
Sima Nan: Have you ever thought about the difference between 25 and 26?

author:Sima Nan

Text/Sima Nan

What is the difference between 25 and 26 in terms of natural sequences?

Or Q: What is the difference between December 25th and 26th?

What is the difference? What should I do, don't I just go day by day, in this world, people all follow their old Xi and new ideas, according to the environment and conditions in which they live, or to go deeper, according to their own history, culture, and goals, to determine what they do every day, including what to do on December 25 and what to do on December 26.

Sima Nan: Have you ever thought about the difference between 25 and 26?

Someone wanted to make a noise, provoke a conflict, and cross the gun to create a conflict between the 25th and the 26th.

Someone flips through the custom yellow calendar, stipulating what to do on which day and what to do, you define yours, what is in the way of others?

On December 24th, some people began to feel uncomfortable, they were not used to seeing others not gathering in large piles on the cross streets, and they were not used to seeing others not following their custom yellow calendar. Ouch hey, isn't it overbearing? You can customize it, but how can others customize it?

On the 26th, some people are even more uncomfortable, at this time of year, they must take the herb Panax notoginseng, and he reads the word Panax notoginseng echoing in the valley, reinforcing the impression of himself, lest the people of the world do not know.

Panax notoginseng herbs, which dissolve blood stasis and stop bleeding, I don't know why I have so much blood in my heart over the years. Suddenly, I couldn't help but take it this year, and I held it until the 27th, so I must make up for it. According to Ms. Fang Fang's hideous hypocrisy, she dressed herself, twisted her waist, scolded radicals, and scolded you for hating officials, hating the rich and hating intellectuals......

Sima Nan: Have you ever thought about the difference between 25 and 26?

What's wrong with hating corrupt officials?

How can the realm of not hating corrupt officials be refined?

For the rich who are unkind, the rich who bend the law for bribes, the rich who collude with officials and businessmen, the rich who knock out the bones and suck the marrow, the rich who transfer the people's deposits to Cyprus, the rich who are Cayman + offshore + domestic guarantee and foreign loans, how can they not be hated?

As for some of the intellectuals, there are still some Dafa Party, the Party that hates the country, the party that hits the wall, and is radical and anti-thief?

Isn't it only natural that the people should look at them sideways?

Rational analysis, blaming others for provoking contradictions in a way that provokes contradictions, if it is not counted as a utility model patent, is overly sensitive.

Sima Nan: Have you ever thought about the difference between 25 and 26?

Suddenly, the high-profile door set up the "Cultural Revolution" issue, and many people listened to it, after all, this kind of thing has not been seen for many years, and it is clear that it is going to gather in the back of the Summer Palace.

Xiao Zhang, a community doctor, said that we have to be considerate of others, if you look to the left side of the neck pain, the degree of freedom is limited, I am afraid that it will be stiff neck, this is a disease.

She also said that Xi habitual stiff neck is not easy to treat.

Stiff neck is not a drop frame, because you fall on the stiff neck, so you have to let the state-owned enterprises fall off the frame, this is not good!

According to some people's expectations, Zoellick Jun medicine, plus Yellenson's medicine, take it while it is hot, "Dalang, get up and take the medicine", the first step, the market economy makes private enterprises the main body, and state-owned enterprises attach to it. The second step is that the market economy is the private economy, and the state-owned enterprises will be eliminated and the right way in the world will be privatized...... Chairman Mao left us this little bit of family foundation, even if the game is over.

Sima Nan: Have you ever thought about the difference between 25 and 26?

Can you watch the state-owned enterprises fall to the shelf?

Looking at their forced palace with a cold eye, can the Communist Party members remain silent?

There is no personal grudge. Dear mother, this principle must also be explained.

After all, this generation of people is conscious, whether it is 25 or 26, the dumb people eat dumplings in their hearts.

"Congressional arson", someone is playing again.

Yesterday, I saw a small video circulating on the Internet, and I couldn't help but despise it.

In my memory, the last time I pasted the label of Wu □ping, this time it was a female voice, and I wanted to be sad and haunted.

(On the morning of December 30, 2023, written in Nanshufang, Dongcheng District, Beijing)