
Zhu Yuanzhang met his hair with a meal, the cook responded to unexpected turns with wit, and saved himself with witty words to achieve the road to promotion

author:History at your fingertips

In the vast historical starry sky of China, Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, is undoubtedly a dazzling and complex star. He has a suspicious personality, and in order to consolidate his throne, he does not hesitate to kill those highly meritorious generals. The founding father Lan Yu was used by him in an extremely cruel way - peeling the skin and grass, destroying the three tribes, a catastrophe, 15,000 lives fell, and his methods were so cruel that it was jaw-dropping. However, for the people at the bottom, his heart is full of warmth. During his reign, he severely cracked down on corruption and paid attention to the suffering of the common people, laying a solid foundation for the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty.

One day, when Zhu Yuanzhang was eating, he suddenly felt a strange taste, and a hair appeared in his imperial meal. Enraged, he immediately ordered the cook to be brought in. The cook trembled, and did not know what crime he had committed, but when he saw the emperor's face full of anger, he couldn't help but kneel on the ground in a hurry. Zhu Yuanzhang slapped the table angrily, ordered someone to bring the imperial meal to the chef, and asked what was wrong with it.

The cook glanced at the imperial meal in horror, and with an idea, he replied in a hurry: "Fei Fa Ye, Long Xu Er." "It means that this is not ordinary hair, but your precious dragon beard, the Emperor. When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he subconsciously touched his beard, and sure enough, two more fell off. He ordered the imperial meal to be presented again, and after examining it carefully, he realized that he had wronged the cook.

Zhu Yuanzhang carefully looked at this witty and measured chef, and secretly admired him for his ability to deal calmly at the moment of life and death, and cleverly said that a hair was a "dragon beard", which not only skillfully avoided his suspicion, but also showed his respect for the emperor. Therefore, instead of punishing him, Zhu Yuanzhang promoted him to his official position, which can be described as a blessing in disguise. This story is widely circulated among the people and has become a topic of conversation after tea and dinner, and it also reflects another image of Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Yuanzhang met his hair with a meal, the cook responded to unexpected turns with wit, and saved himself with witty words to achieve the road to promotion

Through this incident, the common people feel that Zhu Yuanzhang is not an emperor who kills innocents indiscriminately, and his tyranny is only aimed at those chaotic ministers and thieves, or corrupt officials and cool officials. During his reign, he severely punished all corrupt officials who harmed the people, and never tolerated them. Therefore, everyone often commented: When the sixteenth emperor of the Ming Dynasty and Zhu Yuanzhang were in power, the life of the common people was the best.

History and human nature are complex, Zhu Yuanzhang has a decisive side as an emperor, and the four major cases of Hongwu alone implicated and killed more than 100,000 people. However, he has deep feelings for the people living at the bottom. During his reign, he devoted himself to the governance of the country, severely punished corrupt officials, and paid attention to the suffering of the people, laying the foundation for the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty.

Through the study of Zhu Yuanzhang, we can see that a great emperor must not only have a strategy for governing the country, but also have the feelings of caring for the people. Only in this way can we leave a deep mark on the long river of history. Zhu Yuanzhang's story still has profound enlightening significance for our society today.

Zhu Yuanzhang met his hair with a meal, the cook responded to unexpected turns with wit, and saved himself with witty words to achieve the road to promotion

In the history of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang was a controversial figure. On the one hand, he governs the country with an iron fist, and on the other hand, he is full of affection for the people. His life is full of legends, growing from a herding cow to a generation of monarchs, establishing the Ming Dynasty, and writing a strong stroke of Chinese history.

Zhu Yuanzhang's birth was not noble, he was born in a poor family, let go of cattle, had to eat, and experienced the hardships of life. However, he was not bound by the predicament, but through his own efforts, he rose step by step, and finally ascended to the throne and established the Ming Dynasty.

Under Zhu Yuanzhang's rule, he adopted draconian measures to maintain the stability of the country. He enacted many laws to severely punish corrupt officials and rectify the social atmosphere. His methods are iron-fisted and merciless, so he has offended many people.

Zhu Yuanzhang met his hair with a meal, the cook responded to unexpected turns with wit, and saved himself with witty words to achieve the road to promotion

However, Zhu Yuanzhang is not a simple tyrant, he has a deep affection for the people. He was well aware of the hardships and hardships of the people, so he took many measures to improve the lives of the people. He built water conservancy, developed agriculture, and increased grain production, so that the people could live a life of food and clothing. He also lightened the tax burden and made life easier for the people.

Under the governance of Zhu Yuanzhang, the country of the Ming Dynasty prospered, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. His life was full of legends, and he was called "Emperor Hongwu" by later generations, becoming a great monarch in Chinese history.

Overall, Zhu Yuanzhang is a complex and contradictory historical figure. On the one hand, he governs the country with an iron fist, and on the other hand, he is full of affection for the people. His life is full of legends, and he has written a strong stroke in the history of China. His life has also brought us many inspirations, making us understand that a great emperor must not only have a strategy for governing the country, but also have the feelings of caring for the people.