more strength, positivity, positivity, optimism and even empathy, and there will be a sense of sudden enlightenment. No matter what kind of things I face, when I find a new perspective to look at this problem, no matter how big the difficulty is, no matter how big the frustration is, it is a lesson for me, a Xi, I accept each frustration with joy, and then reorganize my mood and start again.

In fact, life will teach you a lot of lessons, depending on whether you are a good student or not. When you concentrate on comprehending the joys, sorrows, sorrows, and stumbles in life, are you a person who can reflect and review? We have to review every day when we do the show, how can we perform better in the show? In fact, it is still the same sentence, I hope that all people, since they are alive, must be a person with a heart.

Cai Guoqing: I'm just a small "dish" plate, but I can't be missing anywhere!

Cai Guoqing and 0713 men have a deep friendship


"It's a piece of cake, you have to make it delicious"

Cai Guoqing: I'm just a small "dish" plate, but I can't be missing anywhere!

Cover News: In everyone's mind, you can be described as an evergreen in the music industry, what do you think of this?

Cai Guoqing: When I was very young, when I was interviewed by reporters, I said: What kind of ability does Cai Guoqing have? Actually, I am not a particularly capable person, I have a very clear understanding of myself, so I have always hoped to make my art tree evergreen on the performing arts stage. That's why I've been working very hard for decades.

Just like Jia Nailiang saw me and said, "Brother, why don't you get off the table forever?!" But at this feast of Chinese performing arts, I am really a piece of cake. Of course, I am very aware that this is a piece of cake, and you have to make it delicious.

Cover News: Participating in the variety show, let us see a very kind teacher Cai in addition to singing, what kind of gains and insights do you have?

Cai Guoqing: I have always believed that kindness is the most powerful, sincerity is the most invincible, and I also believe that the new generation of audiences should not only watch the show on the stage, but also watch the true temperament shown in the reality show. After 4 months of recording, I couldn't pretend to be it. Hundreds of cameras are constantly staring at you 24 hours a day, recording your words and deeds, and even your eyes, which can express your true emotions in your heart. This time I can let you see a true temperament Brother Qing, no matter whether you approve of my singing or not, but I can touch my heart and say, I am a very kind and sincere person, and I believe that this kindness is rewarded, this return is warm, and it is the most touching, because it is all an expression from the heart.

Everyone will see who is real and who is acting. Maybe some people can't act after 1 month, and a certain look reveals his true nature, Brother Guoqing has been acting for 4 months, he is really such a person. In this reality show, everyone saw my true nature, I am indeed a sincere and kind person, and I will always empathize with others for such a person.

Cai Guoqing: I'm just a small "dish" plate, but I can't be missing anywhere!

Cai Guoqing's mental state is decades ahead of the whole network


"Three Hundred and Sixty-Five Blessings" created a precedent for Chinese blessing songs"

Cai Guoqing: I'm just a small "dish" plate, but I can't be missing anywhere!

Cover News: For some stalks of netizens, you can still tell that they are kind, for example, Keyun-style performances, Chinese opera has no such life, can you know that they are kind and humorous, what is your experience when interacting with netizens?

Cai Guoqing: I have an ageless heart, the current new generation of young audiences, the way they express happiness, happy output, there are so many stalks, for a post-60s generation like me, it actually needs an adaptation process. But I'm an older brother who is completely willing to be one with them from the bottom of his heart. Just like when I first said Cai Keyun, I didn't know why I was called Cai Keyun, I said that I was not Cai Guoqing? Later, they turned over the information for me, and I knew that it was a character in Qiong Yao's drama. As an actor, if I can bring happiness to everyone in the show, this is what I can't ask for. So no matter how many stalks netizens say now, no matter how happy I am, I firmly believe that it is an expression of goodwill, so I gladly accept it.

Cover News: Your "Three Hundred and Sixty-Five Blessings" is very popular, can you help us sort out the works you value the most?

Cai Guoqing: I think I'm very lucky, this is the reward of kindness. My real famous song is "Beijing's Bridge", which won the silver award in 1990 at the 4th National Young Singer TV Grand Prix on CCTV. When it comes to the current new national style songs, if you want to track them, there is a context and inheritance.

"Three Hundred and Sixty-Five Blessings" created a precedent for Chinese blessing songs. Before that, there were no blessed songs in the Chinese pop music scene, all of them were you and me, whether love was sad or sweet, and the song that really sang the good blessings in the hearts of the Chinese was "Three Hundred and Sixty-Five Blessings". Then how lucky I am to sing this song to the hearts of the common people, this is a national character. It is precisely the voice of the Chinese that the heart of this blessing has been passed down by China for thousands of years, and it will still be passed on for a hundred years and thousands of years, as long as the Chinese nation is on this planet. Because this nation is a nation that blesses each other, this is the kind nature of the Chinese.

Cai Guoqing: I'm just a small "dish" plate, but I can't be missing anywhere!

Sending blessings to the elder brother Cai Guoqing


"It is necessary to cultivate children into ordinary people with positive outlook, interest and culture"

Cai Guoqing: I'm just a small "dish" plate, but I can't be missing anywhere!

Cover News: Now you will send your children to the training class, I feel that you have no anxiety about raising your two sons, or do you have any thoughts on parent-child education? Everyone says that those two children are so lively, and they say that Mr. Cai's tutoring is too good.

Cai Guoqing: Then I'll quickly make a propaganda for myself, I am the "brother who sends blessings", I am the "health expert", and now I am still a "parenting expert". I am very attentive to the cultivation of children, because I can feel from my parents that life at that time was too hard, and they are afraid that if their children do not have a skill, how will they live in the future? In my generation, I really hope from the bottom of my heart to raise my children to become ordinary people with positive views, interest and culture.

I told my lover and son early on that Dad doesn't expect you to be the one day you become a success in the eyes of others. I just want you to read well, but not to be a nerd. He has a natural love of learning Xi, and I want him to protect his eyes. Follow him for a swim and a bike ride together, and I want his eyes to stay bright. I said that I must Xi learn from my father, don't put so much pressure on myself, I can't score 100 points every time, what is wrong with 80 points? The Olympic champion usually plays 10 rings all the time, but when it matters most, you can blame him? I hope that my children will have a very healthy and comfortable mindset like me, and that is more than anything else.

Cover News: You once said that you don't care about age at all, but you care a lot about how every year is more exciting and rewarding than the previous year, how does this perennial self-discipline happen?

Cai Guoqing: I have a lot of respect for the art stage, because I grew up in the environment of the Central Opera House, sitting under the stage and looking up at the wonderful art performances of my uncles and aunts in the spotlight, I have always believed that the state of life should be beautiful, but this beauty is not measured by money. My grandmother is an old Beijinger, and she likes to say, "The key to the poor and the rich is your own attitude towards life." "How poor was I when I was a kid? I didn't have any new clothes to wear for the New Year, and then my mom said something to me (my mom is 86 years old, and I'm going to shed tears again, it's sad, my mom has Alzheimer's disease for almost 20 years, and she's an old man with amnesia). )

In the 70s of the last century, life was very difficult, and she told me: "Son, although there are no new clothes to wear, my mother washes the clothes for you every time. When you walk out of the house, people know that you are a clean and well-bred child, and this is more important than anything else. "That's why I've always emphasized my love of life. You say that I really don't care about age, it's really a lie, because I care too much about age, so I have to live my true nature.

Because I know too much that life goes too fast, and I don't care about age, that's a lie, how can I not care about age? However, the more I care about age, whether it is performing on stage or in life, the more I have to live a chic life. Age is a physiological symbol, I want to make my every year more wonderful than the previous year, in order to be worthy of life, to be able to live up to the years to bring you every day, to bring you such a day with four distinct seasons.

Cai Guoqing: I'm just a small "dish" plate, but I can't be missing anywhere!

Cai Guoqing, who loves life, is like a perpetual motion machine

Cover News: On the occasion of the arrival of the New Year 2024, apart from 365 wishes, what else would you like to share with your friends?

Cai Guoqing: I am really a person who cares about life, in fact, I also tell my children, and also tell some friends around me who have just gotten married: you should cherish life. In fact, there are four stages in a man's life: from birth to 18 years old is growth, from 18 to 30 years old is maturity, 30 to 50 years old is success, and men are to be successful. Of course, everyone has a different definition of success, but I can tell you that at this stage of life, you need to be successful.

When I turned 50, I told myself early on: I want to be myself. So the four different stages are all a deep realization of my life. So why do I make a happy, free, enjoyable, cute or cloudy now, such a Cai Guoqing, because I want to be myself, I live myself, I don't live for others to see, if you want to watch, then look at me happily; if you don't want to look at me, hurt me and scold me a few words, I don't matter, when I reach the age of ear shun, I have already lived as I like.

Cai Guoqing: I'm just a small "dish" plate, but I can't be missing anywhere!

Cai Guoqing has already lived as he likes

(Except for the signature, the photos are based on the interviewee)

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