
A hidden treasure in the field: the amazing benefits and protection of coriander

author:The multi-talented optimist evening breeze

In the countryside field, there is a small plant that is inconspicuous but hides amazing effects. Old people are Xi to call it "Tongnasal Divine Grass", and its scientific name is Stone Coriander. Its leaves and young stems are often used in daily cooking to add flavor to dishes. However, the true charm of coriander is much more than that.

A hidden treasure in the field: the amazing benefits and protection of coriander

Traditionally, coriander has a place in folk medicine. Especially in the treatment of rhinitis, it has shown significant efficacy. This is due to the isosaurone alcohol content it contains, which has a non-negligible effect on reducing respiratory tract inflammation. In modern research, isosolone has also shown potential to treat a wide range of diseases.

A hidden treasure in the field: the amazing benefits and protection of coriander

Not only that, but the contribution of coriander to the environment should not be underestimated. It can help purify water bodies and maintain the balance of aquatic ecology. Its root system helps stabilize the soil and water, while certain substances secreted can inhibit the growth of harmful algae. Such characteristics make coriander a natural "environmental guardian".

A hidden treasure in the field: the amazing benefits and protection of coriander

Despite its many benefits, the understanding and protection of coriander is far from adequate. Wild coriander is facing an existential threat due to over-harvesting. Over-collection will not only lead to a decline in wild populations, but may also lead to the destruction of ecological balance.

At the same time, coriander is not safe for all animals. For example, to geese, coriander is a poisonous plant, hence the nickname "geese don't eat grass". This reminds us that when promoting and applying coriander, we need to take into account the impact on different organisms.

We call on everyone to pay more attention and respect to this little grass. We need to protect and rationally use coriander in a scientific way. Only in this way can we ensure that this natural treasure will continue to benefit humanity. Let us witness the miracle that "Tongnasal Divine Grass" brings to the world.

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