
Mixed-race otaku men and women have suffered from moderate depression, self-harm and drink cough water indiscriminately

author:Spoiler Hong Kong drama

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Yumi, a Chinese-Japanese mixed child who signed a contract at the age of eighteen, was recently interviewed by the Hong Kong television program "A Song Goes to the End of the World". Yumi's exquisite face was loved by many otaku, and later she was widely concerned with the travel program "Snow Shadow Moving City" and launched the theme song of the same name.

Mixed-race otaku men and women have suffered from moderate depression, self-harm and drink cough water indiscriminately

In an interview, Yumi said that when she first debuted, she was a collection of thousands of pets, and even advertising and income were more than other newcomers. At that time, the announcement was non-stop, and she continued to perform and perform on stage, and naturally her heart was fluttering. Later, her work became more and more busy, and she began to suffer from depression after losing herself.

Mixed-race otaku men and women have suffered from moderate depression, self-harm and drink cough water indiscriminately

Yumi said that she did not know that she was ill at the time, but she began to take medicine indiscriminately, such as eating all the painkillers in her mouth, and even drinking all the cough water. What was more serious was that At that time, Yumi often cut her wrists and kept hitting the wall, until Yumi called the company's top management, and hung up the phone after screaming on the other end of the phone, and Immediately took her to the doctor, and the examination found that it was moderate depression. Yumi confessed that she had thought about a hundred, but fortunately, her friends around her had been encouraging and contacting her.

Mixed-race otaku men and women have suffered from moderate depression, self-harm and drink cough water indiscriminately

Yumi's original name was Yumi Wada, and she grew up in Hong Kong as a chinese-Japanese mixed-race girl, and attended Wang Huaxiang Middle School in Renji Hospital in junior high school. In 2002, after participating in the Hong Kong Mandarin Singing Competition, he won the championship and officially signed a contract with an entertainment company to become an artist. Over the years of work, it does not lack some lace news. Yumi once had a scandal with Zhang Yanbo, but both of them flatly denied it. Later, Yumi and outsider Lynn Eun-ho stepped into the marriage hall, but their marriage lasted only two years before ending in divorce.

Mixed-race otaku men and women have suffered from moderate depression, self-harm and drink cough water indiscriminately

At that time, there was a news report that Yumi took the male protagonist Huang Ziheng of the current "Airport SWAT" behind her husband's back, and the news was very sensational, when Yumi said that she had already unilaterally applied for divorce. Later, when the affair between the two sides finally came to an end, Yumi fell in love with a foreign man and often showed affection on social platforms, and later the relationship between the two did not end.

Mixed-race otaku men and women have suffered from moderate depression, self-harm and drink cough water indiscriminately

Last year, when it was rumored to have intervened in Zhang Zhiheng's affair, Yumi angrily denounced the outrageous report and stressed: "Not all men are concerned about me. Yumi refers to the relationship between the two like brothers and sisters, as for the other party's "one foot on five boats" approach, Yumi said that it is not her own business, and the other party's emotional handling method is not known.

Mixed-race otaku men and women have suffered from moderate depression, self-harm and drink cough water indiscriminately

Since her debut, Yumi has often been accused of plastic surgery, and she uploads her own comparison photos on social platforms to prove that she is pure natural, and proves that bangs will change the shape of a person's face, Yumei left a message: "You say that I have no plastic surgery!" (On the right, I brought a wig) "Last year, he happened to encounter a Korean Influencer on the streets of Hong Kong, so his popularity in South Korea suddenly soared, so he decided to go to the South Korean market to develop.

Mixed-race otaku men and women have suffered from moderate depression, self-harm and drink cough water indiscriminately

Yumi said: "We just met on the street, when he came to Hong Kong for the first time, I don't know why he came to me. The film had a high online hit rate, and then he came back to Hong Kong at the request of fans, so I took him on a tour of Hong Kong and made some small videos. He also said that after passing through this incident, there were ads that wanted to find them to shoot, such as some beauty, lipstick and so on.