
Growth and upgrading: 66 personal development Xi of smart people

author:Pretend to be hi-skinned

爱迪生曾说“天才是由1%的天赋和99%的汗水造成的。 ”命运掌握在自己手中,只有日复一日地付出才可能崭露头角。 如果你想有所成长,不妨一起学习聪明人士地66个好习惯,培养好习惯能重塑大脑,提升自己的智力水平。 本篇文章源自《聪明人的个人成长:对个人成长的有意识追求》(Personal Development for Smart People: The Conscious Pursuit of Personal Growth)一书,作者史蒂夫·帕夫利纳(Steve Pavli

Growth and upgrading: 66 personal development Xi of smart people

NA) provides an interesting perspective on self-growth. The article is from a translation, I hope it can inspire you.

"Perception is the most fundamental aspect of truth," Pavlina wrote, "and if you want to improve some aspect of your life, you must first see it." ”

For example, if you want to know how you relate to others, ask yourself, "How do I feel about this relationship, when do I feel good about myself, and what conflicts and unpleasantness need to be addressed?" Ask your partner the same questions and compare your answers. Figuring out where you stand will help you decide what kind of change you want to make. Perception is a key component of personal growth because we respond to what we perceive to be.

The first step must be to realize that your life is not what you want it to be.

Accepting and confronting the brutal and unforgiving truth is easy to say, but in practice it is very difficult. However:

If you refuse to admit that you are at point A, you can't get from point A to point B!

There are two powerful ways you can harness the mind's predictive power to accelerate personal growth:

First, you will become smarter by embracing new experiences that are different from anything you've encountered before.

The new environment puts your brain into learning Xi mode, which allows you to discover new patterns of thinking. The more patterns your brain learns to Xi, the better predictive it will become, and the smarter you will become.

Read a book that you are completely unfamiliar with. Take the initiative to talk to people you usually want to avoid. Visit an unfamiliar city. Go beyond the existing mindset. In order to grow, you have to repeatedly respond to new challenges, think about new ideas, and constantly inject fresh content into your brain. If you just repeat the same experience, you will stagnate and your mental capacity will shrink.

If you want to be smarter, you have to keep innovating.

The second way to use your brain's predictive abilities is to make your predictions consciously and thoughtfully and use those predictions to make better decisions. Think about your goals and your future, and ask yourself, "What do I want my life to look like in the future?"

Imagine a very logical, unbiased observer who takes a closer look at your situation and predicts what your life will look like in 20 years based on your current behavior. If you're brave enough, ask a few people who know you well to evaluate your life truthfully and impartially, and see what they think you'll look like in 20 years. Trust me, their answers might surprise you!

Here is a list of 66 Xi that can improve your personal efficiency, I hope it will help you:

1. Daily goals. Set goals ahead of time each day, identify what you want to do, and just do it. Without a clear focus, it's easy to get distracted.

2. Deal with the hard stuff first. To overcome procrastination, learn to take what you think is the most difficult and least willing to do in the morning, rather than procrastinating until later. It's important to manage your time well and prioritize your tasks, as small wins will set the tone for a productive day.

3. Peak periods. Identify your peak productivity cycles and schedule your most important tasks during those times. Do some minor tasks during off-peak hours.

4. No interruption periods. Allocate a period of time for solitary work where you have to concentrate without anyone interrupting you. Light, interruptible tasks can be scheduled at other times, and more challenging projects can be scheduled at uninterrupted times.

5. Small milestones. Whenever you start a task, identify goals that must be reached before you stop working. For example, when you write a book, make sure to finish at least 1,000 words a day before you go to bed. Set a goal milestone and achieve it no matter what.

6. Time Limit. Set yourself a set time slot, such as 30 minutes to complete a task. Don't worry about how much you can accomplish, just put in the time and just do it.

7. Batch processing. Putting similar tasks such as making calls, replying to messages, or sending couriers together in batches can improve productivity.

8. Early birds get worms. Wake up early to tackle the most important tasks, and you'll usually get more work done than most people do in a full day.

9. Work alternately. Spend 15-30 minutes sorting through the day's work tasks, alternating between simple things and complex and difficult tasks. For example, spending a few hours on the most difficult projects and then 15-30 minutes at the end doing some light work can relieve fatigue.

10. Speed up the pace. Consciously pick up the pace and try to be a little faster than usual. Speak faster. Walk faster. Type faster. Read faster. Be intentional about your productivity.

11. Keep it tidy. Create a relaxed, clutter-free workspace to reduce stress.

12. Develop an agenda. Providing participants with a clear, written agenda ahead of time can greatly improve the focus and efficiency of the meeting. Conference calls can also be scheduled in advance.

13. Pareto Principle. The Pareto principle is the 80-20 rule, which states that 80% of the value of a task comes from 20% effort. Focus on the critical 20% and don't overdo it for the non-critical 80%.

14. Act now. Take action as soon as you set your goals, and stop procrastination even if the action plan isn't perfect. You can always adjust your direction and plan, but don't stay too long.

15. A minute of hesitation. Once you have the information you need to make a decision, start timing it and give yourself 60 seconds to make a decision. Give yourself a minute to dwell on and hesitate, but make sure to make a clear choice in the end. Once a decision is made, take some kind of action to put it into practice.

16. Deadline。 Set a deadline for completing tasks and use them as a focal point to ensure that tasks are completed as planned.

17. Public Commitments. Tell others about your commitments so they will help you take responsibility.

18. Punctuality. In any case, be on time, arrive early, and take control of your time.

19. Use fragmented time to read. While waiting for an appointment, standing in line, or making coffee, seize your free time to read articles and books. If you're a man, you can even read articles while shaving. Trust me, stick with it for a year and you'll be amazed to find yourself reading 365 articles.

20. Find resonance. Imagine that your goal has been achieved and immerse yourself in the action. Let it become a reality in your mind, and trust me, you will see it in reality soon.

21. Self-Reward. Always reward yourself for your achievements. Watch a movie, get a massage, or spend the day at the amusement park.

22. Prioritize things. Distinguish really important tasks from tasks that are merely urgent but not important. Allocate time to key second-quadrant tasks, i.e., those that are important but not urgent, such as physical exercise, writing a book, finding a romantic partner, etc. Use the four-quadrant rule to prioritize things.

23. Continuity. At the end of the workday, identify the first task to be tackled the next day and prepare the materials ahead of time. Immediately start doing the work the next day.

24. Goal Decomposition. Break down complex projects into smaller, more defined tasks and focus on completing only one of them.

25. Single Processing. Once you start a task, keep it until it's 100% complete. Don't switch tasks halfway through. When you encounter a distraction, write it down first and deal with it later.

26. Random Selection. Pick a random item from a larger project and complete it. Pay a random bill. Make a random phone call.

27. Terrible. Deliberately completing tasks in a bad way, thus breaking perfectionism, knowing that you never need to share the results with anyone. Write a blog post about no nutrition, design a website with missing features, or create a business plan that promises to go bankrupt in the first year. With real failure, you don't have to be afraid.

28. Authorization of Others. Authorize someone to do something that isn't important and urgent.

29. Multi-domain Xi. Learn new skills that Xi unrelated to your job, sign up to learn Xi martial arts, start a blog, or join an improvisation group. Master a few more skills, grow into a compound talent, and provide multi-perspective thinking for problem solving.

30. Intuition. Follow your instincts, and it might be right.

31. Optimization. Find out what you use most about your processes and write them down step by step. It is then re-addressed on paper to improve efficiency, and then the improved process is executed and tested. Sometimes, only by looking closely under the microscope can we discover things that we don't notice on a daily basis.

32. Super slow. Dedicate yourself to doing something particularly difficult, once a week, for 15-30 minutes at a time. For example, tidying up a small bookshelf. Clean up 10 pieces of clothing you don't need. Write a few paragraphs.

33. Set daily must-dos. Schedule a specific time each day for a specific task or Xi. An hour a day can allow you to finish a book or have the perfect body.

34. Add gradually. Attach a task to one of your existing Xi habits to create a new Xi. For example, watering plants after lunch, checking emails and sending thank-you notes.

35. Parallel tasks. Wrap a task in between, read while eating lunch, call back on your commute, or listen to a podcast while grocery shopping.

36. Be grateful. When someone helps you, send a thank you card. It's a real handwritten card, not an e-card. It's rare and memorable, and the other person will be eager to bring you more opportunities.

37. Elevate yourself. Train a variety of productivity Xi skills. For example, improving typing speed.

38. Learn to say no. Say "no" to unreasonable requests. Don't care too much about other people's eyes and evaluations, learning to say no is an art.

39. Reclaim time. Take back the time that others have wasted on you. Write down your shopping list in boring speeches, in meaningless meetings.

40. Team your brainstorm. Tell others about your current problems and difficulties, preferably in a group of people. Invite people to give suggestions, feedback, and constructive criticism, so that you can get information from all sides and help you make rational decisions.

41. 20 methods. Write down 20 creative ideas to improve your efficiency.

42. Challenges. Take the initiative to increase the difficulty of the task. Challenging tasks are more engaging and motivating than boring ones.

43. Add spice. Complete otherwise boring tasks in unusual and even crazy ways to keep them interesting.

44. Music. Try to discover how music can improve your efficiency. For example, you can listen to some light music when you are working on work.

45. Compress time. Estimate how long it will take to complete a task. Then start the timer and push yourself to complete the task in half the time.

46. Delegate Others. When a task you don't like is delegated to you, re-delegate it to someone else.

47. Rebuttal. When a seemingly meaningless task is delegated to you, give it back to the person who delegated it to you and question whether it is necessary for them to complete the task.

48. Unsolicited Exit. Opt out of clubs, programs, and official account subscriptions that are consuming too much of your time.

49. Quit coffee. Say no to caffeine, endure the torment of withdrawal, and rejuvenate yourself.

50. Intentional procrastination. Delay non-critical tasks as much as possible. Many tasks don't really need to be done at all.

51. Don't watch TV. Turn off the TV, especially the TV news, so that you can regain a lot of available time.

52. Record time. Keep a record of all the tasks for a day, preferably for a week. Even simply keeping track of completion time can increase your productivity, not to mention that you can see how much time you're actually spending and using your time.

53. Be brave. Pick a project on your to-do list that scares you the most, muster up the courage, and tackle it right away.

54. Non-conformist. Run errands during off-peak hours to avoid the crowds. Shop before or shortly after the store closes.

55. Online Shopping. Shop online whenever possible. Check out the reviews, pick the right item, and buy it in minutes.

56. Set reminders. Add birthday and holiday reminders to your calendar a month or two in advance. Buy gifts in advance, not at the last minute.

57. Do it now! Repeat this phrase until you get bored enough to give in and get to work.

58. Coaching. Hire a personal trainer to keep yourself motivated, focused, and responsible.

59. Motivate yourself. Read inspiring books and articles, listen to audio programs, attend seminars, and keep absorbing new and inspiring ideas, all while learning from the past.

60. Fitness. Exercise consistently every day, for 30 minutes a day, to boost your metabolism and improve concentration and mental clarity.

61. Stay away from negativity. Stay away from negative crowds and negative emotions, and only associate with positive, happy, and successful people. Mindsets are contagious.

62. Learn to be strict. Try to counsel those who interfere with you with a serious look and tone.

63. Pay for things. What can be solved with money, spend money to solve it.

64. Set an example. Find people who have already achieved the results you want, interview them, and try to learn Xi their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.

65. Be proactive. Even if others disagree with you, take action and deal with the consequences afterwards. It's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.

66. Live in the real world. Appropriately step away from online life and reinvest your time in real offline life.

Translator: Araon_