
This soup strengthens immunity, keeps warm and healthy!

author:Dr. Sun Xiaoqiang, Department of Cardiology

It's no accident that during the cold winter months, do you feel like your body is more susceptible to colds, tired, or less resistant than usual? In winter, our bodies tend to be more susceptible to viruses and bacteria due to cooler temperatures and fewer outdoor activities, and immunity naturally becomes the first line of defense for our health. But don't worry, I'm going to share with you today a special tip – a soup that boosts immunity while also providing warmth, health and nourishment.

Imagine a hot, fragrant bowl of nutritious soup gently steaming in front of you on this cold winter day. This is not only a taste pleasure, but also a powerful assistant for our body to fight the cold and strengthen immunity. With carefully selected ingredients such as tender chicken, fresh vegetables and some special herbs, we can create soups that are both healthy and full of deliciousness. It's not just a meal, it's a kind of care, a kind of pampering for the body.

This soup strengthens immunity, keeps warm and healthy!

The secret of soup stock: rich in nutrients and health

Winter soup is not only a delicacy, but also a good recipe for health. The secret lies in the carefully selected combination of ingredients, each containing ingredients that are good for health. Chicken, as the main ingredient, not only provides high-quality protein, but is also rich in vitamin B6, which is essential for boosting immune system function. Studies have shown that vitamin B6 plays an important role in promoting the growth of immune cells and effectively responding to viral infections.

Add vegetables such as carrots, onions, and garlic. Carrots are rich in β-carotene, a natural antioxidant that converts into vitamin A, which boosts the body's resistance to viruses. Onions and garlic contain sulfides, which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, helping to prevent colds and promote respiratory health.

The choice of herbs is also crucial, such as Codonopsis and Goji berries. Codonopsis can boost the body's immunity and is also beneficial for cardiovascular health. Goji berries are rich in antioxidants, which help protect cells from free radical damage, thereby strengthening the immune system.

Combining these ingredients not only provides essential nutrients, but also creates a balanced diet that effectively boosts the body's immunity and ability to resist cold. Simple, easy to digest and absorb, this soup is suitable for people of all ages, especially during the winter months, providing extra warmth and protection to the body.

This soup strengthens immunity, keeps warm and healthy!

Boosting immunity: the scientific secret in soup

Cold winters are often accompanied by a decrease in immunity, and specific ingredients can play an important role in this. For example, chicken is not only rich in high-quality protein, but also contains vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is an essential nutrient for the function of the immune system, it is involved in the production of red blood cells, helps carry oxygen to all parts of the body, and is a key factor in the production of white blood cells. These white blood cells play a central role in defending against infection.

Vegetables, such as carrots and spinach. Carrots are rich in β-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that converts into vitamin A, which helps to enhance eye and skin health while boosting immunity. Spinach is rich in iron, folate and vitamin C, which are essential for the immune system. In particular, vitamin C promotes the function of white blood cells and strengthens the body's resistance to infections.

In addition to these common ingredients, herbs such as Codonopsis and Astragalus are also an important part of winter soups. These herbs are believed in traditional medicine to boost physical strength and immunity. Modern studies have shown that astragalus contains a variety of immunomodulatory substances that enhance the activity of macrophages, which are key parts of phagocytosis of pathogens and the removal of waste from the body.

Winter nourishing soup is not only a food, but also a good medicine to boost immunity. The health benefits of these ingredients can be maximized through scientific pairing, providing natural support against the health challenges brought about by winter.

This soup strengthens immunity, keeps warm and healthy!

Cooking Tips: A nutritious winter immune-boosting soup

Winter is coming, and the improvement of immunity has become the key. Here is a special soup that is easy to make, has high nutritional value, and can effectively enhance immunity.

Choose chicken as the main ingredient. Chicken is rich in protein and essential amino acids, which are great for boosting immunity. Choose chicken breasts or thighs, peel and bone, according to personal taste, and cut them into palatable sizes for later use. Prepare several common vegetables, such as carrots, cabbage, and mushrooms. These vegetables not only enrich the taste of the soup, but also supplement vitamins and minerals, and strengthen the immune system.

In addition to this, some special herbs such as goji berries and astragalus are added, which are traditional Chinese herbs known to boost immunity and improve blood circulation. Goji berries are rich in antioxidants, while astragalus boosts stamina and stamina. Soak these herbs in water in advance to better release their nutritional value.

During the cooking process, add an appropriate amount of water to the pot first, add the chicken after the water boils, and cook until it changes color. Then, add the chopped vegetables and herbs, adjust the heat and let the soup simmer. This ensures that the nutrients of the ingredients are not destroyed and that the soup is richer.

In the final stages of soup cooking, add the right amount of salt and seasonings according to personal taste to increase the flavor of the soup. The entire cooking process takes about 40 minutes, ensuring that all ingredients are cooked thoroughly and nutritious.

This soup is not only delicious, but also rich in vitamins and minerals, which has a significant effect on strengthening the resistance of winter. Scientific studies have shown that a balanced intake of nutrients is essential for maintaining and improving immune system function. The combination of this soup meets this need, making it an ideal healthy food for winter. Easy to make, nutritious, and ideal for winter health care.