
"Asia's best!" Li Meng was elected, who else said about the rise of the Chinese women's basketball team?

author:Little Ai Fun Story

Dear friends, I would like to tell you an exciting news, that is, Li Meng, a goddess-level player in our Chinese basketball circle, who has both strength and beauty, has finally won the honor of the best women's basketball player in Asia again. For those of us who love basketball, this is even more lively than the New Year! Today, let's let the editor of our fan group take you into the wonderful world of Li Meng!

"Asia's best!" Li Meng was elected, who else said about the rise of the Chinese women's basketball team?

Let's talk about Li Meng first, she has shown amazing basketball talent since she was a child, coupled with extraordinary hard work and self-discipline, so that she quickly rose to prominence on the court. I remember when she first won this award last year, I wrote a story about her. After I met her in person at that time, I was really fascinated by her, not only because of her heroic appearance on the field, but more importantly, her never-say-die spirit.

"Asia's best!" Li Meng was elected, who else said about the rise of the Chinese women's basketball team?

The fate of this girl may have been sealed many years ago. The kind of dominance she showed on the pitch was something that everyone was amazed by. remembers the game she played against the Japanese women's basketball team last year, and the opponent tried their best to prevent her from scoring, but in the end they could only watch her throw the ball into the basket. This kind of momentum really makes me a man who has to admire it!

"Asia's best!" Li Meng was elected, who else said about the rise of the Chinese women's basketball team?

Of course, Li Meng not only performs well on the field, but she is also a very friendly and kind girl in life. It is said that once she met an old man who had fallen on the side of the road, and immediately stepped forward to help him and inquire about the situation, and later bought relevant ointment for the old man, until she was sure that the old man's injuries were okay. What do you say about such a girl who can't be loved by the public?

"Asia's best!" Li Meng was elected, who else said about the rise of the Chinese women's basketball team?

In this world, there are always people who like to stir up trouble. At the beginning of this year, some people made some untrue remarks, suspecting that Li Meng had done something bad, and the severity was like falling into a situation like a junior. This rumor made Li Meng miserable, and she didn't dare to speak out on the Internet for a whole month, I'm afraid that only then did she really deeply understand the pressure she had to endure as a public figure.

"Asia's best!" Li Meng was elected, who else said about the rise of the Chinese women's basketball team?

However, the stubbornness in Li Meng's bones made her never be crushed by these gossips. She buried her tears in her heart, turned her pain into motivation to move forward, and led the Chinese women's basketball team to move forward bravely, and finally won the Asian Cup championship and the Asian Games gold medal.

"Asia's best!" Li Meng was elected, who else said about the rise of the Chinese women's basketball team?

Then, in the new round of Hangzhou Asian Games, Li Meng once again led the Chinese women's basketball team to the top, defeating the Japanese team by only 2 points and winning the championship. In this battle, Li Meng helped the highest score in the whole game - 17 points, and insisted on playing for nearly 40 minutes, which can be said to be the pillar of the Chinese women's basketball team throughout the whole process. Although Han Xu's performance is also remarkable, Li Meng's outstanding performance in the WNBA still gives him a slight advantage.

"Asia's best!" Li Meng was elected, who else said about the rise of the Chinese women's basketball team?

It is worth mentioning that Li Meng not only has an outstanding performance in the Chinese national team, but also shines equally brightly on the league stage. Last year, she led the Sichuan women's basketball team to win the championship, and in the WNBA, her new season has been impressive and multiplied, and she has successfully established herself in the Washington Mystics. In his debut, he won the Rookie of the Season Team of the Season, which shows that his combat effectiveness is amazing. If nothing else, Li Meng's role in the Washington Mystics team will definitely be improved next year, and becoming the core force of the team is not out of reach.

"Asia's best!" Li Meng was elected, who else said about the rise of the Chinese women's basketball team?

In terms of economy, according to industry estimates, Li Meng's total income this year is expected to reach a staggering 5 million yuan. She was actively involved in the team's winning of two tournaments, and the Sichuan women's basketball team generously awarded her a prize of 500,000 yuan, in addition to a house. In addition, there are rewards from other groups, etc., so this year's remuneration earned by Li Meng is expected to exceed 5 million yuan.

"Asia's best!" Li Meng was elected, who else said about the rise of the Chinese women's basketball team?

Looking back on the past year, although Li Meng's career has been full of ups and downs, she is still able to persevere and win glory for the motherland. She is a representative of women who do not let their eyebrows go, and she is also a role model for us to learn from Xi. Here, I sincerely wish that Li Meng can continue to firmly pursue her dream in the future, continue to shine in the national and even global basketball circles, and lead the development trend of basketball in the new era! Let's cheer for this brave basketball star and look forward to more good news from her!

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