
(END) The boyfriend brother is a love brain, and he scoffs at it

author:Warm summer red sun

The boyfriend brother is a love brain, and he scoffs at it.

Later, when I broke up, he hugged me and cried to death.

"Is it because I only have six-pack abs? I can practice, don't break up with me, okay?"

Question brothers, understand brothers, be brothers.


When I learned that Ji Qiongan broke up, I immediately sent her sincere congratulations and invited her to indulge in the bar.

She refused at first, and gave a low-level reason for not washing her hair.

With full points of action, I went directly to her house with the shampoo and successfully took her to the bar.

The indulgence was just an excuse, mainly because there were male models performing in their bar that day.

After arriving at the scene, I plunged headlong into the dance floor, and Ji Qiongan found a clean place to sit alone.

In order to prevent her from being bored, I also specially ordered a male model for her.

I bounced on the dance floor, and when I realized that something was wrong.

Xie Ran, why is that guy here?

I hurriedly squeezed out of the dance floor.

As soon as Xie Ran saw the smile on my face, it disappeared instantly, as if I owed him 1.8 million.

He took two steps, pulled Ji Qiongan up, and took her away with my stunned expression.

All that left me was a bewildered face.

and Xie Ran's brother Bai Zhun.

Bai Zhun looked at the backs of the two of them, his expression could only be described as heartbroken, and he shook his head as he spoke: "This man is really not saved, I'll tell you the truth, why do you need brains like this in love? ”

Bai Zhun and I haven't met a few times, but every time I see him, he has an expression of hatred on his face, just like that vicious mother-in-law who doesn't like her daughter-in-law.

I leaned over and gossiped and asked, "Do you like him?"

"How is it possible?" Bai Zhun immediately denied, "I will like her? How can I like this kind of person who orders a male model just after breaking up." ”

"I didn't say An An, I said Xie Ran. ”

Bai Zhun was stunned for a few seconds, as if he was insulted: "Why do I like him?!

I shrugged, "Then you look like he's been snatched away." ”

"I'm fighting for my brother, I'm scorning the love brain!"

I saw that he was not smart, and walked to the sofa and sat down, "Maybe you will be a love brain in the future." ”

He turned his head to me and said to me in a very serious and unshakable tone: "I am just lonely and old, and I will not be a love brain if I jump from the stairs." ”

I took a sip of my wine and objected: "Haven't you heard of people congregating like clusters into clusters?"

Bai Zhun raised his eyebrows, sat down beside me, picked up the cup and touched it in my hand, and said very confidently: "I have only heard of being alone." ”

I don't know why, although today he wore a black casual outfit.

But I always felt that when he said this, his clothes automatically changed into fancy suits.


When I got home from the bar, I had just turned on the light in the living room when two people sitting on the sofa sat on the floor in fright.

After seeing who it was, I stood up and complained, "Are you two trying to scare me to death?"

"Who scared whom? Your dad and I waited here for three hours before you came back. ”

Ms. Zhang was unhappy, and the consequences were serious.

I immediately ran over with a smile, grabbed her arm, leaned next to her, and said, "Isn't this a friend who has fallen out of love and is in a bad mood, so I drank two more drinks?"

Ms. Zhang tilted my head to the side, "A smell of wine, stay away from me." ”

I didn't give up and leaned over again, "Why are you two here today?"

"Can't we come?"

"Yes, of course! I wish you were coming!"

Having said that, looking at their expressions, you can see that things are not so simple.

Sure enough, after less than two minutes, Ms. Zhang then spoke: "Your grandmother has found you a blind date for you to see." ”

I immediately bounced up from her, and was just about to open my mouth when she blocked back, "Declare in advance, your father and I have already fought for you, but your grandmother is very resolute this time, and she won't listen to anyone." ”

I didn't say anything and just held it back.

I was silent for a long time, looked at them and finally asked, "You two won't be kicked out, will you?"

There was a chilling silence in the air.

I silently stepped back.

"I will definitely go. ”

If I don't go, I'll be the target of public criticism.

On the day of the blind date, I originally wanted to spend a little bit of makeup to scare the other party away.

But knowing that a daughter is like a mother, Ms. Zhang strictly controlled my makeup and outfits, and finally even sent me directly to the blind date place to watch me go in before leaving satisfied.

I walked into the coffee shop and scanned back and forth at each customer, until I finally froze on the back of a person sitting in the corner.

I don't know why, but I always felt that this person was very familiar.

It's familiar, like I saw it a few days ago.

I was just about to step forward when my phone rang at this time.

I opened it and saw that it was a message from Ms. Zhang.

[I forgot to tell you, the other party's name is Bai Zhun. 】

What a shocking joke.

The moment I saw the word Bai Zhun, I even planned the route to run out.

What kind of messy fate is this, what kind of red line of longevity is this that the old man pulls.

Me and Bai Zhun, don't be too ridiculous.

I put away my phone and was just about to run, when I met Bai Zhun who happened to turn his head.

He gave me a puzzled look, and ten seconds later a shocked look on his face and stood up straight from his chair.

"Don't tell me, you're the one who went on a blind date with me?"

Dude, steal my lines.

I should say that.

Adhering to the principle that everything is coming, and how can you no longer escape in front of Bai Zhun.

I went straight to him in his look of constant surprise.

"What's the matter? The object is me, and you are not satisfied?"

He may have been shocked by my calmness, "Do you think I'm satisfied?"

For the first time, I had an inexplicable desire to win.

I looked at Bai Zhun's expression that life was worse than death, and I didn't know why my feeling that life was worse than death was fully alleviated.

This may be the law of conservation rather than death.

I picked up the coffee he ordered for me and pretended to take a sip, "Since you're satisfied, I don't dislike it, we can make do with it." ”

These words had a very big impact on Bai Zhun, "Who wants to make do with you." ”

I ignored him and said, "You think, you were forced to come, and I was also forced to come." The two of us pretended to hit it off, broke up after three months, and behaved like we wanted to live or die, so no one would dare to urge us in the future?"

Bai Zhun's excitement gradually calmed down when he heard this, and he seemed to be thinking about the possibility of this method.

Ten minutes later, he agreed to my offer.

I held out my hand to him, "Nice to work with." ”

He hesitated for a few seconds, then slowly reached out and shook my hand.

"But I have one condition. ”


"You can't break up after three months, you can't live or die. ”

Bai Zhun sneered as if he had heard a big joke: "Whoever wants to die or live is a dog." ”


In this way, Bai Zhun and I fell in love.

It's not so much about a relationship as it is about a three-month contract.

Of course, Party A is me.

Bai Zhun and I were sloppy at each other.

Every time I talk about dating each other, I always meet at the bar.

The degree of this coincidence made me suspect for a moment that he was stalking me.

Bai Zhun was incredulous at my suspicions: "I'm following you? What are you kidding! I haven't said you are following me." ”

I was just about to go back when I received a message from Ms. Zhang.

[Are you with Xiao Zhun?]

I glanced at Bai Zhun and immediately returned: [We are together. 】

I thought it was just Ms. Zhang's usual check, but her next sentence directly proved how naïve I was.

"Your grandmother wants to see you. 】

I was about to refuse, but Bai Zhun suddenly said, "Your grandmother wants to see us?"

"How do you know?"

"My mom messaged me. ”

"You quickly refuse. ”

"I agreed. ”

"What did you promise?" I was angry and wanted to pour a glass of wine in his face.

Bai Zhun disagreed, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Of course, acting must be performed completely." ”

I suspect he did it on purpose.

As far as I am now, wearing heavy makeup that my mother doesn't know, wearing clothes that my mother thought she picked up from the trash can, she can get angry with high blood pressure directly.

I pinched my phone and thought about how to turn the tide, and Ms. Zhang's text message came again.

[Xiao Zhun has already agreed, don't try to fool me. 】

It's really a knowing woman like a mother, blocking my back road to death.

I rushed home resignedly, quickly removed my makeup and changed into a set of clothes, and then pulled Bai Zhun home.


As soon as the door opened, before I could speak, my grandmother grabbed Bai Zhun's hand and didn't let go.

"The little quasi-chief is really handsome. ”

"Come in, come in, I bought your favorite fruit. ”

"Grandma, I can eat anything, I don't have to buy it. ”

They sang and harmonized, and they didn't take me seriously at all.

It's redundant for me to stand in the doorway.

It's so redundant that it's like water vapor has evaporated.

I sighed helplessly and silently followed them into the room.

I thought that Bai Zhun would be very uncomfortable in the face of my grandmother's enthusiasm, but I didn't expect this guy to adapt very well, and even showed more enthusiasm than my grandmother.

He teased me with just one mouth.

I was stupid for everyone around.

Is this the same person as Bai Zhun I know?

I was bored watching TV and couldn't get into my mouth at all.

They were chatting while my grandmother suddenly got up and walked towards the room.

Just when I thought that she was finally going to sleep, and I could finally get up from the chair happily, she took out something from the room and handed it to Bai Jun.

The more I looked at it, the more familiar it felt, and the more I looked at it, the more I felt that something was wrong.

Leaning over to take a look, the pupils shook directly.

What she was holding in her hand turned out to be my family's household registration book.

"Grandma, why are you giving him this?" I said, about to grab it.

It's a pity that I didn't grab it.

My grandmother pulled Bai Zhun aside and turned her back to me, as if guarding me, but said in a voice that was just right for me to hear: "Xiao Zhun, you will get married tomorrow, grandma, I will take a fancy to you." ”


What's that?

Bai Zhun was also stupid now, and turned his head to ask me for help with his eyes.

Now I know I'm scared.

Is it really cowardly?

You deserve it, it's not.

With his eloquence just now, the group is like smearing honey, who can't be moved when they hear it, and who can't listen to it?

He raised the starting point so high, how can I find a boyfriend in the future.

I shrugged at him, saying I couldn't help it.

Don't want me to help him, whoever causes the trouble will solve it himself.

Bai Zhun and my grandmother pushed each other for a long time, and finally had to be forced to accept it.

Before I left with him, my grandmother yelled at him, "Remember to get married tomorrow." ”

Think too much.

This marriage can't be married at all.


After getting into the car, Bai Zhun immediately handed me the household registration book.

"What should I do?"

"What should I do? Look at it, now ask what to do, you just took it well. ”

"Don't cross the river and tear down the bridge, I'm here to help you. ”

"Help me, help me, help me get married?"

Bai Zhun immediately stopped talking.

I broke the can directly, "Or just make a do, make do." ”

As soon as these words came out, Bai Zhun exploded.

"I knew you had bad intentions against me!"

"I'm plotting against you, who knows what you're thinking about taking the household registration book?"

"What do you mean? Could it be that I did it on purpose?"

"This is not certain, Miss Ben wants money, money, beauty, talent, talent, and talent, and it is simply a simple thing to fall in love with me. ”

Bai Zhun was deeply shocked by my speech, stunned for a long time, and finally said: "You are so confident." ”

In the end, the conversation broke up.

I went home with my family register.

For the next few days, we didn't say a word.

This Cold War posture really looks like what a young couple looks like after a quarrel.

At the end of the week, my friends invited me to go racing.

I went on my motorcycle.

After two laps, it was about to rain, and our group began to drive back.

When I was still a few kilometers from the city, I saw a man waving on the side of the road.

Getting closer, I could see the man's face.

It's white quasi.

I have created sins, is my life inseparable from him?

Who signed this kind of bad fate for me!

I snorted coldly in my heart, and when I thought of the anger I had come a few days ago, I deliberately sped up when I passed him.

I drove out more than ten meters away, and it began to rain lightly.

The sound of raindrops hitting my clothes was inexplicably disturbing, and I tensed my face, but the speed slowly slowed down.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and turned around.

Don't ask, it's too soft-hearted to ask.

I parked the car in front of Bai Zhun, and Bai Zhun looked at me with some confusion.

This man is not smart in the first place, and he looks even more stupid in the rain.

"Get in the car. ”

He didn't move.

Although people are stupid, they have a strong sense of prevention.

I opened my helmet and said to him impatiently, "No, if you don't get up, I'll go." ”

Bai Zhun's eyes lit up all of a sudden.


Bai Zhun sat in the back seat, holding both sides of the car with both hands.

I sighed and said, "Hold me, or I won't pay for your medical bills." ”

Bai Zhun hesitated for a few seconds, and his arm slowly wrapped around my waist.

My face started to get hot.

It's really useless, I cursed myself in my heart.

After sending him home, I was just about to leave when I was stopped by Bai Zhun.

His face looked a little unnatural.

"It's raining too hard now, you go up and take a shower, and I'll send you back." ”

I was going to say no at first, until I saw the tips of his red ears.

I have to say that he is really good-looking, especially now when he doesn't quarrel with me.

I readily agreed, and after a quick shower, my phone rang non-stop.

When I opened it, it was full of videos shared by my friends.

I clicked on one casually, and some voices that couldn't get on the table immediately came out.

I clicked out in a panic, originally wanting to pretend that nothing happened, but when I looked up, I met Bai Zhun with some meaningful eyes.

"You like these?"

Did he ask too directly?

I tried to hide my embarrassment, and said stiffly, "After all, I have abs." ”

Bai Zhun's face turned black all of a sudden.

He looked very unhappy.

I thought about where I had offended him, and finally came to the conclusion that maybe he didn't.

Men always feel inferior to what they don't have.

Until he sent me downstairs, Bai Zhun still maintained the previous low air pressure.

I was puzzled by this.

I suspect he's blown his brain out in the rain tonight.

Before I got out of the car, I suddenly remembered something.

"Why are you standing alone on the road today? ”

Bai Zhun said angrily: "I'm idle." ”

I looked at him inexplicably, and the fire came up all of a sudden, "I think I'm idle, I should let you stay on the road and freeze to death." ”

With that, I walked away.


The more I got home and the more I thought about it, the more wrong it became.

directly opened the phone and complained to Ji Qiongan.

She knew that I had found a fake boyfriend to cope with the family, but she didn't know that the person was Bai Zhun.

After I crackled and said a lot, Ji Qiongan was silent for a long time and said: "Aren't you two really in love? ”

I was shocked by her thoughts.

"Don't you think the two of us quarreled purely because he was sick?"

"I think you two might be jealous of the quarrel. ”

"Jealous?" I think her words are already developing towards absurdity, "what kind of vinegar does he eat?"

"Maybe it's the vinegar of those abs men on your phone. ”

Stone hammered, her words are ridiculous.

I really didn't know how to answer her words, and after thinking about it for a long time, I suddenly thought of a question that Bai Zhun didn't answer.

I mentioned it around the corner, "Xie Ran hasn't been pestered by his brother recently, saying that he is in love." ”

"Don't mention it. Bai Zhun's guy reported Xie Ran to a program to save the love brain, and Xie Ran threw him on the road today in order to take revenge. ”

The case was solved, and it was indeed Xie Ran.

"Thank you Xie Ran for me. ”


I can't thank him for eliminating harm for the people.

The two of us chatted for a couple of sentences, and then went back to the show, Ji Qiongan seemed to think of something and asked me with a smile: "Have you watched the show?"

"Nope. ”

"You must take a look, that episode of the show was wonderful and directly broke our station's ratings record. ”

After hanging up the phone, I opened the show with great curiosity.

Not long after Xie Ran came on the field, Bai Zhun came up.

I saw him appear in a suit and leather shoes.

This is not the most life-saving, the most life-saving thing is that as soon as he came up, he went around the venue inexplicably and began to say hello, "Hello dear audience and friends." ”

The movements and words are skillful, as if he is back to his happy hometown.

What's even more outrageous is that Bai Zhun's code name in the show is called Mr. B, I don't know why, this code name seems to be born for him.

I don't know why, even if it's a fake couple, I feel a little embarrassed and ashamed.

Xie Ran threw him on the road, it was really cheap for him.


Bai Zhun and I fell into a cold war again.

But this time it was me unilaterally.

He would send me every day: good morning, good afternoon, good evening.

Live like a robot.

Before I got off work that day, my colleague suddenly came up to me with shining-eyed eyes and said, "Congee Congee, your boyfriend is coming to pick you up." ”

My boyfriend?

Where did I get my boyfriend?

I almost blurted out, "I don't have a boyfriend." ”

The colleague's expression changed suddenly, "That's an ambiguous object?"

I glanced downstairs with some curiosity, and Bai Zhun was leaning against the car with his mobile phone as if typing.

Ten seconds later, my phone vibrated a little.

I picked it up and opened it, and it was a message from Bai Zhunfa.

[Are you off work?]

The corners of my mouth rose unconsciously.

"You can't hide your smile. ”

I smiled and didn't speak, and just as I was about to reply to him, I heard a colleague next to me say, "Your boyfriend looks so familiar." ”

"Yes. ”

"It's like I watched the conspicuous bag friend who saved the hero of the love brain the other day. ”

My typing hand stopped all of a sudden, and my expression began to become unnatural, and I knowingly asked, "What friend?"

"Haven't you watched that show?,It's been hot lately.,It's the hero's friend who can't stand it, he's too in love and signed him up for a show.,His friend is really amazing.,Wearing a suit and tie, it looks like he's coming to a dinner party.。 ”

Should I laugh?

Bai Zhun, you are really hot.

I silently deleted the typed words and retyped a new line.

[Now, immediately, get into the car right away.] 】

Bai Zhun glanced downstairs at his mobile phone, looking left and right in confusion.

[How do you know I'm downstairs in your company.] 】

[If you don't go in again, the whole world will know that you are downstairs in my company, Mr. B. 】

Bai Zhun is downstairs, like a time bomb.

I absentmindedly pinched the seconds, and as soon as five o'clock arrived, I picked up my bag and rushed downstairs.

I opened the co-pilot's door and urged Bai Zhun, "Drive, why are you stunned." ”

"What are you doing in a hurry?"

"Don't ask so much, it's too late to ask again. ”

"It's too late. ”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was an exclamation from the window.

"You're Mr. B?!"

I saw the shocked faces of several of my colleagues and wanted to die on the spot.

I kept my head down and begged them not to notice me.

My colleague looked at Bai Zhun's face, then turned his gaze to me, and said in a very surprised tone, "Congee Congee, he is really your boyfriend." ”


I don't have anything to do with him.

I really want to deny it, but the posture that I have already acquiesced in upstairs just now, and when I say this kind of thing, it seems that I am not human inside and out.

I had to break my teeth and swallow it in my stomach.

I haven't spoken yet, but Bai Zhun has talked.

"Are you colleagues of Congee Congee? Have you watched the show? Am I already so famous?"

Big brother, how did you become famous, don't you have a little count in your heart?

In order to prevent the situation from getting worse, I quickly looked up at them and said, "We're in a hurry, we'll talk next time, bye." ”

Bai Zhun couldn't get enough of chatting, so I turned his head around directly.


When the car started, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Halfway through the drive, while waiting for the red light, Bai Zhun finally noticed that something was wrong.

He asked me very frustratedly, "Am I just so unable to do it?"

Even though he lived like an abandoned dog, I still wanted to get back to him: yes, that's right.

When the words came to my lips, I instantly sobered up.

That's not right, what you can't take, aren't we fake?

"We're not really boyfriend and girlfriend. ”

After I said this, he was even more aggrieved.

I even felt like I could see the dog's tail hanging behind him.

He is a different person now than he was before.

"What kind of expression do you have! Don't look like I'm scumming on you. ”

Bai Zhun looked at me with a complicated look, "Fang Congee, have you ever been in love?"

What does he mean by this, and who does he look down upon?

"Who do you look down on?" I glared at him.

Bai Zhun didn't seem to hear me speak, and shook his head, "It seems that I haven't talked about it." ”

"I haven't talked about what's wrong, I'm called a wise man who doesn't fall in love. ”

Bai Zhun snorted coldly, "But I will look at the abs man." ”

"Haven't you heard that?"


"A wise man is not as good as a love river, look at the handsome guy on the shore. ”

I made an appointment with Ji Qiongan today, and after Bai Zhun sent me to the designated place, he stopped me as soon as I got out of the car.

"What's wrong?"

Bai Zhun looked like he wanted to say something and stopped, and didn't say the last word.


"I also said that I have never been in love, and he has never been in love. "I sat opposite Ji Qiongan, and I felt inexplicably angry when I thought of Bai Zhun's hesitant appearance just now.

Ji Qiongan glanced at me and took a sip of coffee.

"Your fake boyfriend is Bai Jun. ”

I'm not surprised at all that she would guess, after all, I can't hide my friends for more than ten years.

"Coincidentally. ”

"It's not a coincidence at all. ”

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, you don't look like the kind of person who makes trouble for himself to deal with his family. ”

I originally wanted to deny it, but as soon as I met her eyes, I just gave up.

"Yes. I can't hide anything from you. ”

Ji Qiongan smiled, "What is your situation now?"

"What kind of fish to catch, he doesn't even take the bait. It's obviously jealous, not to mention, the mouth is the hardest. ”

After working hard for a month or two, Bai Zhun can't open his mind.

I knew that I should have gotten married directly as my grandmother said.

I took a sip of my coffee in frustration, and my phone rang several times.

When I opened it, it was all white hair.



[I've been doing well in my abs lately. 】

I clicked on the picture and saw that it was a photo of my abdominal muscles.

Before I could finish it, my phone rang a few more times.

It's still white accurate.

[I'm sorry to send it wrong, I was going to send it to a fitness coach.] 】

[It's been two minutes and you can't withdraw it, so you shouldn't have seen it.] 】

[If it really doesn't work, delete it.] 】

I saw that he wanted to cover up several times in a row, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth continued to rise.

Ji Qiongan saw me smiling like a spring breeze, and asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

I took my phone and said, "Fish, take the bait"

It may be that I haven't replied to him for a long time, and Bai Zhun is a little anxious.

He "accidentally" made me a video call.

As soon as I opened it, I saw Bai Jun's stunned expression.

He didn't seem to expect me to talk to him, and he immediately moved his phone to the side.

"I accidentally clicked the wrong one, I was going to call my mother. ”

He probably didn't believe what he said.

"Oh. I replied very coldly, "Then I'll hang up." ”

He glanced at me and coughed twice, "That, the photo, you can delete it." ”

"I've deleted it. ”


Bai Zhun unbelievably leaned in front of his phone

I looked at him with my eyes open very innocently: "It's not good-looking, why keep it." ”

"Don't you like abs?"

"What I like is an eight-pack abs. ”

White • only six pack abs • quasi-dismal exit.


Ji Qiongan sat opposite me and watched the whole scene, and finally came to a conclusion: "Don't say it, if you don't say it, he and Xie Ran are friends, and the hard look of this secret poke and poke is exactly the same as before him." ”

I'll smile.

In the next few days, Bai Zhun stayed in the gym every day like crazy, and checked in the circle of friends every day.

There are many times, and everyone can't stand it anymore, and the biggest reaction is Xie Ran.

In a recent circle of friends, he went crazy.

[Not buddy, are you crazy?]

[Don't you have a few pounds and taels in your heart?]

[Open the screen in the circle of friends. 】

For the first time, I wanted to like a comment.

I don't know if it's because I was "humiliated" by me because I didn't have eight-pack abs, but Bai Zhun hasn't looked for me recently.

I hate him for being a piece of wood.

He couldn't understand what I was saying.

How embarrassed to say that I haven't been in love before, this is pure love idiot.

Sure enough, the military never goes to the battlefield, and the tirade about Xie Ran's love affair is all over as soon as it is applied to reality.

Seeing that the three-month deadline was approaching, I decided to give him a hard shot.

It just so happened that my brother Tang came back from abroad, and I volunteered to pick him up.

I was dressed up very grandly that day, the kind of grandeur that directly dominates the airport.

Fang Fill's eyes widened when he saw me.

He stood still and didn't dare to come, I waved to him desperately, but he was indifferent.

Just when I finally ran out of patience and was about to beat him, he ran over a little bit.

The first sentence when I saw the quota was: "Sister, what are you crazy about today?"

I completely ignored his words and focused all my attention on his face.

This kid has been abroad for two years, and he looks so handsome.

It's good and can be utilized.

I smiled and touched his head.

Fang Fill took a few steps back as if he had seen a ghost, and muttered as he returned: "You are not my sister." ”

He's still so badly beaten.

I slapped him directly on the head, "I'm not your sister, I'm here to pick you up." ”

Fang Fill didn't laugh angrily, "That's right." ”

Is this man a masochist?


After getting in the car, I couldn't wait to take out my phone and ask Fang to take a photo with me.

"Come over here. ”

"You're laughing. ”

"What kind of expression do you have? ”

Fang Fill said with fear in his eyes: "Sister, don't be like this, I'm afraid." ”

"Are you sick? I'm not taking pictures of you!"

In the end, I forcibly broke his head and took a picture of it okay.

After filming, I sent it to the circle of friends, with the text: [Come and pick up a very important person. 】

After Fang Chuan saw my copy, he grabbed the seat belt tightly, "Sister, I didn't mess with you, I just came back." ”

I didn't even look at him, "You didn't mess with me, someone did." ”

I thought that Bai Zhun would have to react a little after seeing it.

As a result, he directly evaporated from the world.

The more I thought about it, the more angry I became, and I got out of the car and closed the door a little harder.

Fang filled in the side is the atmosphere does not dare to come out of one.

I took him to my grandmother's house, and as soon as I entered the door, I saw an uninvited guest.

Bai Zhun was holding his grandmother's hand with one hand, wiping his tears with the other, and making a small report in his mouth, "Grandma, how can you say that she can be like this, because I like him so much." ”

Fang Chu glanced at Bai Zhun and ran over directly to pull him away, "Grandma, who is he?" ”

Bai Zhun cried halfway, and after looking up and seeing the person who came, he stood up directly, pointed at Fang Fill and said, "Grandma, it's him!

It's not easy to live for a long time and still see two men arguing for me.

Grandma glanced at Fang Zhun and knew that Bai Zhun might have misunderstood, and as soon as she opened her mouth to explain, I immediately rushed over and gave her a look.

Or maybe she's my own mother.

With a look at me, she knew what I wanted to do, and immediately began to fan the flames, "Xiao Zhun, I don't know this." If you like him, I can't stop it, didn't I let you get married last time, look at you, where are there so many things when you get married. ”

Seeing the change in my grandmother's attitude, Bai Zhun sky collapsed.

He turned his head to look at me without giving up, and said with some grievances: "She has eight-pack abs?"

Is that the point?

How could he remember the eight-pack abs?

Fang Fill looked at it for a long time and finally saw the situation clearly, and filled it with fire again, "Yes, I have, what's wrong, no, brother, you don't have it, right?"

Bai Zhun was angry when he heard this, "Isn't he a male green tea?"

"Who are you talking about green tea?"

Seeing that the two of them were about to fight, I immediately pulled Bai Zhun into my room to calm down.

After Bai Zhun was pulled over by me, his eyes turned red all of a sudden.

"Do you really like him?"

I didn't have a certificate to answer his question, "Bai Zhun, we're just pretending to be a couple, and the three months are coming up, and the two of us are going to break up." ”

A thunderclap on the ground.

Bai Zhun stood up and hugged me crying to death, "Is it because I only have six-pack abs? I can practice, don't break up with me, okay?"

I pressed the curvature of the corners of my mouth and pretended to push him, but I didn't push him.

"You don't like me, why are you with me, you can find someone else to pretend. ”

"I didn't say I didn't like you!" Bai Zhun was anxious, "I like it, I like it very much, I like it to death." ”

It's not easy.

It's been three months, and it's not easy to hear him say he likes it.

I didn't speak, Bai Zhun was even more anxious, he let go of me, and asked me with red eyes: "Can't I compete fairly with him?" ”

I finally couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you competing with him. ”

"He's my brother. ”


Bai Zhun, who knew Fang Fill's true identity, changed his posture of calling him green tea at that time, and directly changed his face.

Fang Fill is also kind to him.

"Seriously, brother, why are you with my sister. ”

Bai Zhun said without hesitation: "She is gentle, kind and generous." ”

Fang Fill's expression was like seeing a ghost, and he pointed at me and said incredulously, "She's gentle, she's kind, she's generous?"

"Are you sure you're not beheaded?"

Bai Zhun shook his head hatefully, "You don't understand at all." ”

"I don't understand, and if I do, I'll be finished. ”

Ever since he was with Bai Zhun, he has completely become a love brain.

I sent him the sentence he said at the beginning, I am lonely and old, jumping from the stairs, I will not become a love brain to him.

He sent me a truth meme directly.

[Question Xie Ran, understand Xie Ran, and become Xie Ran. 】

I looked at this sentence and smiled.

When I asked Ji Qiongan to come out again, it was not easy.

Xie Ran and Bai Zhun both wanted to attend our best friends' party, but we refused fiercely.

After arriving at the place, Ji Qiongan looked at me from top to bottom, shook his head and said, "I can't see it." ”

I pretended to be stupid, "I can't see anything." ”

"I don't see a set. ”

I continued to play dumb: "What has a set." ”

"Do you want to pretend with me?"

Ji Qiongan put down the cup, "It's not a coincidence that the blind date is not a coincidence, and it's not a coincidence that Xie Ran threw him on the road, deliberately using Fang Fill to stimulate him, you really put a long line to catch a big fish." ”

I smiled and didn't deny it, "I'm going to chase him seriously, and I don't know when that wood will be able to open up." ”

"It's just a small trick. ”

I smiled at her.

Out of the door, Xie Ran and Bai Zhun leaned on a car and watched us.

The sun was shining down, and they were coming towards us.

These two men, I don't know what they are competing, how old they are, and who is walking faster than anyone on the road.

Baek Joon rushed over to take my bag and carried me back to the car like a race.

I feel very disgusted by his behavior:

"What are you two doing?"

Bai Zhun looked at me with his chest crossed, and asked me very seriously: "Who do you think I or Xie Ran are more in love?"

Are the two of them crazy, what is there to compare to.

"There's a reason you two are friends. ”

Bai Zhun hugged my arm and didn't let go, "You say, who the hell is it?" ”

I couldn't resist him, thought for a while and said: "Is this comparable? ”

Bai Zhun was deflated when he heard this, "Damn, he shouldn't have reported to him in the first place, but now he has an advantage." ”

He thought about it for a long time, and finally said to me, "Otherwise, I'll go to the show too." ”

"But don't!" I hurriedly stopped him.

The last time he went to be Mr. B, I had already been injured to death, and if I was on the show again, I would have to wear a mask to go out in the future.

"What are you two doing like this? ”

"It's about the dignity of men!"

Me: "........."

Silence is golden.

"Damn!" Bai Zhun didn't know what he saw again, and directly operated on his mobile phone.

A moment later, my phone, Alipay, rang.

[Alipay received 100,000 yuan. 】

"Why are you transferring money to me?"

Bai Zhun handed me the phone, and Xie Ran took a screenshot of the transfer on the page and sent it to him.

[I can't sleep without giving her money.] 】

"He's provoking me!"

His provocative approach is quite unique.

"I'm not short of money, you take it back. ”

As soon as I finished saying this, Bai Zhun immediately became very aggrieved, "You don't love me anymore." ”

"What's that?"

"You don't spend my money, you don't love me anymore, you don't even care about my money, what do you still care about me. I only have money. ”

I've only got money.

It sounds inexplicably infuriating.

I touched his head and comforted him: "It's okay, with my understanding of An An, she will definitely not accept it." ”


I looked a little weakly, "Really." ”

After saying that, I quietly opened my phone and edited the text message and sent it.

As soon as I sent it, I received a text message from Ji Qiongan, which was exactly the same as my content.

[An'an, don't take the money!]

[Porridge porridge, don't take the money!]

After all, we resisted all this.

When I got home, he was just about to get out of the car, so I pulled him back and said to him earnestly: "You don't need to compare yourself to others, I know you like me and treat me well." ”

Bai Zhun took my hand and said, "You don't know. ”

I looked up at him, confused.

"You don't know, I like you more than you know. ”

I looked at him and smiled.

It's like you didn't know that I liked you before it all began.


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