
I am a female soldier who joined the army in 1989, and I will talk about the unforgettable "canteen turmoil" that year

author:Humorous mango rew

[Blood and laughter: my extraordinary days in the barracks]

I am a female soldier who joined the army in 1989, and I will talk about the unforgettable "canteen turmoil" that year

Hey friends, sit tight and bring you a true story from my military life today. Imagine a summer heat wave that almost wiped people away, while my comrades and I were still sweating on the playground. It was a time of sweat, laughter, and the occasional little friction. This is the daily life of our company, a small community full of energy and a sense of humor.

I am a female soldier who joined the army in 1989, and I will talk about the unforgettable "canteen turmoil" that year

Speaking of the buildings of our company, it can be described as old but full of stories. Those walls may have witnessed the glorious moments of countless predecessors. The rooftop is our favorite place to go at night, with the breeze and the starry sky, as well as the most sincere conversations between us.

I am a female soldier who joined the army in 1989, and I will talk about the unforgettable "canteen turmoil" that year

If you ask about the food culture in the military, I have to tell you: every dish here has its own personality - black food is not just a casual talk. Although I am often complained about, I think about those tastes when I look back, and now I miss them a little.

I am a female soldier who joined the army in 1989, and I will talk about the unforgettable "canteen turmoil" that year

Here, it sounds serious to keep a distance of one meter between male and female soldiers, but in fact, everyone helps each other and respects each other, and under this rule, a deep friendship is cultivated. Oh, and those unbearable episodes – like everyone scrambling for bathwater after a Xi performance, or someone rushing into the queue when they are late for roll call... These have become the most precious part of our shared memories.

Of course, it's not sunny every day. For example, there was a "war" between me and squad leader Xu because he thought that I had not completed the task according to the standard. At the time, I was angry, but later I understood each other's positions after communication. It also taught me how to better deal with conflicts and misunderstandings in group life.

Through these bits and pieces of life day after day, year after year, not only hard muscles and tenacious willpower are forged in the barracks, but also the emotional expression of selfless care for comrades-in-arms and the desire for fairness in treatment. Officially, because of this emotional investment and conflict management experience, the years spent in the army have become more colorful and profound.

So, friends, although I have now taken off my military uniform and returned to ordinary life, I still retain the memories and insights left by that special period in my heart. Maybe one night when you look up at the stars, you'll see a former soldier's eyes sparkle like stars from his memory.

To sum up: Barracks life is not just about rigorous training and discipline; And I feel truly honored to be able to wear a military uniform, find my place in it, and grow from every challenge and exchange!

If you are curious about the warm and funny stories that have happened in this green ocean, please stay tuned! Maybe the story will be more exciting next time I share it with you~