
The ancients warned: "Eat in the morning and strengthen the fire, discharge the residual essence in the afternoon, and the life is short and the yang is declining", don't ignore it!

author:Xiaowen loves anecdotes

The ancients once pointed out: "Eating in the morning is strong, and the residual essence is discharged at noon, and the life is short and the yang is declining." Although this may seem like a cliché, we should not underestimate its profound meaning. It reminds us to focus on our health and not to neglect it for the sake of short-term happiness.

The ancients warned: "Eat in the morning and strengthen the fire, discharge the residual essence in the afternoon, and the life is short and the yang is declining", don't ignore it!

First, about the morning food and fire. The ancients reminded us that breakfast should be given the right amount of calories and energy so that we can be energized throughout the day. However, with the accelerated pace of life, many people choose to skip breakfast or simply cope, in fact, this Xi will lead to lack of energy, increased fatigue, and even reduced immunity. For this reason, we should adjust our lifestyle to ensure that we can enjoy a nutritious breakfast every day.

The ancients warned: "Eat in the morning and strengthen the fire, discharge the residual essence in the afternoon, and the life is short and the yang is declining", don't ignore it!

Secondly, noon ejaculation of residual sperm. This sentence reminds everyone not to overexert their energy, but to pay attention to the rest and moderation at noon. When we have a busy morning, most of the time we choose to take a nap in the middle to relax. Indeed, a moderate lunch break can help improve productivity and quality of life. However, excessive napping can affect work enthusiasm, especially for professionals, and should be avoided. In addition, excessive intake of high-calorie foods after lunch can also lead to obesity and indigestion. Therefore, we must learn to control the calories and meat and vegetable mix of lunch ingredients, maintain reasonable working hours and regular work and rest, so as to maintain good health.

The ancients warned: "Eat in the morning and strengthen the fire, discharge the residual essence in the afternoon, and the life is short and the yang is declining", don't ignore it!

Finally, about the shortness of life. Although this sentence originated in ancient times, it still has great implications for modern people. In ancient times, due to the harsh living environment and limited medical conditions, people generally had a short life expectancy and poor quality of life. However, the development of technology and the progress of society have greatly extended people's life expectancy, made us realize the preciousness of life, and changed our values.

The ancients warned: "Eat in the morning and strengthen the fire, discharge the residual essence in the afternoon, and the life is short and the yang is declining", don't ignore it!

Therefore, we need to pay more attention to health regimens, including balanced diet, moderate exercise, and disease prevention measures. We need to understand that health is not a one-time thing, and our daily Xi are accumulating health capital to enrich our lives.

The ancients warned: "Eat in the morning and strengthen the fire, discharge the residual essence in the afternoon, and the life is short and the yang is declining", don't ignore it!

In short, I hope that everyone can take this warning policy seriously. This advice from the ancients is not just an old proverb, but a reminder of our way of life. We should strive to integrate these perspectives into our daily lives in order to maintain our physical and mental health. Whether it's eating in the morning, ejaculating in the afternoon, or shortening the life of impotence, they are all important links in our quest for comprehensive health and a better life. Let us value our health every day, and make our lives more quality and meaningful.

The ancients warned: "Eat in the morning and strengthen the fire, discharge the residual essence in the afternoon, and the life is short and the yang is declining", don't ignore it!

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