
He flew 10,000 kilometers to help Vietnam, claiming to have repelled our army in 10 days, but returned to the Soviet Union with a wound

author:Chenchen Chenchen Dragon、

Sino-Vietnamese War: Soviet military aid and the defeat of Ivanovich

At the end of the 70s of the last century, a war broke out between China and Vietnam. The war involved not only a territorial dispute between the two countries, but also complex elements of international politics. In this war, the Soviet Union provided military assistance to Vietnam, including sending a military advisory group. However, instead of helping the Vietnamese army achieve victory, this aid turned out to be a lost war. This article will explore the reasons and effects behind this war by analyzing Soviet military aid to Vietnam and Ivanovic's performance on the battlefield.

First of all, we need to understand the context of this war. Vietnam succeeded in driving out the American invaders with the help of China, but in the years that followed, Vietnam's ambitions began to swell. They began to wage war against China, which had helped them.

He flew 10,000 kilometers to help Vietnam, claiming to have repelled our army in 10 days, but returned to the Soviet Union with a wound

At the same time, relations between the USSR and China broke down, which provided an opportunity for the USSR to provide military assistance to Vietnam.

The Soviet Union's military assistance to Vietnam included support in the areas of weapons and equipment, materiel, and personnel training. Among them, a military advisory group of more than 100 people was sent to Vietnam to assist in the war. The members of these advisory groups were the elite of the Soviet army, and they had extensive combat experience and advanced tactical concepts. However, this assistance did not change the outcome of the war.

In this war, the Soviet Union's defense general, Ivanovich, personally led a military advisory group and commanded the Vietnamese army. He confidently believed that the Chinese army could be repulsed in 10 days. However, in the face of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the Vietnamese army behaved vulnerably. Despite Soviet military assistance and the command of Ivanovich, the Vietnamese army was still unable to withstand the offensive of the Chinese troops.

Why, then, did Soviet military aid not help the Vietnamese army achieve victory?

He flew 10,000 kilometers to help Vietnam, claiming to have repelled our army in 10 days, but returned to the Soviet Union with a wound

First of all, the Soviet Union overestimated the strength of the Vietnamese army. Despite the fact that the Vietnamese army was supported by the Soviet Union in terms of equipment and training, they still lacked sufficient combat experience and effective tactical strategies. In addition, the Chinese army showed an extremely high level of combat effectiveness and tactics in battle, which put the Vietnamese army at a disadvantage in battle.

Secondly, the USSR underestimated the strength of the Chinese army. The Chinese army has demonstrated strong combat effectiveness and efficient tactical strategies in the war. In addition, the Chinese army also made full use of the advantages of terrain and human resources in the war, making the Vietnamese army more passive in battle.

Finally, there were also some problems with Soviet military assistance. Although the Soviet Union provided some military assistance to Vietnam, this assistance did not fully meet the needs of the Vietnamese army.

He flew 10,000 kilometers to help Vietnam, claiming to have repelled our army in 10 days, but returned to the Soviet Union with a wound
He flew 10,000 kilometers to help Vietnam, claiming to have repelled our army in 10 days, but returned to the Soviet Union with a wound

In addition, Soviet aid was affected by a number of factors, such as transportation difficulties and shortages of materials.

In this war, Soviet military assistance did not help the Vietnamese army to victory. Although Soviet aid increased the strength of the Vietnamese army to a certain extent, the Vietnamese army was still unable to withstand the attack of the Chinese army. This also shows the influence of international political and military factors on the outcome of the war.

In general, the Sino-Vietnamese War was a complex war. This war involves not only territorial disputes and ethnic contradictions between the two countries, but also a complex interweaving of international political and military factors. In this war, Soviet military assistance to Vietnam did not change the outcome of the war. It also reminds us that the outcome of a war does not depend solely on the strength and military strength of one side, but is also influenced by a variety of factors.

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