
At the debate, Lai Ching-te called for "Taiwan's sovereignty and independence," which was refuted by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council

author:Straight orange A8g

At a televised debate on candidates for the leadership of the Taiwan region, Lai Ching-te, candidate of the Democratic Progressive Party, claimed that "Taiwan is sovereign and independent," distorted the "consensus of '92," clamored that the two sides of the strait "are not subordinate to each other," slandered the mainland as "the greatest threat to Taiwan's existence," and declared that it would "strengthen national defense" and that the people of Taiwan would "unite in the face of China's threat."

Zhu Fenglian, spokeswoman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, pointed out that Lai Qingde is a stubborn "Taiwan independence worker," an out-and-out "saboteur of peace," and a source of danger in the Taiwan Strait. How absurd are Lai Qingde's "Taiwan independence" words and deeds, and what conspiracy is hidden in his slogan of "protecting Taiwan peacefully"?

At the debate, Lai Ching-te called for "Taiwan's sovereignty and independence," which was refuted by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council

Lai Qingde's "Taiwan independence" words and deeds are a disregard for and distortion of history and reality

Lai Ching-te's clamor for "Taiwan's sovereignty and independence" at the debate was a disregard for and distortion of history and reality. There is only one China in the world, the mainland and Taiwan both belong to one China, and China's sovereignty and territorial integrity have never been divided and cannot be divided. This is a fact universally recognized by the international community and is also the political foundation of cross-strait relations.

At the debate, Lai Ching-te called for "Taiwan's sovereignty and independence," which was refuted by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council

In 1992, through consultations, the two sides of the strait confirmed the one-China principle and reached the "92 Consensus," which is an important consensus on the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and is also the foundation and guarantee for cross-strait exchanges and cooperation. However, Lai Qingde has repeatedly denied the "consensus of '92," propagated the "two-state theory," and attempted to separate Taiwan from China; this is a betrayal of the common aspirations and interests of the compatriots on both sides of the strait, and is also a challenge to international law and order, and will inevitably meet with resolute opposition and resistance from the compatriots on both sides of the strait and the international community.

At the debate, Lai Ching-te called for "Taiwan's sovereignty and independence," which was refuted by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council

Lai Qingde's "Taiwan independence" words and deeds are a sabotage and obstacle to the peaceful development of cross-strait relations

At the debate, Lai Ching-te slandered the mainland as "the greatest threat to Taiwan's existence" and declared that it would "strengthen national defense" and that the people of Taiwan would "unite in the face of China's threat." This is a sabotage and obstacle to the peaceful development of cross-strait relations. The mainland has always adhered to the principle of peaceful reunification and one country, two systems, and is committed to promoting the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, promoting cross-strait exchanges and cooperation, enhancing the well-being and feelings of compatriots on both sides of the strait, and safeguarding peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

At the debate, Lai Ching-te called for "Taiwan's sovereignty and independence," which was refuted by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council

The mainland has always cherished family affection and goodwill for the Taiwan compatriots, and has continuously introduced measures to benefit Taiwan, providing convenience and protection for the Taiwan compatriots to study, Xi, work, live, and start businesses on the mainland, sharing the opportunities and achievements of the mainland's development, and providing support and assistance for the Taiwan compatriots to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests and dignity. The mainland has never posed any threat to the Taiwan compatriots, but on the contrary, it has become the closest partner and most reliable friend of the Taiwan compatriots.

However, Lai Qingde deliberately smeared the mainland's goodwill and efforts, incited confrontation between the two sides of the strait, stirred up the feelings of the compatriots on both sides of the strait, and created hostility and fear between the two sides of the strait.

Lai Ching-te's "Taiwan independence" words and deeds are harmful to and harmful to the interests and well-being of the Taiwan people

At the debate, Lai Ching-te distorted and smeared the cross-strait agreement on trade in services, claiming that the agreement "will affect all industries and industries and will also cause unrest in Taiwan society." This is a damage and harm to the interests and well-being of the Taiwan people. The cross-strait agreement on trade in services is an important achievement of cross-strait economic and trade cooperation, where the common interests of compatriots on both sides of the strait lie, an important opportunity for Taiwan's economic development, and a well-being of the Taiwan people.

At the debate, Lai Ching-te called for "Taiwan's sovereignty and independence," which was refuted by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council

The signing and implementation of this agreement will provide a broader market space and a platform for cooperation in the service industries on both sides of the strait, provide more employment opportunities and development prospects for service personnel on both sides of the strait, provide more consumption choices and living conveniences for the people on both sides of the strait, and bring more vitality and stability to the society on both sides of the strait. However, Lai Qingde ignored the expectations and needs of the compatriots on both sides of the strait, maliciously obstructed and sabotaged the signing and implementation of the cross-strait agreement on trade in services, deprived the Taiwan people of their rights and opportunities to enjoy the fruits of cross-strait cooperation, sacrificed the interests and well-being of the Taiwan people, and sought political interests for his own selfish interests.


Lai Qingde's "Taiwan independence" remarks in the debate were strongly refuted by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, calling him a "Taiwan independence worker" and a "peacebreaker". This is not only a distortion of historical facts, but also an obstacle to the peaceful development of cross-strait relations. The international community generally recognizes the one-China principle, and the "92 Consensus" is the cornerstone of the peaceful development of the two sides of the strait. Lai Qingde denied these consensuses and made provocative remarks that were extremely dangerous and would only bring harm to peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. His words and deeds not only hurt the feelings of compatriots on both sides of the strait, but also harmed the interests and well-being of the Taiwan people. In safeguarding the overall situation of national reunification, any act of "Taiwan independence" is destined to be unpopular.

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