
1 liter of oil Chinese buys 8 yuan, exports only sell 4 yuan, is this true?

1 liter of oil Chinese buys 8 yuan, exports only sell 4 yuan, is this true?

Zhiyi Auto / Chen Yi

Some netizens have made statistics that the price of gasoline exported by China is between 4-5 yuan per liter.

At present, the average price of No. 92 gasoline in China is about 8 yuan, that is to say, the price of export oil is only 50 to 60 percent of that in China. In contrast, domestic oil prices are really a proper "assassin", and from another point of view, Chinese car owners are also a proper big injustice.

1 liter of oil Chinese buys 8 yuan, exports only sell 4 yuan, is this true?

Why is it cheaper to export gasoline?

Mainly because of the different pricing mechanisms, domestic oil prices are tax-included, while exports are tax-free. The taxes in oil prices generally include "consumption tax", "value-added tax", "urban construction and maintenance tax", "local education surcharge", "education surcharge", "enterprise income tax", "other taxes and fees", etc.

Consumption tax has been levied since 1994, and there have been many adjustments in the middle, the current collection standard is 1.52 yuan per liter, and the VAT rate is 13%;

Urban construction and maintenance tax, local education surtax and education surtax are levied on the basis of "consumption tax + value-added tax", with tax rates of 7%, 2%-3% and 3% respectively.

1 liter of oil Chinese buys 8 yuan, exports only sell 4 yuan, is this true?

Assuming that the oil price is 8 yuan, then the owner needs to pay consumption tax of 1.52 yuan, value-added tax of 1.04 yuan, urban construction and maintenance tax of 0.1792 yuan, local education surtax of 0.0512 yuan-0.768 yuan, education surcharge of 0.768 yuan, and then counting enterprise income tax and other taxes, the total cost adds up to about 4.5 yuan.

Converted, the proportion of taxes and fees in oil prices has reached 56.25%. The so-called "nearly half of China's oil prices are taxes" still has some truth.

1 liter of oil Chinese buys 8 yuan, exports only sell 4 yuan, is this true?

If taxes and fees are excluded, domestic oil prices are actually about the same as export oil prices. After deducting taxes and fees, the remaining money will be transferred to the oil company, which includes the cost of oil development and exploration, the cost of oil refining, the cost of circulation, the cost of operation, etc., deducting the expenses of seventy-seven-eighty-eight, and finally the profit. Suffice it to say, oil companies don't make much.

By the way, PetroChina, Sinopec and CNOOC have played an irreplaceable role in stabilizing domestic oil prices, such as the 2008 financial crisis, it is precisely because the government and the "three barrels of oil" jointly spent huge subsidies that domestic oil prices did not skyrocket.

1 liter of oil Chinese buys 8 yuan, exports only sell 4 yuan, is this true?

Having said that, this is also a typical case of taxation "taken from the people and used by the people". Therefore, although the taxes and fees in the mainland's oil prices account for a relatively high proportion, they are essentially original soups and original foods, and the positive significance is more obvious.

As for "China's oil prices are not expensive compared with other countries", according to the statistics of authoritative institutions, among the 168 countries and regions in the world, our oil prices rank 58th, which is a medium level, strictly speaking, China's oil prices cannot be said to be expensive, after all, the oil prices of neighboring countries such as Japan, South Korea, and Thailand are not cheap.

1 liter of oil Chinese buys 8 yuan, exports only sell 4 yuan, is this true?

Of course, "expensive or not" is a subjective issue at the practical level, which needs to be considered comprehensively in relation to material conditions, so I will not expand it carefully here, but it can only be said that most domestic residents can still afford oil prices.

Countries and regions with cheaper oil prices than China generally either produce large oil or have abundant oil reserves, such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United States, etc., or have backward economic development levels, such as Venezuela and Angola, while many developed countries whose oil prices are more expensive than China's, such as Norway and Sweden, mainly rely on imports, so prices will remain high for a long time.

1 liter of oil Chinese buys 8 yuan, exports only sell 4 yuan, is this true?

Write at the end:

Since the car entered the homes of ordinary Chinese people, "oil prices" has always been a hot topic, and the international situation has been turbulent in the past two years, and netizens once dubbed gas stations "high-consumption places". It can only be said that as long as the price of cabbage does not fall, the voice of "oil prices are too high" will not disappear. What do you think?

Zhiyi Automobile's original article, if you need to reprint, please contact us

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