
To the most "grassy" 2023


The year is over.

It ended in the hustle and bustle or the lonely laughter and scolding.

Ended in a hundred New Year's resolutions.

It ends in the year-end summary of each platform that no one cares about except yourself.

Today we also made a 2023 year-end summary, and the key words are: "grass platform team".

I hope you can understand it at a glance.

To the most "grassy" 2023

Spring Festival 2023.

Online chorus of the whole network "大貔貅大貔貅大貔貅大貔貅, drinking white wine, drinking beer, drinking red wine and drinking foreign wine";


Shandong masons took the college entrance examination at the age of 50, and after graduating from university, no one was hired, so they had to return to the construction site.

At the same time, Young Master Wan Liu, who lives in a top mansion, captured a group of Internet "old slaves" and gained 1.6 million fans overnight.

Some people claim that ChatGPT will replace humans, but young people say that this is a fallacy, laughing at themselves during the day, "I earn 3,000 a month, how can AI be as lowly as me".

Crying at night "can't be cultivated, can't meet the great sage, and can't get out of Langlang Mountain".

To the most "grassy" 2023
To the most "grassy" 2023

In February, the word "feminism" appeared frequently in the public eye.

The video of "My unmarried aunt came back for the New Year to give out red envelopes" went viral;

The maverick and undisciplined "aunt culture" quickly came out of the circle.

Three Peking University graduates talked to Chizuruko Ueno, a well-known feminist scholar, and asked, "Is it because you haven't been hurt by a man if you don't get married?"

In another part of the Internet, a 24-year-old girl was cyberbullied for half a year because she dyed her pink hair, and finally died in despair.

She once fought against cyberbullying on her own, and said, "I will not fall, let alone commit suicide."

To the most "grassy" 2023
To the most "grassy" 2023

In March, the academic qualifications were devalued, and the entertainment was to death.

The young Kong Yiji laughed at themselves and couldn't take off their robes, and the macho men in the coconut tree live broadcast room had already stripped themselves naked.

Society fairly objectifies each of us, so the young people whose faith has collapsed choose to take refuge in Maimen.

Nothing can cure us, but luckily McDonald's can.

To the most "grassy" 2023

The dark horse couple with a monthly flower of 1500 rushed to the hot search, and the young people who had nothing were not even very good at love.

To the most "grassy" 2023

In April, mental state unknown.

College students travel on a national tour of special forces, youth has no price, and trains extend in all directions;

Sail to Lhasa, and also drive to Zibo.

The smoke and fire of the barbecue gave the city and people a short-acting booster.

"Cosmic Exploration Editorial Department" was released, and the afterglow of the birth of the universe fell on everyone's heads, and everyone had an epiphany that the world was a huge madhouse.

Young people began to look for a match on the Internet, went to the magical countryside to find aliens together, and went to the barren city to find a way to survive.

To the most "grassy" 2023
To the most "grassy" 2023

In May, traffic is king.

The "greasy man" parody game swept the Internet, but reality tells us that Fang Touming's performance is still restrained.

To the most "grassy" 2023

"Thai pants spicy" has become the laughing stock of the whole network, some people worry that Chinese is dead, and some people like bank cards and 208w.

"Digging and digging in a small garden" has become a phenomenal divine comedy, and after the party became popular, he also suffered a greater amount of malice.

All walks of life have tried to decipher the traffic code, and finally concluded that the responsibility lies with the United States.

In June, the fate of young people is not the same.

A 20-year-old college student in Jiangxi finally doesn't have to be forced to refer to a rat's head as a duck's neck.

To the most "grassy" 2023

An 18-year-old high school student in Beijing rushed onto the pitch, hugged Messi, and accepted the sanction amid cheers from the crowd.

Zhang Xuefeng's suggestions to college entrance examination graduates that "liberal arts are useless" and "pursue employment rates" became the target of public criticism for a while.

A husband and wife drifted north for 20 years for their son to go to college to get an education, and after graduation, the father and son delivered food together.

Pragmatism and idealism are always debated, but they never give an answer.

In July, the spiritual world is abundant.

Shijiazhuang officially announced the creation of a rock city, and arranged rock musicians to perform by bus from time to time.

The movie "Barbie" was released, and many men's defense-breaking bad reviews appeared on the Internet, calling it "the spiritual climax of Asian toilets".

"Fireworks in My World" was broadcast, Song Yan became the spokesperson of the greasy male lead, Meng Yanchen unexpectedly became popular, Wei Daxun had crossed the Wanzhong Mountain, and Teacher Yang Yang would climb the snowy mountain in Taihang. Treasure.

The young man still had no rice in his pocket.

Citywalk became popular, and a citywalk in Shanghai charged 258 per person.

"White rice" has become the new favorite of social animals, and the blind box of leftovers has become popular.

Foolish, cheap, hungry.

We want nothing more than to fill our stomachs.

Don't dare to ask for anything.

To the most "grassy" 2023

"The Shijiazhuang People Who Can't Be Killed"

To the most "grassy" 2023

In August, a heat wave rolled in.

Japan began to discharge nuclear wastewater, and Uncle Tianjin dived at the Lion Forest Bridge.

The proton group of "Fengshen" makes muscular men and sexual tension popular.

The TFBoys Xi'an concert was full, and the young girls contributed their long-lost enthusiasm to their idols.

In the short video, the Internet celebrity posted "Brave people enjoy the world first".

The migrant workers cramped in the cubicles watched their lives burn into a little bit of powdery ash.

So, is it true that "the brave enjoy the world first"?

Uncle Tianjin jumped and shouted: Survive for one minute, be happy for 60 seconds.

A month later, the Lion Grove Bridge was cordoned.

Uncle Tianjin can't jump.

To the most "grassy" 2023
To the most "grassy" 2023

In September, we were questioned about our "efforts" and we were questioning ourselves.

Li Jiaqi asked us to find out the reason for ourselves, whether the salary has risen for so many years, whether it is not serious about work.

Li Xiang became the mother of her dreams, and the only daughter in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai became a textbook for reincarnation.

Love to fight to win is like a joke at this moment, and the young man joked: instead of rolling up, it is better to make a wish to be reborn.

But some people are still bothering about "rolls".

A thief in Xinyu, Jiangxi, firmly believed that something would happen sooner or later, so he chose to commit the crime at noon.

Wang, a man in Shanghai, infiltrated his original unit and sprinkled paper money on the grounds that "his circle of friends contains me".

Middle-aged and elderly women cover their mouths and laugh at Tiancai, Internet celebrities show talents, and play PK with a smile in the live broadcast room.

The thief was caught, Wang was detained, and Xiucai was sealed.

It's still reliable to make a wish to be reincarnated.

To the most "grassy" 2023
To the most "grassy" 2023

In October, it belongs to ordinary people.

Ordinary villagers in Nanyang, Henan Province, stole the belongings of ordinary rock fans.

Ordinary boy Yu Wenliang exploded on the Internet overnight.

To the most "grassy" 2023

Ordinary netizens who are tired of elite narratives have been cured of "ordinary shame" overnight.

Ordinary person Lu Ha became an Internet celebrity because of his similar appearance to Lu Han, and he revealed that his monthly income was 5 million, and he became no longer ordinary.

The emoji is on fire, and ordinary workers lament that they can't become Monkey King, and at the same time laugh at themselves in a crazy way: The life of the meme is also life.

A month later, Internet celebrity Yu Wenliang said in a live broadcast that he wanted to make money.

Ordinary minions were deceived into their feelings and turned red with anger.

To the most "grassy" 2023
To the most "grassy" 2023

In November, it's about death.

The world's largest glacier is moving, and love is still being discussed on social networks.

There is a hot stalk of "Love in Love" in the university dormitory, and the Chinese version of "Bouquet of Love" was written before filming started.

Young people who are squeezed dry by work can't afford love, they just want to be cool.

The short drama "Black Lotus Upper Position Manual" was taken off the shelves within 24 hours of being launched, attracting 20 million yuan, which was cool and dead.

To the most "grassy" 2023

You can't ride a bicycle on Huaihai Middle Road in Shanghai, and Lijun and Liangliang were beaten in the sales office.

A 35-year-old man who bought a house in Suzhou was surrounded by "poisonous land": he wore a two-layer mask when he went out, and he only dared to drink bottled water at home.

A 23-year-old female teacher committed suicide by leaving a suicide note due to too much pressure from school activities and leadership inspections.

Teachers will be given psychological training lectures on weekends in many places, and 200 will be deducted from the competition, and the training experience will be handed in on Monday.

The female teacher said in her suicide note:

I really can't hold it anymore.

To the most "grassy" 2023

In December, the absurd world of miserabilities.

Meng Yutong and Dong Yuhui are on the hot search.

The live broadcast room selected by the West was quickly blocked.

To the most "grassy" 2023

The hot stalk of "Our Family Zihan" here has not passed, and the whole world has danced "subject three" over there.

Wen Huijun, a driving school instructor walking on thin ice, poked the young man's lung tubes.

Due to air pollution, a vegetable market in Shijiazhuang prohibits the processing of noodles, shredded cakes, and pancakes.

A funeral parlor in Tangshan is divided into high and low grade cremation furnaces, which raises questions.

Life is divided into three, six, nine and so on, and death is also clearly marked.

On the 22nd, the winter solstice, Zhu Ling died, don't be afraid, don't forget.

To the most "grassy" 2023

Write at the end:

One year, 12 months, all kinds of past, in a manuscript of thousands of words, is nearing the end.

All the absurd, sad, overwhelmed, and mixed tastes will become memories and history today, until they are forgotten and blown away by the wind to nowhere.

Forgetting is one of the reasons why people can live, but we should never give in to forgetting.

I thought of a lot of beautiful and inspirational words to sum up the year, but I gave up.

Come to think of it, there is nothing more apt than "the world is a grass platform".

If you are humorous, you can even omit the words "Taiwan team".

The halo of authority is dissolving, and the high platform of powder and ink is sinking;

Ordinary people disguise themselves as rats, mouses, and starch sausages;

It has become a tiny speck of dust in all grand narratives, telling the sad and absurd riddles of the year.

We don't know if life is a wilderness, but the world is a grass.

On a winter morning, the smog has not yet dissipated, and the rotting leaves and snow are the last of the year's ends.

I don't have much to say at the moment, but I just want to say to you and to me:

Awesome, lived another year.