
Chinese American Secretary Gary Locke: When he was in office, he often suppressed Huawei, and after retirement, he returned to China to make money

author:Lol lol 谈古今

Gary Locke's history of immigration struggles

On a cold winter day in 1909, a ship full of dreams set sail from Guangdong, aiming for the distant American continent. On the boat, a Chinese man named Luo Zhigao paced back and forth anxiously, the sound of waves crashing against the hull of the boat reminding him that he was thousands of miles away from home.

Determined to give his parents back home an optimistic signal, he prayed silently on deck that he would be able to realize his dream of immigration in the New World.

Chinese American Secretary Gary Locke: When he was in office, he often suppressed Huawei, and after retirement, he returned to China to make money

After a long bumpy ride, Luo Zhigao arrived in a small city in Washington state, USA. The language and environment here are unfamiliar to him. He had to live in a Chinese-populated slum and earn a meager wage by doing odd jobs for whites.

At first, Luo Zhigao would cry bitterly at night alone, missing his relatives in his hometown. But in order to give his family a hope for life, he endured his grief and Xi a new life day by day.

Thirteen years later, Luo Zhigao's son Luo Jigao also came to this small town, and at the age of 13, he met his father for the first time. The moment the father and son recognized each other, the two burst into tears.

They began to live together, washing dishes together in a restaurant for Luo Jigao to go to school. The shadow of racism looms over the small town, but the Locke father and son encourage each other and hold on to the hope of living hard.

Chinese American Secretary Gary Locke: When he was in office, he often suppressed Huawei, and after retirement, he returned to China to make money

In such an environment, Locke was born. He inherited the hard-working quality of his father, was diligent in learning and Xi since he was a child, and was determined to change his fate through education. Locke attended Franklin High School, Yale University, and received a master's degree Xi in law from Boston University.

The struggle of generations of immigrants has borne fruit in Locke, and an ordinary farmer's child has reached the pinnacle of life and become a model for future generations. Gary Locke is a vivid portrayal of the indomitable spirit of the Chinese immigrant community.

Gary Locke's history of political success

Armed with the law, Locke is determined to change the world in politics. He first served in the local prosecutorial system, strictly enforced the law, and asked for the people's lives, which was deeply appreciated by his colleagues. By chance, Locke helped a Chinese-American legislator who was running for election formulate his political views and won the election.

Members of parliament were very grateful to Gary Locke and strongly recommended him to the state Senate.

Chinese American Secretary Gary Locke: When he was in office, he often suppressed Huawei, and after retirement, he returned to China to make money

During his tenure in the Senate, Locke conscientiously carried out each case, meticulously taking notes on the voices of each petitioner. Colleagues saw that he was diligent and conscientious, and they gave praise one after another.

Two years later, with the encouragement of an old friend, Locke decided to run for the Washington State House of Representatives. He walked from house to house on the street to learn more about people's tendencies in medical care and education.

Locke's sincere and enthusiastic style won the support of voters and was successfully elected to the state House of Representatives. During his tenure, Gary Locke actively promoted policies such as education reform, employment growth, and economic development, and effectively solved the pain points of people's livelihood. He went down to the grassroots level, listened to the voices of the people, and translated the expectations of the electorate into action.

At the end of his tenure, Locke received a 98 percent satisfaction rating. On this basis, he was successfully elected as the county magistrate of King County, Washington.

Chinese American Secretary Gary Locke: When he was in office, he often suppressed Huawei, and after retirement, he returned to China to make money

With his successive political achievements, Locke stood out in the gubernatorial race. He campaigned on the slogan "Make a Better Washington" and was eventually elected governor of Washington State.

Locke used his story to prove that with perseverance and sincerity for the people, dreams can be realized.

Gary Locke identified himself as an American, hurting the feelings of the Chinese

In 2009, Gary Locke was appointed U.S. Secretary of Commerce, becoming the first Chinese-American to serve as secretary. This good news caused a sensation at home and abroad, and 350,000 Chinese and hundreds of millions of overseas Chinese around the world were all excited and proud.

People have posted on social media to discuss that there is finally a wise leader who can speak for the Chinese in the U.S. government.

Chinese American Secretary Gary Locke: When he was in office, he often suppressed Huawei, and after retirement, he returned to China to make money

However, not long after Locke took office, he made it clear in a public speech: "I am of Chinese descent, but I am 100 percent American!" As soon as these words came out, they immediately set off an uproar among Chinese people around the world, and everyone's joy and pride dissipated instantly.

Locke's statement undoubtedly hurt the feelings of the majority of Chinese people. A person can choose to take sides, but the bloodline cannot be changed. Locke deliberately identified himself as an American, giving the impression that he was pandering to mainstream views and currying favor with American society.

This kind of denial of one's own bloodline out of career considerations is extremely unjust. Many overseas Chinese began to question Locke's integrity and character.

The Chinese, who had high hopes for Locke, were now in a state of agitation, and some people proposed a boycott of his policies to show their displeasure with his language harm. This turmoil has cost Locke the price of popular support and reputation, and it has also brought food for thought to contemporary Chinese identity.

Chinese American Secretary Gary Locke: When he was in office, he often suppressed Huawei, and after retirement, he returned to China to make money

We should find a balance between different cultures, rather than focusing on what we need to do.

During his tenure, Gary Locke repeatedly cracked down on Huawei and prevented Chinese companies from entering the U.S. market

In 2010, as the United States continued to hype up the China threat theory, Huawei was unjustifiably labeled as "endangering national security" by the U.S. government. The move immediately caused an uproar in the industry and could be a potentially major blow to Huawei's future international business.

As commerce secretary, Gary Locke should have done justice to Huawei, at least taking a neutral stance and fighting for fair treatment for Chinese companies. But surprisingly, not only did he not give any help or solidarity, but instead vigorously supported the US government's crackdown on Huawei, and introduced a series of restrictive policies to keep Huawei out of the US market.

Under the leadership of Gary Locke, the U.S. Department of Commerce has frequently vetoed mergers and acquisitions of Chinese companies, confiscated scientific research results, and even harassed international students on the grounds of so-called "national security protection".

Chinese American Secretary Gary Locke: When he was in office, he often suppressed Huawei, and after retirement, he returned to China to make money

No one with a conscience and a sense of justice would support such a clearly discriminatory practice. But Locke, who was born in China, not only actively cooperated, but became a key figure in it.

Locke's crackdown on Chinese companies out of personal political considerations is deplorable. One can choose a side, but Locke, who is of Chinese descent, ignores the unfair treatment of Chinese companies and ignores them, which raises questions about whether his conscience is extinguished.

The Chinese community has questioned him for denying his Chinese roots, but for his efforts to suppress Chinese interests.

Eventually, during Locke's tenure, the United States became more and more assertive on its anti-Chinese policy, further damaging mutual trust between China and the United States. This is undoubtedly a stain on Locke's career.

Chinese American Secretary Gary Locke: When he was in office, he often suppressed Huawei, and after retirement, he returned to China to make money

If a politician loses his conscience and justice, his success becomes worthless.

After leaving office, he returned to China to make money frantically, and his morals were degraded

In 2013, shortly after stepping down as commerce secretary, Gary Locke hurriedly returned to China and began a journey to "make money". Because of his Chinese identity and past achievements, he was warmly welcomed and respected by the Chinese side when he first returned to China.

But soon his actions revealed his true colors. Locke used his political connections and influence in the United States to begin touting so-called "clean energy" projects in China, claiming them as major contributions to China's environmental cause.

In reality, however, this is just a flashy publicity stunt. In order to win the purchase order from the Chinese side, Locke did whatever it took to win the purchase order, and even accepted kickbacks.

Chinese American Secretary Gary Locke: When he was in office, he often suppressed Huawei, and after retirement, he returned to China to make money

At the same time, Locke also frequently attended high-end business events, and is rumored to have privately finalized a sky-high appearance fee. It has been reported that he charges as much as $100,000 per speech.

Locke's blatant use of his political background to make money in China has raised questions from the outside world. An upright politician from the United States should never be reduced to such a bottomless state. What Locke has done over the years has deviated from the bottom line of justice and morality.

He did not hesitate to damage Sino-US relations and national interests, and did whatever it took for his personal and pecuniary interests. Even if such a person succeeds, he will be ridiculed and spurned. Locke's story reminds us that we must not lose our sense of justice and moral bottom line under any circumstances. Success cannot only have an external image without inner quality, but must maintain the brilliance of human nature while pursuing achievements.


Locke's life reflects the quintessential dilemma of contemporary Chinese-Americans – finding a balance between Eastern and Western cultures, between success and morality. We cannot simply judge a person by whether they are good or bad, but examine the background and value orientation of the times behind it.

Chinese American Secretary Gary Locke: When he was in office, he often suppressed Huawei, and after retirement, he returned to China to make money

Despite the mistakes of Locke's political career, it is also a microcosm of the group's loss of self in cultural identity. We should neither have illusions about them, nor should we attack them blindly.

Only by looking at problems rationally can we resolve misunderstandings and enhance understanding. Life is like a practice, and it is inevitable that you will stumble on the road. The important thing is to wake up in time and get back on track. Locke's lesson warns us not to lose ourselves in external success.

We must always test our hearts, adhere to justice, and use wisdom to guide the direction of life. In the face of a complex world, the Chinese nation needs to enhance its self-confidence and inherit moral values. It is more necessary to be unfazed and resolve prejudices; It is more necessary to be broad-minded and empathetic.

Only by turning external success into internal quality can we write a deducible chapter of life. History educates us and illuminates our future. Let's draw wisdom from Locke's story and take a broad view of this pluralistic era.

Chinese American Secretary Gary Locke: When he was in office, he often suppressed Huawei, and after retirement, he returned to China to make money

I believe that with the wisdom and resilience of the Chinese nation, we will be able to find our own position in the world's diverse cultures and contribute Chinese wisdom and strength to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

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