
People only understand when they are 60 years old that "longevity and wealth" is a cause and effect

author:Storytelling History Museum

Foreword: Only a life of gains and losses will realize the meaning of longevity

The autumn wind was blowing, and the gray-haired old man was staggering down the street, his steps heavy and difficult. His hands trembled slightly, and his eyes were misty, as if he was remembering something.

People only understand when they are 60 years old that "longevity and wealth" is a cause and effect

This picture is embarrassing, youth is gone, and time does not treat people.

Aging is inevitable for everyone, the white horse passes, and in the blink of an eye, the youth is gone, the white hair on the head, and the faltering steps, this is the true meaning of life. We don't want to face the impermanence of birth, old age, sickness and death, but we are also powerless to resist the passage of time.

With white hair on the top of the head, a difficult walk, and an ending that fate weaves for everyone.

In life, who doesn't aspire to immortality? Who doesn't want to have a healthy body and an honorable status? We all aspire to have longevity and wealth. But after all, we have to fight for it ourselves, and God will not casually reward us with longevity and wealth.

People only understand when they are 60 years old that "longevity and wealth" is a cause and effect

Longevity requires our own unremitting efforts, which is the principle of "planting melons and getting melons, planting beans and getting beans".

Karma, no hard work. If you want a good harvest, you have to work hard. The same is true for longevity and wealth, which requires us to work hard in all aspects of thinking, life, and interpersonal relationships in order to achieve our wishes.

When we have gray hair and wrinkles, we will truly understand the meaning of longevity, and we will realize that everything is cause and effect.

Family harmony makes the elderly feel loved and is the key to longevity

People only understand when they are 60 years old that "longevity and wealth" is a cause and effect

Family harmony is an important guarantee of longevity. The famous anthropologist James O'Conal has proposed a seemingly absurd but far-reaching "grandmother hypothesis".

He explained that women tend to live longer than men, and the important reason is that women will pass on their mother's love to their grandchildren, and they will pay attention to the next generation wholeheartedly, melting the family with love, such maternal love will give women the motivation to continue to survive, and will also change women's genes and prolong their lifespan.

It can be said that becoming a maternal grandmother is an important motivation for women to live a long life.

This seemingly bizarre hypothesis enlightens us that family harmony and being cared for by family members are important conditions for the elderly to achieve longevity. In a harmonious and friendly family, the elderly will receive better care and support from their children.

People only understand when they are 60 years old that "longevity and wealth" is a cause and effect

Minor illnesses will be taken care of, and major illnesses are more likely to be cured. Your daily life and diet will also be carefully taken care of. This kind of spiritual comfort and life security allows the elderly to have a strong internal motivation to live.

There is an old grandmother near my house, although she is paralyzed, her children do not dislike it, try their best to take care of her living and eating, and carefully push her to bask in the sun and enjoy the scenery.

With the meticulous care of her family, the grandmother was able to live a few more years.

Therefore, harmonious family relationships are the key to longevity. Of course, the elderly should also learn to care for others and give warmth to their families, rather than just relying on the old and selling the old. Only when the elderly first give warmth to the family, will the children repay the elderly with filial piety.

People only understand when they are 60 years old that "longevity and wealth" is a cause and effect

A loving family will make the elderly feel loved and loved, and their mood will become more and more peaceful, which is good for longevity.

Positive dedication is respected by others and is another kind of longevity

Longevity is not just about how many years you live, but more importantly, whether life is meaningful and valuable. As the poet Zang Kejia said: "Some people are alive, but they are dead; Some people are dead, and he is still alive.

Although the physical body is no more, the spirit of the person who contributes to society will live on forever.

People only understand when they are 60 years old that "longevity and wealth" is a cause and effect

The ancient medical saint Sun Simiao is a typical example. He is said to have lived to be more than 100 years old, and he also left behind the medical masterpiece "A Thousand Golden Prescriptions", so that future generations can learn Xi his health preservation methods.

But the reason why he was able to live a long life was not simply the pursuit of personal health, but the continuous dedication of himself throughout his life. Once, when he was out and about, he met a pregnant woman who had a difficult birth, and her family thought that she could only let it go.

But Sun Simiao desperately rescued the pregnant woman, and finally saved the mother and son. Later, the local dragon king fell ill and asked him for treatment, he didn't want any gold and silver treasures, but only took the secret recipe of the dragon palace.

He also often waived the medical bills of the poor, allowing them to plant almond trees and use the fruit to help other poor people. It can be said that Sun Simiao has practiced medicine and contributed to the society all his life, and it is this spirit of great love that makes his spirit live on to this day.

People only understand when they are 60 years old that "longevity and wealth" is a cause and effect

Therefore, if we want to achieve a higher level of longevity, we must actively contribute to society like Sun Simiao, so that our spirit will also be sublimated and respected and remembered by others.

Selfless dedication strengthens our spirit and gives us inner satisfaction. It is also a kind of longevity that keeps our spirit alive forever.

Helpfulness pays off and life accidents are avoided

To achieve longevity, it is also necessary to maintain a kind and compassionate heart at all times. As the ancient adage says: "People are good, although blessings have not come, disasters have been far away; People are evil, although the disaster has not come, the blessing has been far away.

Those who do good deeds and accumulate virtues, although the good fortune may not be immediate, can at least avoid many dangers and avoid disasters by themselves. Therefore, doing more good deeds can help us to live longer.

People only understand when they are 60 years old that "longevity and wealth" is a cause and effect

There is a very touching example in the story. Xiaoyu, a 17-year-old girl, fell into a severe coma due to drug poisoning, and doctors thought she might be brain dead. But her parents, out of compassion, agreed to donate their daughter's organs, hoping that she would live another way.

When the news came out, a doctor, Ji Chunlan, immediately contacted a better expert and finally saved the girl. Without the compassion and love of her parents and their consent to organ donation, Xiaoyu would not have been able to come back to life.

This fully illustrates that good deeds of helpfulness can save one's own life and the lives of others.

In the animal kingdom, the story of the mother elephant leading the elephant migration also illustrates this point. In the 90s, when Tanzania's forests were starved of resources due to drought, a mother elephant chose to lead the elephants to migrate to other places where there were plenty of them, and as a result, the herd survived.

People only understand when they are 60 years old that "longevity and wealth" is a cause and effect

If the mother elephant escapes alone, she may die. It can be seen that when we have the spare energy to take care of others, we will also avoid disasters and gain vitality.

Therefore, doing more good deeds and being helpful can enable us to accumulate good fortune and avoid dangers, so as to achieve a long life. This is also a very important point.

Longevity also requires the cultivation of excellent family customs and morals, which can be passed on to children and grandchildren

If we want to live a long life, in addition to being healthy and optimistic, we also need to cultivate noble character and inherit good family customs. As the old adage goes: "The old man lives long and his children and grandchildren."

People only understand when they are 60 years old that "longevity and wealth" is a cause and effect

The key to the longevity of the elderly lies in whether they are honored and supported by their children and grandchildren.

If the elderly are of bad moral character and have enemies with others everywhere, leaving their children and grandchildren with nowhere to stand and their families to be at peace, it will be difficult for them to get the care of their children and grandchildren, and even their own flesh and blood will be abandoned.

This was the case with one of my elderly neighbors, who was irritable and looking for trouble, and as a result, his children avoided him and ended up being sent to the fence.

Therefore, we should strive to nurture excellent children in the prime of life, teach by word and deed, and pass on the family virtues. They should not only be taught to read and write, but also to be taught the virtues of honesty, generosity, and filial piety to their parents.

People only understand when they are 60 years old that "longevity and wealth" is a cause and effect

Only by standing up and acting virtuously can we win the respect of future generations. If a family inherits love and righteousness, our children will naturally show filial piety when we are old, so that we can live happily.

Of course, we must also lead by example, not to say one thing and do another in front of our children, but to truly have excellent character and use it to influence our children. Only by truly establishing virtue can we move our children to repay our nurturing grace.

Therefore, cultivating excellent family style and moral character will escort our longevity. This must not be overlooked.

Conclusion: Longevity requires all-round efforts to achieve it

To sum up, to achieve longevity, we need to make efforts on many fronts.

People only understand when they are 60 years old that "longevity and wealth" is a cause and effect

First of all, in terms of physical fitness, it is necessary to actively exercise, ensure adequate sleep, and develop good life Xi habits, which can strengthen the body and lay the foundation for longevity.

Secondly, in terms of psychology, we should maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, always be grateful, and avoid excessive anxiety and pessimism, which can make the mood peaceful and conducive to longevity.

The third is the family, it is very important to create a harmonious family relationship, care more about the children, pass on the family motto, and win their respect and care.

Finally, on the social side, we should be positive and contribute to society, so that we can gain recognition from others and help us avoid unnecessary life accidents, which is also beneficial to longevity.

People only understand when they are 60 years old that "longevity and wealth" is a cause and effect

Longevity is a systematic project, which requires all-round positivity and efforts to do everything well. Only a full and abundant life is a healthy and long-lived life.

I believe that if we do our best, we will be able to achieve the goal of longevity.

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