
Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love

author:Straightforward Maple Leaf nVK

Girlfriends, the other half of this love story, often have a lot of laughing and crying behaviors. Her every move can sometimes even make the other half instantly have the urge to "kill her", of course, this is just an exaggeration, in fact, it is an expression of helplessness and affection for her cute behavior.

Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love

Recently, a survey on "What behavior does your girlfriend want you to kill her instantly?" has caused heated discussions among netizens. Netizens left messages and shared their interesting stories, which was eye-opening.

Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love

For example, some boys mentioned that their girlfriends' cute behaviors can sometimes give people the illusion that they are dating an online friend instead of their girlfriend. The reason is that his girlfriend always likes to communicate with him in Internet buzzwords, and his behavior full of cuteness and Internet characteristics often makes people laugh.

Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love

Work and love, this is a problem that many boys will encounter. Sometimes, they have to choose between a busy job and a girlfriend who craves companionship. Despite this, many boys said that their girlfriend's understanding and support was their biggest motivation.

Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love

A boy reflects that the change in his girlfriend may be due to his own reasons. He realizes that the reason why his girlfriend went from gentle to irritable may be because of his neglect and lack of care.

Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love

For the artist, the painting is a projection of emotion. However, a girlfriend added an extra touch to her boyfriend's painting, causing a lot of unhappiness. This is not malicious, but it does demonstrate the mutual respect and boundaries that couples should have.

Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love

Canker sores are painful, and an injured boy gets a weird way of being comforted by his girlfriend. She distracted him in a funny way, and although it made him cry and laugh, it did relieve some pain.

Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love

Historically, Cao Zhi, if he had a leg that recovered quickly, was said to go directly out of the city to meet his lover. This paragraph reminds modern lovers that if their other half has superpowers, there will be more wonderful stories happening.

Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love

The inconsistency of work and rest time is a common problem for modern couples. Someone shared that the night owl's girlfriend is always most active when her boyfriend needs to sleep quietly, which has led to a lot of friction between the two.

Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love

A boy's clerical error can lead to his own bad luck first. A boy once wrote a love letter to his girlfriend, and made a clerical mistake to write "dear" to "father's", and was misunderstood and laughed by his girlfriend.

Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love

The way couples joke with each other can sometimes be very novel. For example, there are couples who imitate each other's hiccups, which is hilarious, but it is also a reflection of the deep affection between them.

Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love

700 bucks, a figure that can be significant in a relationship. There was once a couple who broke up because of a disagreement over this amount, which made others laugh and cry, but it also reflected the subtle role of money in a relationship.

Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love

Girls may have some blind spots in knowing business brands. A girl described Bai Jingting's shoes as fakes, which led to a big joke. This little episode has also become a sweet memory between their lovers.

Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love

Girls who are sick are especially insecure. Some boys said that his girlfriend is always extra clingy when she is sick, and although this sticky behavior makes people helpless, it is also more caring.

Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love

The end of the article often ends with a funny point calling for attention. For example, someone humorously reminded everyone that although the unique behavior of a girlfriend makes people laugh and cry, it is also one of the great joys of life.

Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love

Fishing enthusiasts are saddened by their girlfriend's careless behavior. A boy shared that his girlfriend accidentally stepped on his precious fishing tool, although his girlfriend's sincere apology made him forgive him afterwards, but the mood at that time was really mixed.

Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love

The girlfriend deliberately made a noise during the meal to affect the appetite, which made many boys say that they could not bear it. They believe that even if it's a joke, there should be a degree.

Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love

Sometimes, the girlfriend accidentally breaks the boyfriend's things, which can easily lead to arguments. But after calming down, guys usually find that items can be bought again, and the girlfriend's heart and affection are priceless.

Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love

When guys are asked if they love their girlfriend who turns into a caterpillar, this surreal question bothers them a lot. Although this is a hypothetical situation, it is enough to make them ponder for the depth and boundaries of love.

Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love

The inexplicable behavior of the girlfriend often makes the boy cry and laugh. The bits and pieces shared by netizens are full of love and interesting insights into life.

Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love

Sometimes the girlfriend's abrupt behavior can also confuse the guy. One boy shared that his girlfriend suddenly quieted down in the midst of a heated argument, which overwhelmed him, but such moments of silence are often the beginning of a reconnection between the two.

Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love

On some occasions, the boy is suspected of not going to a serious massage, and this misunderstanding often causes laughter among couples. Obviously, it's important for boys to be able to explain clearly and use this as an opportunity to build trust.

Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love

Finally, I have to mention the problem of boys being busy all day long and not replying to girlfriend messages. In the fast-paced modern life, this happens from time to time, but as long as you take the time, sincere communication can always bridge the distance.

Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love

Through the sharing of netizens, we can see that although some of the girlfriend's behaviors occasionally give boys a headache, these small frictions and small disputes are all condiments on the road to love, making the relationship between the two people more colorful. Between love and non-love, perhaps it is these inadvertent little things that make us cherish each other more.

Girlfriend's little quirk detonates laughter: a sweet "little bomb" on the road to love