
Among the top ten marshals, there are three who are worthy of the title of boss, who are they?


Zhu De once said: "My generation is all descendants of Yan and Huang, descendants of the Chinese nationality, and I was born at that time. This sentence has inspired countless children and daughters and stirred up the enthusiasm of youth.

Among the top ten marshals, there are three who are worthy of the title of boss, who are they?

Today we focus on that heroic era, in 1955, ten outstanding military strategists were awarded the rank of Marshal of the People's Republic of China, three of whom deserved the title of "boss". So, what is it about these three marshals that is so noble that people are so respected?

01 Mr. Zhu

Among the top ten marshals, there are three who are worthy of the title of boss, who are they?

Zhu De, one of the main founders of the great people's army. At that time, the country was facing a huge crisis, and the Japanese invaded and left everything in ruins. Zhu De stood up at this juncture and vowed to defend the motherland so that the descendants of China would no longer be insulted.

In 1949, the People's Republic of China was founded, and Zhu De was appointed chairman of the Military Commission of the Central People's Government. At this critical moment, he personally led the People's Liberation Army to capture Nanjing, making great achievements for the establishment of New China. Mr. Zhu personally went to the front line and attacked the city, ending the history of a hundred years of humiliation.

Among the top ten marshals, there are three who are worthy of the title of boss, who are they?

He led the Red Army and fought in Nanchang, Jinggangshan and other places of gunfire. After the Nanchang Uprising, Zhu De led the scattered rebel army to reunite and retain the flame of revolution. He joined hands with Grandpa Mao to establish the Red Fourth Army and was a member of the Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang.

In the early days, Mr. Zhu and Chairman Mao were partners, and their positions were equal. Grandpa Mao's honorific title of "Mr. Zhu" for him is also reasonable. Zhu De was not only a strategic military strategist, but also a great leader who devoted all his enthusiasm to the revolutionary cause.

Among the top ten marshals, there are three who are worthy of the title of boss, who are they?

Zhu De's life was dedicated to the revolution, and his contribution was not only reflected in his military exploits, but also in his firm belief in the revolution. He was a leading figure among the founding marshals and a veritable "boss".

02 Mr. Peng

Among the top ten marshals, there are three who are worthy of the title of boss, who are they?

In the history of the Chinese revolution, there was such a military strategist, whose bravery and good fighting not only made Mao Zedong praise "the mountains are high, the roads are far and the pits are deep, and the army is galloping vertically and horizontally." Who dares to slash the sword immediately? Only I am General Peng!"

Moreover, in peacetime, he devoted himself to the cause of national defense and economic construction, and influenced the entire party membership with his example of honesty and honesty. This hero is one of the marshals of the Chinese revolution and a veritable "boss" - Peng Dehuai.

Among the top ten marshals, there are three who are worthy of the title of boss, who are they?

In July 1928, Peng Dehuai stepped forward to launch the Pingjiang Uprising and formed the Fifth Army of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. This is an important node in the history of the Chinese revolution, and it also marks the legend that Peng Dehuai will write.

In December, he led the main force of the Red Fifth Army to Jinggangshan to join the Red Fourth Army led by Mao Zedong and Zhu De. This meeting brought together the outstanding leaders of the Communist Party of China and laid a solid foundation for the later War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

Among the top ten marshals, there are three who are worthy of the title of boss, who are they?

In January 1929, Chiang Kai-shek mobilized troops from Hunan and Jiangxi provinces, divided the troops into five routes, and launched a large-scale "meeting and suppression" against the Jinggangshan revolutionary base area. At that time, the situation was critical, and Chiang Kai-shek claimed that he would "wipe out the Red Army" and "raze Jinggangshan" to the ground.

At the critical juncture, Peng Dehuai received instructions from the front committee and decided that the Red Fifth Army would stay in Jinggangshan and cover the main force to break out of the encirclement. This decision shows Peng Dehuai's overall view and military wisdom.

Among the top ten marshals, there are three who are worthy of the title of boss, who are they?

At the Huangyangjie whistle, Peng Dehuai led less than 800 officers and men of the Red Fifth Army to face an enemy 20 times his size, showing a fearless fighting spirit. They fought fiercely for 4 days and 4 nights, and finally successfully covered the transfer of the Red Fourth Army with a heroic attitude.

This battle not only demonstrated Peng Dehuai's military talent, but also highlighted his far-sightedness to the overall situation. This period of history became a monument in the history of the Chinese revolution and laid a solid foundation for the later wars.

Among the top ten marshals, there are three who are worthy of the title of boss, who are they?

During the War of Liberation, Peng Dehuai served as the deputy commander-in-chief of the people's army, ranking second after Zhu De. His military wisdom and courage won Mao Zedong's praise. General Peng was not only good at fighting in war, but also skillful in political struggle.

In addition to his heroic performance during the war years, Peng Dehuai was also an outstanding leader in peacetime. He devoted himself to the cause of national defense and economic construction, and made great contributions to the construction and consolidation of New China.

Among the top ten marshals, there are three who are worthy of the title of boss, who are they?

Peng Dehuai, whose life is a legend of the revolution and a model of peaceful construction. His brilliant military exploits, his honesty and integrity, and his loyalty and dedication have all set an example for future generations. His life was a faithful exercise of the highest moral standards of the Communists.

03 Mr. He

Among the top ten marshals, there are three who are worthy of the title of boss, who are they?

Marshal He Long, a legendary figure in the history of the Chinese revolution, his life is the epitome of modern Chinese history, and a representative of military wisdom, bravery and fearlessness. By digging deep into He Long's deeds, we can get a glimpse of the early history of the Communist Party of China and feel the responsibility and dedication of the heroes in that turbulent period.

He Long's early experience is impressive. Born in Guidong County, Hunan Province, he suffered from family poverty when he was a teenager, but he lived up to the heroic name of "two kitchen knives".

Among the top ten marshals, there are three who are worthy of the title of boss, who are they?

As early as the outbreak of the Xinhai Revolution, He Long dropped out of school and returned home due to family difficulties, but he was not defeated by the pressure of life. Instead, he chose to join the revolution and joined the Chinese Revolutionary Party led by Sun Yat-sen.

In 1916, He Long made a revolution by raising two kitchen knives and organized a peasant revolutionary army, which not only made He Long famous, but also accumulated experience and prestige for his later Northern Expedition.

Among the top ten marshals, there are three who are worthy of the title of boss, who are they?

In 1926, the Chinese National Revolutionary Army launched the Northern Expedition, and He Long did not hesitate to participate in it. With the military spirit of daring to fight and not being afraid of sacrifice, he rose to prominence on the battlefield. With this bravery, He Long quickly assumed the post of commander of the 20th Army of the National Revolutionary Army.

However, it was during the Northern Expedition that He Long came into contact with communist ideas. This change is not only an ideological change, but also an awakening of the soul. When the Nanchang Uprising broke out, He Long served as the commander-in-chief of the rebel army and officially joined the Chinese Communist Party on his way south.

Among the top ten marshals, there are three who are worthy of the title of boss, who are they?

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, He Long stepped forward again. He led his troops to launch a number of battles, smashed the solid front established by the Japanese army in the occupied areas, and made outstanding contributions to the establishment and expansion of base areas for China's anti-Japanese cause.

During the War of Liberation, He Long assisted Peng Dehuai in carrying out the liberation cause in the northwest and led the people in the base areas to implement land reform. His assistance was indispensable, laying the foundation for the development of the PLA in the southwestern region.

Among the top ten marshals, there are three who are worthy of the title of boss, who are they?

After the southwest was completely liberated, He Long presided over the work of clearing out bandits in the area and stabilized the development situation in the southwest. In addition to Mr. Zhu, Mr. Peng, and Mr. He, the remaining seven marshals, Grandpa Mao called them all comrades after their names.

Looking back on the long history, these three CEOs, Zhu De, Peng Dehuai, and He Long, deserve to be affectionately called "CEOs" by Chairman Mao. With firm faith, wise military strategy, and indomitable fighting spirit, they have devoted their whole lives to the cause of China's liberation and national construction.

Among the top ten marshals, there are three who are worthy of the title of boss, who are they?

Although history may have disputed them, Chairman Mao's reward is the highest affirmation of their heroic struggle and selfless dedication. On the stage of history, they have created an immortal legend and become the eternal glory of the Chinese nation.

May we carry forward the past and forge ahead into the future, cherish the memory of the martyrs, draw on the strength of bravery, and jointly write the legend of our times. I would like to pay tribute to these three great CEOs!