
The earth is ascending, and it is a process of three awakenings, giving birth to the possibility of a new life!

author:Wine painted on the piano

The Earth is ascending, and it is a process of three awakenings. Each awakening corresponds to the arrival of an apocalypse, but from the catastrophe, the possibility of a new life is also bred.

The earth is ascending, and it is a process of three awakenings, giving birth to the possibility of a new life!

The first awakening takes place in the 12 years from 2024 to 2035, when the three-dimensional is merging with the four-dimensional, and the four-dimensional things are gradually appearing in front of humans. Especially in the apocalypse of the world from 2030 to 2035, there will be a large number of paranormal and alien appearances, and explorers will have an unprecedented experience. This awakening has brought a huge impact to humanity, but it has also been accompanied by more opportunities and possibilities.

The earth is ascending, and it is a process of three awakenings, giving birth to the possibility of a new life!

The second awakening takes place over a period of 12 years, from 2036 to 2047, when humanity has evolved into a four-dimensional human. An interstellar civilization was opened, and many aliens came into contact. At the same time, the 4th dimension is merging with the 5th dimension, and many mysterious things in this period will be revealed, revealing an even more magical world. However, between 2040 and 2047, humanity will usher in another apocalypse, with the massive appearance of bodies of light, a catastrophe that has made humanity deeply aware of its own insignificance and laid the foundation for the next development.

The earth is ascending, and it is a process of three awakenings, giving birth to the possibility of a new life!

The third awakening takes place over a period of 12 years, from 2048 to 2059, during which humanity evolves into a five-dimensional human being, reaching the level of a god. The Nine Palaces and the gods start the ultimate battle, and the gods in the sky gather on the earth to survive together, and the emptiness merges with the two camps. In these 12 years, humanity will experience unprecedented trials, and I hope that this end of the world will not bring too much pain. However, from a historical perspective, every crisis is pregnant with more opportunities and new rebirths, and perhaps this catastrophe will bring even greater hope.

The earth is ascending, and it is a process of three awakenings, giving birth to the possibility of a new life!

The process of ascension of the earth is constantly advancing, and each awakening brings new opportunities and challenges to mankind. We need to face these challenges, but also seize the opportunities and use wisdom and courage to explore new possibilities and directions. Only by continuously promoting innovation and improving competitiveness can we truly achieve human progress. The government should also increase support for private enterprises, formulate relevant policies in a targeted manner, and give more support and preferential policies to potential private enterprises to help them tide over the difficulties and continue to move forward.

The earth is ascending, and it is a process of three awakenings, giving birth to the possibility of a new life!

Every crisis breeds more opportunities and new births, and we need to face these challenges with wisdom and courage. It is believed that in the continuous exploration and development, mankind will usher in a better future.