
The new generation, who are reluctant to have babies, use actions to change the concept of fertility that has lasted for thousands of years

author:Wild geese flew over the top of the Qinling Mountains
The new generation, who are reluctant to have babies, use actions to change the concept of fertility that has lasted for thousands of years

#Article Launch Challenge#

I have a classmate who has low self-esteem since childhood. The reason for her low self-esteem is that she is obviously the same age as her classmates. However, her father changed her age by three years, and because of this change, she became the oldest child in the class, and she became the object of ridicule by her classmates.

Then, she was not fined for family planning. However, until now, she has been living under all kinds of pressures due to her age.

When she was in elementary school, she was very naughty. The teachers all thought that she was really three years older than her classmates! The first thing many teachers criticized her was: "You are the oldest! You are the worst in Xi!"

The new generation, who are reluctant to have babies, use actions to change the concept of fertility that has lasted for thousands of years

When she graduated, the resume she handed out was always rejected by personnel because she was older than her classmates who graduated together!

Even when she fell in love, she was discriminated against by her in-laws because of the age on her ID card.

Until now, she has always been very mindful of her age being changed.

It was a common tactic at the time to evade family planning fines by changing the child's age.

At that time, the people still inherited the idea of having more children and more blessings under the farming culture of the past several thousand years! Therefore, some families did not hesitate to give birth to one son from one child to three or even many! Under the national policy of family planning, the extra children became the targets of fines. For this reason, this kind of age-changing operation of my classmates was derived. At that time, the wealth of society was far less than it is now. The standard of living is generally low. During the New Year's holidays, it is the norm to open meat or buy new clothes.

After several decades of social development, people have now lived in big high-rise buildings! If they have started driving a car, it is not impossible for them to go out for travel or self-driving every year! On the dining table at home, chickens, ducks, and fish are not uncommon! What they eat and drink during the New Year's holidays is no different from usual! Some families can even travel abroad every year! Compared with a few decades ago, people's living standards are a difference between heaven and earth!

However, the notion of not wanting to have children has formed a consciousness among young people in the past decade!

The second child in the country has been given birth to a second child! No one has interfered with the third child! However, the Chinese people seem to have woken up overnight! From the south to the north, almost all cities with a majority of Han Chinese. People began to automatically and consciously insist on sealing their bellies as soon as they had a child!

People are afraid to have children.

The new generation, who are reluctant to have babies, use actions to change the concept of fertility that has lasted for thousands of years

The whole country, from the national family planning a few decades ago, has been grasping superbirths everywhere. It has become, encouraging childbearing, and everyone can give birth casually.

However, no one really gives birth casually.

Even one child! Many young people resist giving birth! There are news reports that some counties have lost population! Because there are no women of appropriate age to give birth to babies, the obstetrics and gynecology departments of local hospitals have actually closed! Many kindergartens have no choice but to close because they have not enrolled a sufficient number of new students!

Isn't it true that everyone doesn't like to have children anymore?

The new generation, who are reluctant to have babies, use actions to change the concept of fertility that has lasted for thousands of years

Everyone must have their own answer to this question. However, the pressure to survive is definitely the first reason!

The pressure to survive is too great and very general.

For children, it is the pressure of Xi, and for young people, it is the pressure of employment. For middle-aged people, it is a lot of pressure to buy a house. For the elderly, it is a lot of pressure to see a doctor. In our country, every age group has its own reasons for great stress.

Moreover, from children to old age, there are their own pressures!

Unfortunately, we don't have the ability to change all of these problems right away.

Therefore, many young people, when they come to the step of buying a house and getting married, are unwilling to let their descendants take the bumpy road they have walked. This is one of the main reasons why many people don't have children.

The new generation, who are reluctant to have babies, use actions to change the concept of fertility that has lasted for thousands of years

There is a villa area in the new house, and in the villa area, there is a special old man and Mrs. Zheng.

Lao Zheng's two sons, the younger son works in Shanghai, a well-known domestic R&D company, and I heard that the annual salary is 2 million. At present, he is only married and does not have children.

The eldest son graduated from Waseda University in Japan, and has been studying for a doctorate in Japan since then, and has also stayed in Japan to work. This son is not even married!

Every time the 70-year-old Zheng and his wife take a walk, they see me carrying my youngest son's schoolbag and holding the child's hand home after school, and their eyes are full of envy.

From our secular point of view, their family, from their sons to their parents, has already lived the middle- and high-class lives of their peers. But their two sons still have their own reasons not to have children. Even the eldest son in Japan is still married!

Or are we ordinary people not optimistic about the future society.

If we are happy in our hearts, we have money in our hands, it is easy to make money, and we can live with dignity. We don't need to be reminded by experts at all, we will give birth ourselves.

Therefore, many of the arguments that experts say about stimulating childbirth are also equivalent to scratching the itch in the boots! We cannot release too much pressure on society and let the common people live a less high-pressure life. In the near future, we will overtake South Korea's fertility rate! Become a country with an aging population and a lack of newborns without wealth!

The new generation, who are reluctant to have babies, use actions to change the concept of fertility that has lasted for thousands of years