
The woman took care of her paralyzed ex-father-in-law for 10 years, and found that he gave her ex-husband 200,000 yuan in two years and decided to marry

author:Serious Emotional Society

Gao Hongyun grew up in an ordinary family of three in rural Hubei, and his father supported the family by doing odd jobs in the city. Although life is poor, the family is harmonious, and Gao Hongyun has deeply experienced the warmth of family care for each other since he was a child.

However, the good times did not last long, when Gao Hongyun was 19 years old, a sudden change completely changed her fate.

The woman took care of her paralyzed ex-father-in-law for 10 years, and found that he gave her ex-husband 200,000 yuan in two years and decided to marry

That year, Gao Hongyun was a sophomore in college, and his father was working at a construction site in another place. One day, there was a sudden accident at the construction site, and my father was knocked down by the collapsed concrete, and the rescue failed.

When the bad news came, Gao Hongyun was preparing for the final exam with his roommate, and his father's face was still vivid in his mind. When she hurried back to her hometown and saw her mother and younger siblings grief-stricken, at this moment, this cruel reality really fell on her heart.

The death of his father has put the small family in an unprecedented predicament. His mother was frail and sickly, and Gao Hongyun's two younger siblings were still studying, and the rupture of the family's main source of income made her livelihood suddenly helpless.

Faced with the reality of not being able to pay the tuition fees for the next semester, Gao Hongyun wrote to the school to apply for a leave of absence.

The woman took care of her paralyzed ex-father-in-law for 10 years, and found that he gave her ex-husband 200,000 yuan in two years and decided to marry

Just when Gao Hongyun was thinking hard about how to help her family, her mentor, Professor Li Yuanming, found her. Knowing Gao Hongyun's misfortune, Li Yuanming provided financial assistance without saying a word, allowing her to complete the rest of her studies with peace of mind.

Recalling that moment many years later, Gao Hongyun still couldn't suppress the excitement and emotion in her heart - for doing this for an ordinary rural student, Professor Li's kindness made her extremely grateful.

After graduating from university, Gao Hongyun successfully entered a large company that Professor Li Yuanming helped her contact. In order to repay the teacher's help, Gao Hongyun often used weekends to go to Li Yuanming's house to help clean and do housework.

After so many years, Li Yuanming and his wife have treated Gao Hongyun as their daughter.

The woman took care of her paralyzed ex-father-in-law for 10 years, and found that he gave her ex-husband 200,000 yuan in two years and decided to marry

Li Yuanming's only son, Li Jiangjun, is the only seedling in the family, with a burly body and a strong personality, but he is not very good at expressing feelings. His first marriage partner eventually divorced because he was unable to have children. Later, under the mediation of Li Yuanming and his wife, Li Jiangjun and Gao Hongyun came together.

After marriage, Gao Hongyun served her in-laws wholeheartedly and gradually won their love. More than a year later, she gave birth to the only son of the Li family, named Li Xiaobao, and the family was very happy.

However, the good times did not last long, when Li Xiaobao was two years old, her mother-in-law Wang Guizhen accidentally broke her lumbar vertebrae when she went out and became paralyzed in the lower half of her body.

Wang Guizhen's personality was originally restless, and this injury made her lie in bed all day long, and her temper became more and more irritable. Li Jiangjun is not good at taking care of people, and Li Yuanming is too old to take care of him, and in the end, this heavy responsibility falls on Gao Hongyun's shoulders.

The woman took care of her paralyzed ex-father-in-law for 10 years, and found that he gave her ex-husband 200,000 yuan in two years and decided to marry

She still has to work during the day, and at night she pushes her mother-in-law to bask in the sun in the yard, patiently taking care of her mother-in-law like a newborn baby, until Wang Guizhen died three years later.

After Wang Guizhen's death, Li Jiangjun began to be away from home all year round. Gao Hongyun lives alone with his son, and he still goes to Li Yuanming's house to help take care of it. She didn't know that Li Jiangjun was already reunited with his ex-wife Hu Yuhan outside.

Late one night, when Li Yuanming left Gao Hongyun's house, he insisted on going home alone, but he suddenly suffered a cerebral hemorrhage in the middle of the road and fell on the side of the street. Passers-by took him to the hospital and called Gao Hongyun.

The moment Dai Xing Dai Yue rushed to the hospital, Gao Hongyun couldn't help but redden when he saw Li Yuanming's right half of his body paralyzed on the hospital bed shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

The woman took care of her paralyzed ex-father-in-law for 10 years, and found that he gave her ex-husband 200,000 yuan in two years and decided to marry

"It's okay, I'm already old, I won't live for a few years, don't be too sad......" Li Yuanming comforted Gao Hongyun. However, he was frail and couldn't afford to fall ill after a few days in the hospital, and finally had to accept the reality and returned home with the support of Gao Hongyun.

During the day, Gao Hongyun was busy working to earn money to support his family; At night, he had to take care of his 8-year-old son alone; has to find time to take care of Li Yuanming, who is paralyzed in bed - running errands and shopping for vegetables, cooking porridge, feeding and emptying urinals, plus massage and rehabilitation training, Gao Hongyun is very busy.

"There's no way, I can't leave my teacher behind. Gao Hongyun showed fatigue in front of his colleagues, but he never gave up.

Under Gao Hongyun's careful care, Li Yuanming gradually recovered some of his physical functions. Eight years later, he was finally able to stand and walk, and although he was not very dexterous, Li Yuanming, who had regained his ability to take care of himself, was as happy as a child.

The woman took care of her paralyzed ex-father-in-law for 10 years, and found that he gave her ex-husband 200,000 yuan in two years and decided to marry

"Thanks to your hard work in taking care of me every day, Hongyun, if it weren't for you, I would have died a long time ago!" Li Yuanming sincerely thanked Gao Hongyun.

Looking at Li Yuanming's recovery, Gao Hongyun also felt happy. She began to spend more time with her son, less time to work overtime, and her life seemed to be on track.

At this moment, Gao Hongyun inadvertently saw that on Li Yuanming's mobile phone, there were several messages from her ex-husband Li Jiangjun asking him for money.

Gao Hongyun chuckled in his heart, and an ominous premonition arose. She logged in to Li Yuanming's bank APP to check the bill, and found that in the past two years, Li Yuanming not only secretly contacted Li Jiangjun, who had broken off his friendship with him, but also often remitted money to him, ranging from thousands to tens of thousands, with a total of 200,000 yuan.

The woman took care of her paralyzed ex-father-in-law for 10 years, and found that he gave her ex-husband 200,000 yuan in two years and decided to marry

"Didn't you say before that you'd never give that bad guy a penny?" Gao Hongyun questioned Li Yuanming, his voice trembling a little. Li Yuanming sighed helplessly, saying that Li Jiangjun's wife had cancer, and he really couldn't stand his son's suffering.

Gao Hongyun was silent for a moment after hearing this, then turned around and left.

For the next month, Gao Hongyun did not visit Li Yuanming. She needs time to calm down and accept this unexpected fact: ten years of hard work, but secretly funding her ex-husband behind her back, this complicated relationship is too difficult to deal with.

After discovering that Li Yuanming was funding her ex-husband, Gao Hongyun was depressed for a while. At this moment, a man living alone in the community approached her with bangs. It turned out that Liu Hai's wife died in a car accident five years ago and has been living in pain.

The woman took care of her paralyzed ex-father-in-law for 10 years, and found that he gave her ex-husband 200,000 yuan in two years and decided to marry

A few years ago, it was Liu Hai who picked up her son to and from school when Gao Hongyun was busy with work. Over time, the two developed feelings.

"I can give you a complete home. Faced with Liu Hai's marriage proposal, Gao Hongyun chose to accept it. When she put on the white wedding dress and saw the smiling middle-aged man opposite, her heart swelled with unprecedented happiness and satisfaction.

At this moment, she seems to have returned to her girlhood, full of infinite longing for love and life.

Married life is as Liu Hai said, Gao Hongyun feels the love from the new family members, and she also tries her best to play the role of a good mother and wife. However, she did not forget Li Yuanming's kindness.

The woman took care of her paralyzed ex-father-in-law for 10 years, and found that he gave her ex-husband 200,000 yuan in two years and decided to marry

With her husband's support, Gao Hongyun will use one or two free weekends to visit the elderly living in loneliness. "I've forgiven him for funding his ex-husband.

Gao Hongyun said softly to Liu Hai, "Because I understand that family affection and morality are difficult to give up." I now have a happy home, and being able to repay my benefactor is the most satisfying thing in my life. Husband bangs touched to embrace this empathetic woman.

After reading this intricate relationship between Gao Hongyun and Li Yuanming, we can't help but think deeply. An ordinary rural woman, after experiencing the grief of the death of her family and the breakdown of her marriage, took on the responsibility of taking care of her benefactor who was sick in bed without hesitation.

In the years of hard work, she never gave up, and finally gave a half-disabled old man a new life.

The woman took care of her paralyzed ex-father-in-law for 10 years, and found that he gave her ex-husband 200,000 yuan in two years and decided to marry

When he got a breather and a sigh of relief, he found that the old man secretly contacted his biological son who had left him, and secretly remitted 200,000 yuan of his ten-year savings. Such a blow is undoubtedly enormous.

As a father, Li Yuanming is his own flesh and blood, so won't he feel pity for his son? Not to mention that his son is still in financial difficulties, and his wife is terminally ill. These external conditions prompted him to endure the pain of parting with love, which may be just right.

So why did he hide it from Gao Hongyun? This may reveal the contradiction in his heart: he understands Gao Hongyun's dedication, and he also understands that his concealment hurts her heart.

Faced with these two dilemmas, Li Yuanming obviously has no position to ask Gao Hongyun's forgiveness. So when she stayed away from him for a month, he could only reluctantly accept the result.

The woman took care of her paralyzed ex-father-in-law for 10 years, and found that he gave her ex-husband 200,000 yuan in two years and decided to marry

However, the kind-hearted Gao Hongyun finally chose to return to him. Because she couldn't bear to see her benefactor die in loneliness. This kind of tolerant mind is exactly what makes her transcend ordinary people.

In life, it is inevitable to encounter suffering. How can we ask others to take care of their own emotions at all times? The world is complex and unpredictable, and tolerant love is the only key to solving the dilemma of life.